Give way

Listening to Yamato Tetsuno Daimyo’s remarks, the crowd inside and outside the square couldn’t help but become restless.

“What does this mountain daimyo want to say?”

Senju Tobirama frowned, constantly thinking about what Shan Teye wanted to do.

Shamen said nothing. He was not very interested in Shan Teye’s speech. His only idea now was how to make Sand Hidden Village stronger.

Also unresponsive was Kirigakure’s squinting eyes, with a smile on his lips, making it unclear what he was thinking.

“Oh?! Interesting!”

Ghost Lantern Huanyue listened to Yama Tetsuno’s speech, and then glanced at Hagoromo Qianhan who was standing next to Yama Tetsuno, and the mustache on his chin began to tremble.

“Hey, this name is quite self-aware.”

This is what people living in the City of Dawn are talking about.

“This guy actually said such a thing, he is simply not worthy of being a daimyo!”

This is what the people from the delegation of fire, wind, and water, the three kingdoms’ daimyo, were talking about.

Shan Teye ignored the restlessness below. He talked about his shortcomings while his tone kept rising and falling.

As a die-hard member of Hagoromo Chihan, he has also learned some basics of speech, and he can also do some things like mobilizing people’s emotions through language.

Slowly, Yamato Tetsuo’s speech came to an end.

“Hagoromo Chihan ended the war and brought peace to everyone.

Hagoromo Chihan divided the land equally so that civilians could live a life of food and clothing.

Hagoromo Chihan established Dawn so that children no longer need to go to the battlefield to fight. Fighting.

Qianhan Hagoromo, the feats he has done are countless!

He is a well-deserved hero of this era, but I am incompetent, but I have done nothing. I am ashamed of the people of this country.

Therefore, I, who is not worthy of my morality, decide , give up the title of his daimyo, and give up his position as the supreme leader of this country to Hagoromo Chihan!”



The scene was deathly silent!

The silence lasted for dozens of seconds before Senju Tobirama and the others at the front came back to their senses.

Is this guy Hagoromo Qianhan crazy? !

This was the only thought of the ninjas at the scene. Even Samana, who had been indifferent to this just now, took off the bamboo hat on his head, revealing his bare head with a dragon tattoo, and looked up at the top of the Dawn Hall.

Kirigakure, who had been smiling with his eyes narrowed, opened his eyes in surprise at this time.

“Elder Minetani, Head of the Hirohiko family, check if Shan Tetsuno has been hit by a genjutsu!” Senju Tobirama said with a heavy face to Uchiha Minetani and Yamanaka Hirohiko next to him.

If Yama Tetsuno was controlled by genjutsu and said he would give up his position to Hagoromo Chihan, then the trouble would be big, because this is challenging the bottom line of the world. Ninjas are in power, which has never happened before in this world. matter.

If Yamato Tetsuya was not controlled by illusions, but voluntarily gave up his position, then the trouble would be huge.

By then, this will be an unprecedented war sweeping the entire world.

Uchiha Minetani and Yamanaka Hirohiko naturally knew the seriousness of the matter, so Uchiha Minetani glared directly, revealing a pair of three magatama sharingan eyes.

Although these eyes are not the Mangekyō Sharingan, among the three magatama, their eye power is considered to be the most advanced. General illusions can be discovered and cracked by him. Even some powerful illusions, these eyes can Some clues can be seen.

But now…

“Sorry, maybe my pupils are not strong enough. I didn’t find any traces of genjutsu.” Uchiha Minetani closed his Sharingan.

Next to him, Hirohiko Yamanaka, who had used secret techniques, also shook his head.

Senju Tobirama’s brows furrowed even more tightly because he had also observed it and found no traces of illusion.

“Master Shikano, what do you think?”

The Nara clan is recognized as a highly intelligent family in the Land of Fire, so Senju Tobirama planned to listen to Nara Shikano’s opinion.

Unexpectedly, Nara Shikano also shook his head: “I don’t have a good opinion on the current situation. I can only wait and see how it changes.

However, in my opinion, it is unlikely that Yama Tetsuno’s illusion is possible. After all, , this can almost be regarded as a major event that the entire ninja world is concerned about, and Hagoromo Chihan should not interfere in this regard.

