Hyuga Ancestral Land

Kirigakure Village.

After coming back with narrow eyes, the first generation Mizukage Byakuren personally went to the clans of the Ghost Lantern Clan and the Snow Clan.

No one knows what Mr. Mizukage talked about with the leader of the Oniden clan and the clan leader of the Snow clan this time. Everyone only knows that after this secret conversation ended, the two largest ninja families in the land of water began to join the Kirigakure village. Came under construction.

In addition, ninja families such as the Ringo Clan, Tongcao Clan, Watermelon Mountain Clan, and Taochi Clan are also much more active in the construction of Kirigakure Village than before.

In the blink of an eye, several months have passed since the founding ceremony of the Dawn Empire.

After celebrating the New Year, time has come to the second year of Dawn.

At this time, ninja schools have been built across the Dawn Empire. The principals of these schools are ninjas recruited by the Ninja Department, and the teachers are ninjas who have retired from the Ninja Department.

Because the ninja school’s stall has been laid out, the rest just needs time to develop slowly.

Therefore, Hagoromo Qianhan has nothing to be busy for the time being.

After taking some time off, Hagoromo Qianhan was ready to do something big.

In front of a gate with a very new building but very old style, Hagoromo Qianhan appeared here.

This is the new clan land of the Hyuga clan, and basically all the members of the Hyuga clan live here.

“Lord Qianhan!”

After seeing Hagoromo Qianhan, the two Hyuga guards at the door hurriedly bowed their heads and greeted him.

Although in the Dawn Empire, people already have a new honorific title for Yuyi Qianhan, the Dawn Emperor.

However, in normal times, people are still more accustomed to calling Hagoromo Qianhan Lord Qianhan. Only in some very formal occasions, people will address Hagoromo Qianhan as the emperor out of etiquette and respect.

After hearing the greetings from the two guards, Hagoromo Qianhan smiled and nodded: “Well, I’m here to find the Tennin.”

One of the guards hurriedly stepped forward: “The patriarch is in the hall now. Please come with me, Qianhan.” .”

After saying that, the Hyuga guards led Hagoromo Qianhan into the new clan territory of the Hyuga clan.

After walking around one building after another, the two came to a house.

After entering the gate, Hyuga Tennin was sitting in the hall drinking tea.

This scene would have been very harmonious if it were any Hyuga clan member, but now, with the Hyuga Tennin sitting in the room drinking tea, the scene looked very awkward.

“Lord Qianhan, Lord Clan Leader, I’ll take my leave first.”

The Hyuga guard who was leading the way next to him spoke out and prepared to return to his post after seeing the Hyuga Tennin.

Hagoromo Chihan smiled and said, “Sorry to trouble you.”

The Hyuga guard responded quickly and somewhat flattered: “It’s my honor to help you.”

After saying that, the Hyuga guard left the door of the house, and Hagoromo Chihan stepped into the hall. Sit, sit opposite Hyuga Tennin.

“Qianhan, why are you here? Come, drink tea.”

Hinata Tennin quickly stood up and poured a cup of freshly brewed tea for Hagoromo Qianhan.

Hagoromo Qianhan took the cup, took a sip, and glanced at the people around him vaguely.

When the Hyuga Tennin saw this, he immediately understood. He waved his hand and asked the surrounding waiters to exit the hall. Then he formed a seal with his hands, and a blue dark light flashed in the hall.

“This is the ancestral soundproof barrier of our Hyuga clan. It’s very effective!”

Perhaps because there were no Hyuga clan members around, the Hyuga Tennin immediately changed from his very serious kneeling posture and sat down on the tatami with his arms stretched out. .

Seeing the appearance of the Hyuga Tennin, Hagoromo Qianhan helplessly shook his head. This guy can be regarded as a rare flower in the Hyuga family.

After complaining in his heart, Hagoromo Chihan’s expression became serious: “I feel that the Hyuga clan’s clan separation system is a bit unreasonable. Let’s abolish it.”

Hagoromo Chihan went straight to the topic and told the story of his trip. The purpose of the Hyuga clan.

Yes, he wants to abolish the clan system of the Hyuga clan. Perhaps this is a household matter belonging to the Hyuga clan, and outsiders should not interfere too much.

But don’t forget that Hagoromo Qianhan also has another identity, that is, the leader of the Dawn Empire.

As the leader of a force, if there is an unreasonable system in the force under his command, then he must take action to change it.

This is both a leader’s power and a leader’s responsibility.

Because of the influence of the talent points of his subordinates, Hyuga Tennin has long become a die-hard member of Hagoromo Chihan. However, because the talent points of his subordinates are not a means of forcibly controlling people, the Hyuga Tennin still retains his original character and ideas. .

