The choice of Lei and Tu


Upon hearing Shihe’s words of preparing to die, Ohnoki suddenly panicked.

In his heart, grandpa is so powerful, and no one in the Earth Kingdom has the strength to compete with grandpa.

Even after dawn came, Kaguya Asatori, the leader of the Dawn Ninja Force, could only compete with his grandfather in a tie.

If it hadn’t been for Dawn’s support, Grandpa and the Two Scales clan wouldn’t have been defeated at all.

But now, because Dawn used more to bully the less, their two-person clan was defeated.

Originally, this incident was a big blow to Ohnoki. At this time, Ishikawa actually said that he was ready to die. This made Ohnoki not panic.


Shi He glanced over: “I have always taught you to be a determined person, but you dislike me for relying on my old age and being too verbose.

So from now on, I’m afraid you will never listen again. It’s time for my verbose voice.”

When Ishikawa said this, he said it with a smile, but Ohnoki listened, and tears gradually began to roll in his eyes.

“Grandpa, I don’t mind your nagging anymore. Grandpa, please don’t choose this outcome, okay…”

When Ohnoki was young, his parents died in a mission.

Therefore, Ohnoki has lived with his grandfather since he was a child.

Although he kept saying that his grandfather was too verbose, always putting on airs, and relying on his elders to show off his abilities, deep down in his heart, he never disliked his grandfather.

Grandpa, both in terms of blood and psychology, is the person closest to Ohnoki.

If grandpa died like this, he would have no relatives anymore.

Shi He had a kind smile on his face: “Daxuan, grandpa is very happy that you can say this.

Now, we are about to say goodbye. Grandpa has nothing to give you, so let this stone be used as a parting gift. ”

As he said this, Shihe put the stone in his hand into Ohnoki’s hand.

“This is…”

Ohnoki wiped his tears with his sleeve and looked down at the stone in his hand.

If he remembered correctly, this must be the stone that grandpa picked up casually on the ground just now.

Shi He had his hands behind his back, and his chubby body gave people a rather reliable feeling.

“Daxuan, I have been thinking about what I should use to give you a deeper understanding of how to be a strong-willed person.

Now, I understand that the best carrier of a strong will is a stone.”

“But grandpa, isn’t this an ordinary stone?” Onomu looked up at Shihe with red eyes.

Shi He smiled and stroked his beard: “Daxuan, in the coming days, the ninja world will undergo unprecedented changes.

And your words, I believe, your will contains enough power to change the world.

However, , if you don’t pay more attention to this power, then this rare will may disappear.

Now our separation is like a wall, and if you hit the wall, it is easy for a person to abandon his will. .So

, Daxuan, your will, you must not abandon it, you must stick to it.

Although this is an ordinary stone, the stone itself is not important. What is important is what is contained in the stone. A strong will.

And this is what I understand, the stone will of the Two Scales clan, Daxuan, I hope you can remember it and understand it.” After the

words fell, Onoki unconsciously clenched the stone in his hand.

Immediately afterwards, Shihe turned his attention to Wu: “Wu, you are the most talented ninja of the younger generation that I have ever seen. Originally, I wanted you to take over my position, but now it seems that it is not possible.

I am prepared to die, but in this case, Mingxiao will definitely not let Daxuan go, so I hope you can take Daxuan to escape from Mingxiao’s clutches.

This is the teacher’s last request, can you agree to it? Wu.”

After hearing what the teacher said, Wu clenched his fist tightly. If possible, he also wanted to fight and die here with the teacher.

However, the teacher now asked him to escape with Ohnoki, which caused him to fall into an unprecedented struggle in his heart.


After more than ten seconds of painful ideological struggle, Wu took a deep breath and slowly loosened his clenched fists: “I understand, teacher…”

Shi He smiled. At this moment, he smiled so much. of ease.

“I’ll leave Daxuan to you.”

Shi He looked at Wu, put his right hand on Onomu’s head, and caressed Onomu’s head with some reluctance.


Before Onoki could finish his words, a wave of fluctuation flashed between Shihe’s palms, and then Onoki slowly closed his eyes and struggled to fall asleep.