Of course, it cannot be ruled out that Hagoromo Chihan is confident that he is powerful, so he uses illusions on Yamato Tetsuno. .”

Senju Tobirama nodded silently after hearing this. The Nara family leader’s analysis was quite reasonable.

“Did you miss the illusion? Or am I not strong enough to see it?”

Guideng Huanyue touched his chin and kept guessing. Then he shook his head: “Well, he must have missed the illusion. Otherwise, with my illusion skills, , how could you not see it?”

The squinty eyes of the Hidden Mist Village narrowed their eyes again, but the smile at the corner of his mouth had obviously disappeared.

It can be seen that Nian Miyan is very worried now.

“It’s troublesome…”

Salmon held the bamboo hat and sighed longly. He hoped that the ninja world would give Sunagakure Village enough time to develop.

While Senju Tobirama was waiting for the strong ninja world to observe whether Yama Tetsuno was under the illusion, other ordinary people also reacted.

“Holy shit! A shady story! This is a shady story!”

“Tetsuno Yamayama, are you being controlled? If you are, just blink!!!”

“Tetsuno Yamayama! You are simply a shame and scum among the daimyo. You are the scum among them, you are not worthy of being a daimyo!”

“You actually gave up your position to a tool, you will be punished, you will be nailed to the pillar of shame of history!”

Fire, wind, water, Three Kingdoms in Dawn Square The Daimyo delegation almost pointed at Yama Tetsuno’s nose and cursed.

As for the big names of those small countries, although their words were not so fierce, they still looked down upon Shan Teye.

After all, ninjas are tools. This is the consensus of the ninja world, and letting ninjas take power is a taboo in the entire ninja world.

Now, instead of using the ninja Hagoromo Chihan as a tool, Yama Tetsuno also gave up his position as leader to Hagoromo Chihan as a tool. How could this not make them angry.

Looking at the angry representatives from various countries below, Shan Cheye stretched out his hand and pressed it in the air to calm everyone down.

However, his action didn’t work at all. No matter how chaotic it was underneath, the ministers from the delegations of the major powers were still pointing at the top floor of the Hall of Dawn and cursing.

Seeing this, Hagoromo Qianhan stepped forward and scanned the crowd below.

“Don’t you know it’s rude to interrupt someone else’s speech? Quiet!”

Hagoromo Qianhan didn’t burst out chakra, nor did he release any momentum, but just such a simple glance, but It immediately made everyone feel as if they had fallen into an ice cave, and the scene instantly fell into a dead silence.


Being swept by Hagoromo Chihan’s cold eyes, Onoki’s spirit suddenly shook, and his whole soul seemed to tremble.

Damn it, this kind of power is simply not something I can resist.

With this kind of power, how can I avenge my grandfather?

If I can’t avenge my grandfather, then what’s the point of my life? I might as well die…

In the midst of his inner struggle, Ohnoki took out a kunai with trembling hands and prepared to stab himself in the heart.


A palm suddenly grabbed Ohnoki’s wrist: “Calm down, Ohnoki!”

Senju Tobirama shouted coldly, and at the same time looked at Hagoromo Chihan on the top of the Dawn Hall.

At this moment, Hagoromo Chihan glanced at Senju Tobirama playfully, and then looked away from Onoki and Senju Tobirama.

“Hehe, it’s quite fun to tease children.” Hagoromo Qianhan couldn’t help laughing.

Ohnoki was an elite jounin after all, so it was impossible to be scared to death by just one look from him.

The reason why the other party was so frightened that he wanted to commit suicide was because Hagoromo Chihan cast an illusion on Ohnoki.

After all, in the original work, Onoki was taught a lesson by Uchiha Madara when he followed Mu on a visit to Konoha during his second year in Konoha.

It is precisely because of this that Onoki directly had a psychological shadow on Uchiha Madara, and then abandoned his will of stone.

It was not until the Fourth Ninja War, when the Five Shadows fought against Madara Uchiha, that Onoki regained the will of stone that he had abandoned in a desperate situation.

Now, Ohnoki has become Senju Hashirama’s disciple, and he also has a good relationship with Uchiha Madara.

In this way, no one would teach Onoki a profound lesson.