After Hagoromo Qianhan finished speaking, Hyuga Tennin pondered for a moment, and then looked at Hagoromo Qianhan: “Do you have time now?” Hagoromo Qianhan

said: “There is nothing for the time being.”

Hyuga Tennin stood up: “With me Go to the Hyuga Ancestral Land. When you get there, I will tell you all the secrets of the Hyuga Clan’s family division system.” The Hyuga Ancestral

Land is the original clan land of the Hyuga Clan in the northeastern part of the Fire Country, because in There is already a new clan territory for the Hyuga clan in Dawn City, so the original clan territory is called the ancestral territory.

Currently, in the Hyuga ancestral land, only the three elders of the Hyuga clan, a few jounin, and ordinary people who clean the house are staying. As for the other Hyuga clan members, they have all moved to the City of Dawn.

This is similar to the Hagoromo clan and Kaguya clan.

The current ancestral land of the Hagoromo clan is left by Hagoromo Qianhan’s father, Hagoromo Ryokawa, the great elder of the Hagoromo clan.

As for the Kaguya clan, the second elder Kaguya is staying behind.

In this way, after having an explanation with the highest decision-making group, Hagoromo Chihan and the Hyuga Tennin left the City of Dawn and headed to the Hyuga ancestral land in the southwest region of the Dawn Empire.

After passing through the familiar yet unfamiliar mountains, Hagoromo Chihan and the two entered the Hyuga ancestral land.

Because there were several jounin staying in the Hyuga ancestral land, under Byakugan’s reconnaissance, the Hyuga clan members of the Hyuga ancestral land discovered the arrival of Hagoromo Chihan and Hyuga Tennin early, and reported it to the Hyuga trio. Elder.

As soon as the two of them arrived at the gate of the ancestral land, the third elder Hyuga greeted them: “Master Qianhan, the clan leader.”

Qianhan Hagoromo smiled and nodded in response, and the Hyuga Tennin said: “Third elder, please do your business first, we are going to a Go to the ancestral hall.”

After hearing this, the third elder Hyuga was stunned for a moment: “This…”

A place like the ancestral hall is nothing, but the secrets hidden under the ancestral hall are not visible to outsiders.

If that kind of thing were known to outsiders, it might bring disaster to the Hyuga clan.

Now, the clan leader is taking Hagoromo Qianhan to go to the ancestral hall. No matter how you look at it, it is not as simple as just walking around.

Could it be that the clan leader is going to take Hagoromo Qianhan under the ancestral hall? In that case…

Thinking of this, the third elder Hyuga couldn’t help but break out in cold sweat.

“What’s wrong?” Hinata Tiannin turned to look at him.

The third elder Hyuga smiled dryly and shook his head: “It’s nothing…”

I wish I was overthinking it. The clan leader shouldn’t be the kind of person who

doesn’t know what’s important. Maybe… After thinking about it, the third elder Hyuga himself felt a little unconfident.

It’s not a ghost. The clan leader has never been very reliable. No, I have to follow him and have a look.

If the clan leader really wants to take Yuyi Qianhan to the ancestral hall, then I will risk my life to stop the clan leader’s ridiculous behavior.

Soon, the Hyuga Tennin brought Hagoromo Qianhan to the gate of the ancestral hall. As for the third elder Hyuga, he followed the two of them.

“Why are you following us?” Hyuga Tiannin looked at the third elder Hyuga and asked.

The third elder of Hyuga smiled unnaturally: “I have nothing to do, so let’s come and see with Lord Qianhan and the clan leader.”

Hinata Tennin glanced at him without saying anything, and then he and Hagoromo Chihan He walked up the steps.

“Lord Qianhan! Lord Clan Leader!”

The Hinata Shonin responsible for guarding the ancestral hall lowered his head and saluted.

After a brief response, Hagoromo Chihan and Hyuga Tennin entered the ancestral hall.

The third elder Hyuga hurriedly followed.

“Qianhan, this is the ancestral hall of my Hyuga clan. The ancestors enshrined in front of us are the ancestors of our Hyuga clan.” The Hyuga Tennin pointed to the memorial tablet in front of him nonchalantly.

Then, Hyuga Tennin reached out and pushed open the huge incense burner placed in front of the memorial tablet.

Seeing this scene, Hagoromo Chihan couldn’t help but recall the time when he attacked the Sarutobi and Shimura tribes when he was a child.

I think back then, he also went out to perform tasks through the secret passage under the Hagoromo Clan’s ancestral hall. Now, the Hyuga Clan actually has such a mechanism.

It seems that these long-established clans basically have some institutions in their ancestral halls.

