The last move

boom! ! !

On one side is a wooden man holding a sword and wearing dark blue energy skin.

On one side is General Bingpo, who has three heads and six arms, holding a sword and shield.

The two blades collided together, and an astonishing white light erupted in an instant, followed by a huge roar, and strong winds sweeping away gravel and dust raging everywhere.

Even Senju Tobirama and the others who were fighting fiercely in the distance had to temporarily stop the fight and bend down to resist the hurricane that was enough to knock people down.


Three wooden dragons with blue energy skin swam out from the wooden man and roared towards General Bing Po.

General Bingpo raised his round shield to resist, and then another roaring sound erupted.

Immediately afterwards, the three wooden dragons spread out and attacked General Bingpo in different directions. As a result, the three-headed and six-armed General Bingpo waved his sword and shield and easily cut the wooden dragon aside.


Seeing this situation, Yuyi Qianhan couldn’t help but cursed secretly.

Previously, the Ice Soul General in his sage mode could chop down the wooden dragon with a single blow, but with Susanoo’s blessing, he could no longer destroy the wooden dragon at will.

And Uchiha Madara, after fighting for such a long time, except for the Mangekyou Sharingan showing some discomfort at the beginning, later on the Susanoo Bokuto, Madara didn’t seem to have any adverse reactions. .

You know, after Erzhu opened the Mangekyō Sharingan, he became blind within a few days of playing.

Motor, you have been playing with Susanoo for such a long time, why don’t you be so strong? How can you make Erzhu feel so embarrassed if you do this?

However, even though Hagoromo Qianhan was full of complaints, his attack did not weaken at all.

Under his control, the three-headed and six-armed Ice Soul General waved his long sword and kept colliding with the wooden man wearing Susana.

The wooden man also wielded the sword, and with the cooperation of the four wooden dragons on his body, he continued to resist the attack of General Bingpo.


Looking at the two giants in the distance, the ninjas on both sides watching the battle no longer knew what words to use to express their shock.

In their eyes, every move and every move in the collision between these two giants contained huge power.

The central battlefield seemed to be roaring with thunder, strong winds were blowing, and the ground was shaking under the trampling of giants. It would not be an exaggeration to say that this scene was a raging natural disaster.

However, in the confrontation between the two giants, it seemed that only the first collision was at full strength. The subsequent confrontations had no such big movement as the first time.

Therefore, in this case, Senju Tobirama and the others started fighting again after briefly stopping.

Time passed slowly, and the battle started in the morning. By this time, the sun was shining brightly, and the sun was shining above the head, making people feel panicked.

Uchiha Izuna, who was controlling Susanoo’s skeleton and fighting Kaguya Asana, felt as if his eyes were being pressed hard with fingers.

Not only was the pressure on his eyeballs very great, but the pain coming from his eyes made him almost want to close his eyes and rest.

However, seeing that the opponent was full of energy and chakra seemed to be inexhaustible, Uchiha Izuna had to work hard to control Susanoo and Kaguya’s white skeleton to fight.

However, the kaleidoscope is still a kaleidoscope after all. It is not as durable as the eternal kaleidoscope, nor is it as long-lasting as Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama Susanata Bokuto, who were nourished by Senju Hashirama’s Yang Escape Chakra.

Uchiha Izuna, who only had an ordinary kaleidoscope, finally couldn’t stand it after a long period of manipulating Susanoo to fight.

The blurred vision, coupled with the pressure and pain coming from his eyes, made him growl and couldn’t help but close his eyes, and Susanoo collapsed instantly because of this.

On the other hand, Kaguya Asatori’s white frame is still strong. Even after such a long battle, he is still very energetic and does not show any signs of fatigue.

If Hagoromo Chihan was allowed to watch the battle here, he would probably immediately think of the battle between Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara.

Isn’t this just a battle between the immortal body and the immortal eyes?

Because the Immortal Eye is just an ordinary kaleidoscope, if used for a long time, not only the vision will decrease, but the eyes will also feel painful.

On the other hand, the Immortal Human Body has no such problems at all, and is simply the best choice for a protracted war.

