Chapter 1001 Mageta

Boom boom boom! ! !

Sun Wufan kicked his feet hard on the ring, his figure soared into the sky like a rocket, caught up with Frost, and punched out with two punches.

His fist hit Frost’s abdomen with an afterimage, and each punch made Frost fly higher, and at the same time it made a thunderous muffled sound.

The battlefield between Son Gohan and Frost is at least 50 meters away from the audience. Even at this distance, Mukuro can still feel the looming power in the air, making the air vibrate slightly, imaginable Gohan’s punch was amazing, and Frost was bearing all the strength with his fragile abdomen.

In a blink of an eye, Frost’s face became extremely pale, and his eyes began to roll up.

Gohan pushed Frost against the inner wall of the shield, but his fists continued to punch out, making the shield vibrate.

“Is this the Gohan I know?!” Piccolo was surprised: “The first time I saw Gohan act so cruelly.”

“Do you want to stop him?!” Goku asked, “If Gohan kills Frost, he will be sentenced to lose.”

“There is no need for this.” Mukuro said calmly, “I am Gohan’s teacher, and I know him better than you. Although he doesn’t like fighting, he can explode beyond everyone’s imagination in order to protect his important things. Powerful. Frost tricked you and Piccolo at the same time, making Gohan angry.”

“Isn’t that more to stop him?!” Piccolo frowned.

“Don’t worry, Gohan is angry, but he hasn’t lost his mind.” Mukuro smiled: “If Gohan has lost his mind, he must have turned into a Super Saiyan Blue God to kill. The protection set by Bados The hood is just to trap the air, but it can’t support the power of the Blue God, the super Saiyan god.”

Boom boom boom! ! !

As everyone talked, Gohan punched out again, then swept out a heavy kick, kicking Frost out of the ring.

Frost lay motionless on the ground, and if it weren’t for the slight undulation of his chest, he would almost be mistaken for a corpse.

“Seventh Universe, Contestant Sun Gohan…wins!!!”

The referee hurried to Frost’s side and checked Frost’s situation before declaring Gohan’s victory.

Gohan’s anger still remained undiminished: “Don’t worry, killing is not allowed in the game. I won’t kill him. Who is the next player in Universe Six?! Come on.”

As soon as Gohan finished speaking, Xiangpa ordered the metal man to step onto the ring.

This is a body made of steel all over, and in terms of body size, it is four or five times larger than Gohan.

Walking onto the ring with a harsh noise, leaving footprints at least ten centimeters deep on the ground, even the hard stone bricks of the ring were crushed by it.

There are two small holes on the body. There is a transparent substance similar to glass on the small holes. Through the small holes, you can see that something like magma is surging in its body. This big guy stepped onto the ring, and the surrounding temperature seemed to have risen a lot.

“Um… life is really amazing. Even this kind of thing can have life.” Mukuro exclaimed, “Maybe this guy can let Gohan fight hard, and he should also train this kid. what.”

“Is it that powerful?!”

Goku said strangely: “Mukuro, do you even know about this iron man?!”

“You can say so, but it’s meaningless to say it now, watch the show quietly.” Mukuro interrupted Goku, not letting him continue to ask.

The metal man took a drink can, poured a bottle of magma into his mouth, then closed his mouth, and the vent on the top of his head suddenly emitted hot steam.

His posture is very similar to the Majin Buu when he is angry, but the temperature of the steam coming out is much higher.

Monkey King was taken aback: “What is this?!”

“Hey, it’s called Mageta, the metal man of the 66950th Galaxy.” Xiangpa introduced proudly:

“You can never beat him.”

Mageta strode towards the center of the ring, seemingly awkward, but approaching Gohan at an alarming speed.

Gohan snorted coldly and punched Mageta: “Isn’t it just a metal man?! What’s so great?!”

Boom! !

Gohan’s fist hit Mageta’s body heavily, but it seemed to hit a bronze bell, buzzing… constantly.

However, Gohan had just been able to beat Frost’s dead fist, and he didn’t even shake Maggot at all.

Moreover, Gohan’s face suddenly turned ugly after he slammed his fist, and he quickly retracted his fist, shaking his right hand constantly, grinning in pain.

“It’s a hard body.”

Gohan said in pain, “What kind of metal is this guy’s body made of?!”

Just as Gohan grumbled, Maggot raised his fist, then slammed it down heavily.

Gohan’s head was hit with a sturdy punch, and immediately fell heavily to the ground, leaving a clear humanoid mark on the ring, and the stone bricks were also completely shattered.

Maggotta raised his right foot again and stepped on it hard.

Gohan was taken aback and quickly rolled aside to avoid him. When he stood up again, Maggotta’s feet were already in the ring.

If you step on yourself with this foot, the consequences are really disastrous.

“Not only is the body extremely strong, but the power is also terrifying.” Monkey King said in a cold sweat, “But can you take this trick?!”

“Turtle! Pai!!! Qi! Gong!!!”

Gohan gathered his hands around his waist first, and then shot it out.

Gohan didn’t accumulate his energy for a long time, and he didn’t transform into a Super Saiyan, so the power of this tortoise style qigong is not full.

But with Gohan’s current combat power, it was enough to deal with general situations.

Turtle Qigong exploded on Mageta, and the ring was burst into cracks. The dust covered the sky and covered the tall figure of Mageta.

Mukuro muttered to himself in the audience: “Generally speaking, if there is smoke, the attacked person will be harmless, right? Tsk tsk… This law seems to sound accurate.”

“Mukuro, don’t open the crow’s mouth, okay?!” Goku said helplessly: “That Maggotta shouldn’t be so strong, right?!”

“Watch it for yourself.”

Mukuro shrugged nonchalantly and let Goku see the results for himself.

Soon there was a long roar in the smoke and dust, a strong wind dispelled the dust, and Maggotta’s figure appeared in front of everyone.

As Mukuro said, this guy didn’t hurt at all, and the metal body seemed really indestructible.

“No way?!”

Sun Wukong was also taken aback: “No matter how strong it is, it is impossible to receive Gohan’s turtle style qigong without any damage, right?! The current Gohan is not the previous Gohan.”

“If Gohan turns into a Super Saiyan Blue God, he can easily defeat Mageta.” Mukuro shrugged and said casually.

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