Wu took Ohnoki and carried him on his back.

“Farewell, teacher…”

Wu glanced deeply at Ishikawa, and then his body slowly floated up, and at the same time, he completely disappeared with Onoki’s figure.

Shi He looked up at the distant sky, his eyes full of farewell.

I don’t know how long it took before he looked away and his eyes fell on the four elders: “Everyone, everyone has a desire to survive. I admit that I had selfish motives in letting Wu take Daxuan away, but I I will not deprive you of your right to live.

After you die in battle tomorrow, you can surrender.

You are different from Daxuan. You and I are not related by blood. Judging from the behavior reported at dawn, they should be I won’t be angry with you because of my fight to the death.”

Lie laughed and said, “Lord Shihe, you look down on me too much. You can’t think that the weak Shangshui clan has surrendered, and then you doubt that we, the Earth Kingdom, don’t dare to give up. A ninja who fights for his life.

You know, I am a famous explosive ninja hunter in the Kingdom of Earth. How could I kneel down and beg for surrender to an outside force like Dawn!” After the

words fell, the other three elders also laughed. Get up: “Yes, Master Shihe, although we are not as powerful as you, we are also ninjas with a firm will.”

As he said, one of them picked up a stone from the ground: “We also have the will of stone. Its successor…”

The Kingdom of Thunder.

This is a country occupied by towering peaks. On some of the taller mountains, huge thunder can be heard all year round. This is also the origin of the name of the Country of Thunder.

On two lower mountains, the Dawn East Expedition troops and the ninjas of the Yeyue clan faced off.

Because Ai Fang, the leader of the Yeyue clan, said that as long as Dawn can convince them of losing, the Yeyue clan will voluntarily join Dawn.

It is precisely for this reason that the Dawn and Yeyue clans have temporarily called a truce.

At this time, both sides are waiting for the arrival of someone.

Outside the camp at dawn, a figure appeared here without knowing when.

He seemed to have just arrived, but also seemed to have been here for a long time.

In short, none of the ninjas on guard outside the Dawn Camp noticed anything strange, even though there were ninjas from the Hyuga clan inside.

Until, Hagoromo Qianhan walked towards the Dawn Camp.


A group of alert ninjas were alert for a moment, and then they reacted.

“Lord Qianhan?!”

Hagoromo Qianhan nodded, with a breathtaking smile on his face: “Thank you for your hard work.”

“Not hard work!!!”

A group of ninjas straightened their backs instantly and responded loudly with extremely loud voices. got up.

Upon seeing this, Qianhan Hagoromo reached out and patted the leading ninja on the shoulder, then looked at everyone with approval and stepped into the door.

“Did you see that Master Qianhan recognized me? With that look in his eyes, Master Qianhan must think that I will become a great ninja!” ”

Nonsense, Master Qianhan obviously recognized me!”

“Bullshit, Qianhan. The Lord was clearly looking at me just now!”

“But Lord Qianhan is so strong. My Byakugan didn’t even notice when Lord Qianhan appeared. He is really too strong!” ”

Yes, you know. “My bugs are very sensitive to powerful chakra. However, after Lord Qianhan appeared, my bugs didn’t react at all. Lord Qianhan’s strength is really unpredictable.”

Discussion in Alert Ninja By the time, Hagoromo Qianhan had already appeared in the central tent.

The moment Hagoromo Qianhan lifted the curtain and entered the tent, everyone in the tent looked over.

“Clan leader!” Yuyi Zhengfang stood up.

“Qianhan, you’re here.”

The person who acted a little casually was naturally a somewhat unusual guy like Hinata Tennin.

“Chief Qianhan.” This is Hatake Suga.

Immediately afterwards, other ninjas stood up and greeted Hagoromo Chihan with respect on their faces.

“Everyone, sit down casually, just like Tennin.”

Hagoromo Qianhan smiled, and then found a random place to sit down.

This position is not the first one, it is even a little outside. It is a position for ninjas who handle paperwork.

Seeing this situation, others naturally did not dare to sit back anymore.

