Stone Sword Space

“Barbecue, Shangujia Barbecue, grand opening promotion, come and try it, there are discounts!” ”

Fried dumplings, boiled dumplings, steamed dumplings, soup dumplings, all kinds of dumplings are welcome to try!”

“Roasted yam~ , Fragrant roasted yam~”

On the commercial street, all kinds of shops have basically just opened in the past few days.

Therefore, they are doing their best to offer discounts these days to attract customers.

I believe that as long as these shops can stand firm and continue to operate, in a few decades, they will be regarded as the signature shops in the City of Dawn.

In the heart of Dawn City, to the north of Dawn Palace, is the territory of the Hagoromo clan.

To the southeast of the Dawn Hall is the residence of the Hyuga clan.

To the southwest of the Hall of Dawn is the residence of the Kaguya clan.

The three first-rate ninja clans in Dawn stood in a tripartite form around the Dawn Hall.

Outside the three clans, there are the remaining three clans of the six great ninja clans of Dawn.

Among them, the Aburame clan is in the south, the Hatake clan is in the northwest, and the Kurama clan is in the northeast.

Beyond the territory of the six major ninja clans lies a vast public area.

Here, there live a large number of ninjas from small tribes, as well as ordinary people who come to settle in the City of Dawn every day.

The properties purchased by these people with loans in Dawn City will provide a steady stream of financial support to Dawn in the future.

When all the money from these people is repaid, the City of Dawn will be fully developed. At that time, these people will no longer be needed to continue to provide funds for the City of Dawn.

Hagoromo’s territory, Hagoromo Qianhan’s house.

A feather-clothed stone sword still stood quietly in the middle of the yard.

Perhaps because the temperature of the stone sword was too low, the surrounding air was cold, and small water droplets condensed on the sword body, and then slipped off the stone sword.

Xiri Chiyue was still as usual, sitting quietly in the pavilion in the middle of the yard, with her right hand on her chin, looking at the stone sword in the middle of the yard.

“I don’t know how Qianhan’s cultivation is going…” Xihi Chiyue muttered unconsciously.

The inside of the Hagoromo Stone Sword.

This is an irregular space about two thousand meters high and more than ten kilometers long and wide.

It turned out that it was a vast expanse of white, with nothing there.

However, because of this period of time, Hagoromo Qianhan was practicing here, which caused a large amount of ice-attribute natural energy to pour into it, and the place was already covered by ice and snow.

In the center of the space, there is an iceberg about one or two hundred meters high and nearly one or two kilometers in diameter.

“Ha, ha, ha…”

At the foot of the ice hill, a canine creature nearly three meters long was lying here. It was Erha, the silly dog who accompanied Hagoromo Qianhan on many missions when he was a child.

At this time, snowflakes were falling in the sky, and the silly dog was lying quietly at the foot of the ice hill, his blue eyes looking deeply into the distance.

In this ice and snow, it changed from the nervous and silly appearance outside, and lay there quietly like a lone wolf.


Accompanied by a burst of crows in the air, the huge sand sculpture landed next to the silly dog.

“Hey, silly dog, get up and have fun!” Sha Diao’s tone was full of teasing, wanting to tease the silly dog.

Unexpectedly, the stupid dog didn’t want to talk to it at all. After turning its head and looking at the sand sculpture with pride, it continued to look into the distance with its deep eyes like a lone wolf.

“Damn, why didn’t this stupid dog become stupid after he came in?”

The sand sculpture muttered depressedly, and then it flapped its wings and flew high again, hovering over the ice and snow space, while observing with its eyes the sitting Hagoromo Qianhan practices on the ice hill.

At this time, Hagoromo Qianhan was in a very strange state.

Although from the visual point of view, he was sitting there quietly cross-legged, but if you observe carefully, you can find that Hagoromo Qianhan seems to be out of tune with this world at this time.

In the sand sculpture’s field of vision, the space around Yuyi Qianhan sometimes stood still and sometimes fluctuated. This feeling was very strange.

Moreover, the sand sculpture also had a feeling at this time, that is, Hagoromo Qianhan seemed to have some kind of connection with time. Although there was no change in the appearance of Hagoromo Qianhan at this time, the sand sculpture felt very magically. The time on Hagoromo Qianhan’s body The flow rate is sometimes fast and sometimes slow.

This is why Sha Diao feels that Hagoromo Qianhan is incompatible with this space.

After an unknown amount of time, the space around Hagoromo Qianhan suddenly began to flow like a liquid. Moreover, with the flow of space, the hem of Hagoromo Qianhan’s clothes seemed to have some kind of spatial dislocation.