As Hagoromo Chihan, who has obsessive-compulsive disorder, he will never allow Onoki’s life to have flaws.

Therefore, after seeing Ohnoki, Hagoromo Chihan made up for it on a whim and directly taught Ohnoki this unforgettable lesson. Now it seems that the effect is not bad.

Seeing Hagoromo Qianhan’s disgusting expression, Senju Tobirama couldn’t help but feel a little hateful.

This damn bastard actually attacked a child.

Then, Senju Tobirama lowered his head and looked at Ohnoki, who had just recovered from his fear: “Don’t worry, I will use my own life to protect every descendant of Konoha.” After saying that, Senju Tobirama gave

Ohnoki A smile appeared.

Onoki looked up at Senju Tobirama, took a deep breath, and his eyes gradually became firm: “Thank you, Tobirama-sama!”

Senju Tobirama nodded with satisfaction. Fortunately, this child was not frightened by the bastard Hagoromo Chihan. You have to lose your courage, otherwise, this child will probably be useless.

At this time, Cheye’s voice rang out from the mountain.

“I know that some of you suspect that I am being controlled. However, there are many powerful people from all over the ninja world present, and there are also masters of illusions among them, such as the elder Uchiha Mineya of the Uchiha family, and the ghost lamp of the ghost lamp clan. Yue, they should be able to easily see that I am not under the illusion.”

Naturally, the names of these two people were told by Qianhan Hagoromo to Yama Tetsuno, after all, Yama Tetsuno didn’t know what these two guys looked like.

“So, from today on, the position of the supreme leader of this country is Hagoromo Chihan.

As for what I will do in the future, it will be arranged by Lord Qianhan.”

After saying this, Yamato Tetsuno stepped back two steps. Stepping forward, Princess Asuka looked at her husband with worried eyes.

“Don’t worry, nothing will happen.”

Yamato Tetsuya smiled and patted Princess Asuka’s arm.

Hagoromo Qianhan stepped forward. He looked at the crowd below and was filled with emotion.

There are Senju Tobirama, ghost lanterns and moons, Samana, Onoki, and narrow eyes, and behind him are Yeyue Ai, Hyuga Tennin and others.

At this moment, almost all the elite representatives of the entire ninja world are gathered here.

I saw Yuyi Qianhan’s eyes were alert and he had a warm smile on his face.

However, none of the envoys at the scene felt how warm this smile was.

After all, after that cold look just now, they no longer felt that Hagoromo Qianhan would be an easy person to talk to.

“I believe everyone knows me.”

Hagoromo Chihan’s familiar voice sounded in the square.

“Oh! Lord Qianhan!!!”

Compared to the silence of the envoys from all sides, the people in Dawn City were extremely enthusiastic.

You know, Hagoromo Chihan wanders around the streets every day, and he often helps some families in difficulty solve problems. This has led to most people in Dawn City being familiar with Hagoromo Chihan. Even people who are not familiar with him know what Hagoromo Chihan looks like.

After all, no matter what, Hagoromo Qianhan is still the leader of the Hagoromo clan and the de facto leader of Dawn.

Such a ‘big man’ walks around the city every day, how could everyone not pay attention to it.

Therefore, as soon as Hagoromo Qianhan finished speaking, most people in Dawn Square started cheering.

Seeing this, Hagoromo Qianhan smiled and nodded, and then pressed his hands twice in the air. Within five or six seconds, the inside and outside of the square gradually became quiet.

“You may not know that when I was young, my family experienced an unprecedented crisis. It was because of this crisis that my family was almost wiped out.

During this war, I watched with my own eyes One tribe after another died in front of my eyes. From then on, I was determined to end the troubled times and bring peace to this world. It

was also from then on that I began to think about how to achieve peace.

In the end, the answer I thought about was unity.

Only unity can bring an end to war in this world.

You can think about it in a metaphysical way and imagine this world as your own family.

In families, everyone has conflicts, but this Conflicts can be resolved through non-violent means, and we do not have to go to war over this.

Similarly, if the world is unified, then everyone will live in a unity like their own family.

In this way, even if If everyone has conflicts within this unity, then we can resolve this conflict through non-violent and non-war means.

Therefore, in order to end the war, in order to end the troubled times!

For unity, for peace!

We, Dawn, were born!”

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