However, just when Hagoromo Qianhan thought that a secret passage would appear under the incense burner, Hyuga Tennin turned around and walked towards the back of the tablet.


A figure suddenly stood in front of the Hyuga Tennin, it was the third elder Hyuga.

“Clan leader!”

The third elder Hyuga just uttered two words, but his eyes were extremely determined.

“Get out of the way!” Hyuga Tennin’s tone was a little cold.

The third elder of the Hyuga clan looked grave: “Clan leader, do you want our Hyuga clan to perish?”

“The Hyuga clan will not perish!”

The Hyuga Tennin’s tone was extremely firm.

This time, the third elder Hyuga did not speak. He just stood there and used his body to block the Hyuga Tennin.

“Get out of the way!!!”

Seeing this situation, the Hyuga Tennin shouted violently, his eyes opened instantly, and powerful pressure swept across all directions.


The Hinyu nin standing outside the door felt his head buzzing, and then he fell to the ground with dull eyes.

The third elder Hyuga standing opposite the Hyuga Tennin also felt uncomfortable.

Perhaps the pressure of the Hyuga Tennin’s white eyes can only shock the jounin of the foreign race, and it only feels a little pressure on the powerful leader-level of the foreign race.

But for the people of the Hyuga clan, this coercion is like directly acting on the depths of their souls.

Under this pressure, the third elder Hyuga was instantly stunned.


Hinata snorted coldly and reached out to turn one of the tablets.


A piece of floor slowly moved away, and a tunnel appeared in front of you.

“Qianhan, come on.”

After the words fell, Hyuga Tennin jumped into the dark tunnel.

Hagoromo Qianhan glanced at the third elder Hyuga who was standing there and had not yet reacted, and couldn’t help but clicked his tongue and shook his head.

The third elder Hyuga had done his duty, but it was a pity that he met this guy Hyuga Tennin.

Then, Hagoromo Qianhan also jumped into the tunnel.


A slight cool breeze came from the tunnel, and Hagoromo Qianhan continued to move forward with the Hyuga Tennin.

“It’s a bit dark in here.” Hagoromo Qianhan couldn’t help complaining.

“No way, no one will come here even once in ten years, so there is no need for lighting.” Hyuga Tennin spread his hands.

I don’t know how long it took, but a stone wall appeared in front of me.

At this point, there seems to be no way out.

But Hagoromo Qianhan knew that things would never be that simple.

As expected, the Hyuga Tennin walked to the bottom of the stone wall, bit his finger and smeared some blood on the stone wall.

The next second, the red light flashed, the blood disappeared, and a silvery white light shot into the eyes of the Hyuga Tennin.


followed by a muffled sound, a stone door appeared on the stone wall that could only allow one person to pass through.

‘Here I go, pupil recognition technology? ! Hagoromo

Qianhan was startled, and then complained in his heart that the technology tree of the Hyuga clan was a bit crooked.

No, this doesn’t seem to be technology.

Amid Hagoromo Qianhan’s complaints, the two passed through the stone gate and arrived at an underground hall.

“This is…”

Hagoromo Qianhan glanced at the surroundings in surprise.

What I saw here was a place similar to a square, with eight stone pillars carved with patterns erected in eight directions.

In the center of the square is a huge circular altar. Above the altar is a huge sphere that emits silver-white fluorescence. This fluorescence illuminates the originally dark underground space as brightly as the ground under the bright moon.

“This is a secret that our Hyuga clan has passed down from generation to generation and is known only to the clan.”

Hyuga Tennin walked under the huge sphere, and Hagoromo Chihan followed closely.

At the same time, Hagoromo Qianhan was constantly guessing in his mind: ‘Could this be similar to the giant reincarnation eye of the Otsutsuki clan on the moon? Unexpectedly, the Hyuga clan also has such a thing! ‘

‘But that’s wrong. I remember that the reincarnation eye is not silver-white. What’s going on? ‘

Just when Hagoromo Qianhan was thinking wildly in his mind, the voice of Hyuga Tennin rang out.

“Have you seen this stone tablet?”

Hagoromo Qianhan followed the Hyuga Tennin’s gaze and saw that it was a stone tablet about one meter wide and two meters high. It was engraved with some ghostly symbols that he could not understand.

The Hyuga Tennin said: “This is a text that only the Byakugan can interpret, and it must be a Byakugan that is not bound by the Caged Bird Seal.” “Is

it similar to the Uchiha Monument that only the Sharingan can interpret?” Hagoromo said. Qianhan said secretly.

I saw the Hyuga Tennin with a serious expression: “And what is recorded on this stone tablet is the secret that is related to the life and death of our Hyuga clan.”

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