The next second.


kind of wonderful heavenly sound sounded for an instant, and then, the flowing space seemed to encounter the reverse flow of time. The two forces collided together, and everything around Hagoromo Qianhan immediately became chaotic.


This chaos did not last long, maybe a second or two, or maybe more than ten seconds.

In short, under the influence of turbulence, time is displaced.

The sand sculpture only felt a flash in front of his eyes, and his mind was confused for a moment, followed by a powerful shock wave, which directly knocked Hagoromo Qianhan away from the ice hill.


In mid-air, Hagoromo Qianhan spit out a mouthful of blood. Under the action of the shock wave, the blood quickly turned dark red and black, and finally turned into powder and dissipated.

As for Hagoromo Qianhan himself, he was so shocked that he flew directly to the edge of the ice and snow space. It was not until he hit the space barrier that he landed heavily on the ground with a thud.

Outside, the Feather Stone Sword standing in the middle of the courtyard suddenly shook violently. It took about a second or two before it regained its calm.


Yuhi Akazuki instantly landed next to the Hagoromo Stone Sword. With an anxious expression on his face, he pressed his hand on the Hagoromo Stone Sword and poured chakra into it, trying to get a response from Hagoromo Qianhan.

“Qianhan, how are you? Don’t scare me. Come out quickly…”

Inside the space.

In the daze of Sand Sculpture and Silly Gou, they only saw Hagoromo Qianhan suddenly fly out, and then a strong shock wave erupted from the ice hill.

In short, their thinking was confused under this power.

“I’ll take it! Qianhan, don’t die!”

After the shock wave passed, the sand sculpture saw this and hurriedly flapped its wings to catch up.

“Two hundred and five!”

The silly dog opened its mouth and revealed its true colors. After a silly bark, it also writhed with its four claws and ran towards Yuromo Qianhan’s position.


At the edge of the space, Hagoromo Qianhan lay down for two or three seconds, then slowly sat up holding his chest.

Perhaps due to the influence of the natural energy of ice, in this land of ice and snow, sand sculptures and silly dogs are both very fast.

Just a few seconds after Hagoromo Qianhan sat up, the sand sculpture and silly dog rushed to Hagoromo Qianhan’s eyes.

“Two hundred and five!”

Silly Dog’s wise eyes were filled with a little worry, and he kept rubbing his head against Hagoromo Qianhan’s body.

“I’ll take it! Qianhan, are you okay?”

The sand sculpture fell to the ground, folded its wings and tilted its head to ask.

Hagoromo Qianhan gave a wry smile, touched Silly Dog’s head, and then said: “It’s nothing serious, it’s just that the internal organs received some impact, and then three ribs were broken.”

Sha Diao’s eyelids blinked uncontrollably. He said twice: “…”

Two or three broken ribs, it’s not a big deal if you call it that, you really are holding it in your mouth.

When the silly dog heard that Hagoromo Qianhan’s ribs were broken, it immediately waggled its tail and stuck out its tongue to lick Hagoromo Qianhan’s chest.

Because in its opinion, licking the wound after being injured is conducive to wound healing.

“Okay, I can recover on my own, so don’t work too hard.”

Hagoromo Qianhan smiled and rubbed the dog’s head, then pushed the stupid dog away.

Although this stupid dog is usually a little mischievous, its feelings for Hagoromo Qianhan are very deep.

Therefore, Hagoromo Qianhan usually indulges this silly dog.

“Hey, silly dog!”

The sand sculpture stood more than thirty meters tall. After seeing the silly dog’s actions, although it cursed the silly dog in its mouth, deep down in its heart, it really wanted to play with Qianhan. Make trouble.

It’s a pity that with its size, it is destined to just watch from the sidelines.


Hearing the sand sculpture scolding him, the silly dog didn’t care about Yuyi Qianhan anymore. It let out a roar and pounced on the sand sculpture.

At this time, the silly dog must have awakened something under the baptism of the natural energy of ice, and it can already use the power of wind and snow.

I saw the silly dog writhing with its four paws, its feet wrapped in wind and snow, and it suddenly jumped. Its three-meter-long body jumped more than thirty meters high in an instant, and directly came to the position of the sand sculpture’s head.

“Two hundred and five!”

Accompanied by the howl of the stupid dog, a large amount of wind and snow with the power of scraping bones directly hit the sand sculpture’s head.

“I’ll take it! You stupid dog has no martial ethics, and you actually carried out a sneak attack!”