After all, the seat where Hagoromo Chihan is sitting is almost the lowest level seat. Any other seat for them is not suitable.

Therefore, in the face of this situation, they could only stand still, even Hinata Tennin, a somewhat arbitrary guy, was no exception.

“How is the Yeyue clan doing now?” Yuyi Qianhan asked with a smile.

Hagoromo Masakata said: “In the previous battle, the Yeyue clan was basically at a disadvantage.

However, because Yeyue Ai said that as long as we can convince him to lose at dawn, the Yeyue clan is willing to surrender.

I personally think , the Yeyue clan’s individual combat power is very strong. If the Yeyue clan joins our Dawn, it will be a great improvement to our Dawning strength.

Therefore, I took it upon myself to call a truce with the Yeyue clan. I’m going to wait for you to arrive before making a decision.”

Hagoromo Chihan nodded, and then looked at the Hyuga Tennin: “You can’t defeat Ai in a short time, which surprises me.”

Hagoromo Chihan’s A teasing expression on his face.

Faced with Hagoromo Qianhan’s teasing, Hinata Tennin’s face turned slightly red: “Say, that guy is older than me, and his strength is at its peak.

My strength is still growing. I will wait until I reach my peak in the future. , I will definitely be able to beat that guy in seconds.”

“Hahahaha, I’m looking forward to that very much.”

Hagoromo Qianhan laughed, then looked at everyone and said, “Let’s go, let me take a look, this Yeyue Ai, What kind of person is he?”

Everyone lowered their heads slightly, and then followed Hagoromo Qianhan out of the tent.

Slowly, the ninjas from the Dawn Eastern Expedition followed Hagoromo Qianhan down the mountain and headed towards the Yeyue Clan’s station.

The movement of such a large ninja force naturally attracted the attention of the Yeyue clan.

Soon, the Yeyue clan took action and gathered at the foot of the mountain.

About five or six minutes later, the Yeyue clan and Mingxiao faced off between the two mountains.

“Dawn has not moved for two days. Why did he suddenly come here with such a big fanfare today?”

A strong man with brown skin asked with some confusion.

At this time, a very tall but not very strong ninja among the people said: “Have you forgotten, I said before, if Dawn can convince me to lose, then our Yeyue clan will be willing to Join Dawn.

Now, since Dawn has come without any cover, it means that the leader of Dawn, the rumored strongest man in the ninja world, Hagoromo Qianhan is here.”

The person who spoke is the leader of the Yeyue clan. , Ai.

Although he is relatively thin among the Yeyue clan, his strength is undoubtedly the strongest among the Yeyue clan.

After all, in Yeyue, a family that admires the strong, if you are not strong enough, you are not qualified to be the clan leader.

“Hagoromo Qianhan, I really don’t know how strong he is…”

An elder of the Yeyue family couldn’t help but sigh.

Although the Hyuga Tennin defeated their clan leader by taking time, a defeat is a defeat. From a glance, since the Hyuga Tennin has the strength to defeat the clan leader, the strength of Hagoromo Chihan must not be underestimated.

“The fate of our Yeyue family depends on today’s battle.” Another elder of the Yeyue family couldn’t help but sigh.

Although the ninjas of the Kingdom of Thunder say that the Yeyue clan is a big fool with a bad temper, in fact, the top leaders of the Yeyue clan are not one-minded guys, and they also have their own considerations.

The Yeyue family is a family that worships the strong. If Hagoromo Qianhan is really as powerful as the rumors say, then it is absolutely necessary for them to join the Dawn Purple. This way, the Yeyue family can continue to pass on the inheritance and will not let Yeyue The Yue clan was destroyed in the war.

But if Yuyi Qianhan is not as powerful as the rumors say, then the Yeyue clan will resist until the end.

After all, they worship the strong, but it does not mean that they are weak. If Mingxiao wants to subdue the Yeyue clan with the strength of their numbers, it is simply a wishful thinking.

Slowly, a figure broke away from the Dawn troops and walked toward the center of the battlefield.

Seeing this, Ye Yueyai took a deep breath, and then walked up as well.

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