The sand sculpture was suddenly startled, and quickly jumped with its paws, and then managed to avoid Feng Xue’s headshot.

At this time, the silly dog also fell to the ground.

The sand sculpture is naturally not a master who is willing to suffer losses. After being attacked by the silly dog, it flapped its wings and flew into the air. Then its wings shook, and a large number of wind blades fell directly towards the silly dog.

Although the sand sculpture does not have the ability to awaken ice and snow, it is extremely skilled in the use of wind attributes.

Under the attack of the sand sculpture, the silly dog had to keep tumbling its claws and evading.

However, despite the lively fight between these two guys, they both consciously stayed away from Hagoromo Qianhan and did not cause any interference to Hagoromo Qianhan.


Hagoromo Qianhan, who was sitting on the ground to recuperate his body, suddenly felt a wave of waves coming from outside the ice and snow space, which was Xihi Chiyue.

After sensing Yuhi Chizuki’s anxiety, Hagoromo Chihan unconsciously smiled and said to the outside of the space: “Don’t worry Chiyue, I’m fine.” In the

yard, after hearing Hagoromo Chihan’s words, Xihi Chiyue breathed a sigh of relief subconsciously, and then became worried again.

“Qianhan, are you really okay? If you are okay, can you come out first?”

Hagoromo Qianhan smiled and shook his head. This girl would probably have been uneasy if she didn’t go out.

Thinking of this, Hagoromo Qianhan stood up and fumbled to straighten his broken and misplaced ribs.

Anyway, he has the blessing of Yang Escape Chakra, and it won’t take long to recover from this kind of injury, so even if his rib repair method is a bit rough, it doesn’t matter.

After sorting out his image, Yuyi Qianhan thought in his heart and stepped out of the ice and snow space.

In the yard, in front of the Hagoromo Stone Sword, a space vortex suddenly appeared, and then Hagoromo Qianhan walked out of the whirlpool.


The moment Yuyi Qianhan appeared, Xihi Chiyue rushed up and hugged Yuyi Qianhan tightly: “The stone sword suddenly shook so hard just now, I thought something happened to you…”

When Yuhi Chizuki hugged Hagoromo Qianhan, the corner of his mouth twitched and he took a silent breath.

Depend on! My ribs hurt a little.

Well, this feeling is quite soft.

Later, Hagoromo Qianhan reached out and touched Yuhi Akazuki’s hair, and said with a smile: “Who am I? I am the strongest person in the ninja world today. How could something happen?” After hearing

this, Yuhi Chiyue slowly let go of Yuhi Chiyue, then with a blush on her face, she lowered her head slightly: “It’s okay…”

Hagoromo Chihan smiled and gently touched Yuhi Chiyue’s shoulder: “Don’t worry. Okay, I’m going to practice, you don’t have to keep watching, go back and rest.”

After saying that, the space vortex appeared, and Hagoromo Qianhan turned around and disappeared into the space vortex.

“How can I rest…”

Xihi Chiyue whispered to herself, then moved a stool from the pavilion and sat next to the stone sword to practice.

Returning to the ice and snow space, Hagoromo Qianhan recalled the feeling just now.

My ribs are so soft…

No, my chest hurts…

No, damn, what am I thinking!

Practice, practice!

After getting rid of the messy thoughts in his mind, Hagoromo Qianhan returned to the ice hill, sat down cross-legged and began to practice.

After Jin Jiao Yin Jiao entered the Stone Sword Space, a very strange phenomenon occurred.

That is, Jin Jiao Yin Jiao and the others said that they had been wandering around the space for a long time, and it felt like they were almost dying of thirst and exhaustion after several days, and then they found the Six Paths Ninja Tool.

But the situation outside was that after Jin Jiao Yin Jiao was swallowed by the space vortex, Hagoromo Qianhan rushed to the ancestral hall and released them in about five minutes.

At first, Hagoromo Qianhan thought that the two children were too young and had delusions, so they started talking nonsense.

But then the two little guys finished eating for several days at a time, which made Hagoromo Qianhan suspicious. Could it be that there was some secret hidden inside the Hagoromo Stone Sword?

After that, Hagoromo Qianhan began to study the Hagoromo Stone Sword.

After a long period of research, Hagoromo Qianhan was horrified to discover that the Hagoromo Stone Sword actually contained the power of time.

It was precisely because of this discovery that Qianhan Hagoromo came up with the idea of studying time.

After all, in the world of Naruto, no one seems to be able to master the power of time. If he can master this power, his strength will definitely increase incredibly.

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