Therefore, under the same strength, in terms of burst damage in a short period of time, the Immortal Eye may be better, but if the battle lasts for a long time, the Immortal Eye will definitely not be able to compare with the Immortal Human Body.

‘Is this what Qianhan said, the defect of the kaleidoscope? ‘

Kaguya Asato couldn’t help but secretly thought in her heart after seeing Uchiha Izuna falling into a weak state.

Since Hagoromo Chihan told him about Uchiha Izuna possessing the Mangekyo Sharingan, he must have told him the shortcomings of the Mangekyo Sharingan.

Therefore, when Kaguya Asatori was fighting Uchiha Izuna, she did not think about defeating Uchiha Izuna as soon as possible. Instead, she used the tactic of delaying time, preparing to let Uchiha Izuna kill herself.

Now it seems that his plan is going very smoothly.

Despite all the thoughts in her mind, Kaguya’s body was not in a daze.

After seeing Uchiha Izuna’s Susanoo collapse, he immediately controlled the white skeleton and punched Uchiha Izuna.

“Uh-huh! Damn it…”

Uchiha Izuna has experienced life-and-death battles since he was a child. He naturally understands that he cannot relax his vigilance on the battlefield.

Therefore, after Uchiha Izuna covered his eyes to relieve the pain of the Mangekyou Sharingan, he opened his eyes and was able to use the teleportation technique to avoid the huge fist of the bone skeleton.

Kaguya Asami didn’t care when he saw this. After all, Uchiha Izuna had opened the Mangekyo Sharingan, and there was no way a powerful clan leader could be killed so easily.

Therefore, after the blow failed, Kaguya Matori did not remove the huge bone skeleton, but continued to control the skeleton to kill Uchiha Izuna.

Anyway, he has a lot of chakra, so there is no need to save chakra or anything.


Senju Tobirama’s sword collided with Hyuga Tennin’s Hagoromo Stone Sword, and then they were separated at the touch of a touch.

Unknowingly, there were already many Flying Thunder God Kunai around the two of them.

Senju Tobirama glanced at the positions between the various kunai on the battlefield, and then prepared to launch the Flying Thunder God Technique again to sneak attack the Hyuga Tennin.

Although he knew that the chance of sneak attack on the opponent was almost zero, he had to keep trying anyway.

After all, except for the Flying Thunder God, he has no other way to defeat the Hyuga Tennin.

The thought flashed through, and Qianju Feijian disappeared instantly.

“Flying Thunder God Slash!”

Senju Tobirama appeared behind the Hyuga Tennin as if teleporting, and the sword in his hand directly stabbed the Hyuga Tennin in the back of the heart.

The Hyuga Tennin with the Byakugan had already noticed Senju Tobirama’s movement, and then slashed it with his backhand sword.

“Uh…did you fail?”

Thousand Hands Tobirama curled his lips and prepared to use Flying Thunder God to leave.

However, at this moment, the originally ordinary Hagoromo Stone Sword was suddenly injected with chakra by the Hyuga Tennin, and then the power of the confined space instantly enveloped the surrounding area.

If the surrounding space was originally water, and Senju Tobirama could freely use the flying thunder god technique to travel through the space, then now, the space here has directly turned into an iron block.

Being within an extremely stable space, no matter how Senju Tobirama activates the Flying Thunder God Technique, there will be no fluctuations in the surrounding space.

“Not good!!!”

Senju Tobirama’s pupils shrank instantly, and then he quickly raised his sword to resist.


Under the full strength of Hyuga Tennin, Senju Tobirama was instantly shaken by the huge power and groaned, and his chest was filled with a feeling of suffocation.

However, this was not over yet. The Hyuga Tennin who succeeded in the attack instantly threw the Hagoromo Stone Sword diagonally, leaving his hands free: “Soft Fist Technique·Bagua·Sixty-Four Palms!”

Because of the Hagoromo Stone Sword’s ability to confine space It has a cooling time of about five seconds, so the Hyuga Tennin must take down the Senju Tobirama within the second the space is imprisoned.

Otherwise, once Senju Tobirama escapes, it is basically impossible for him to find a chance to defeat the wary Senju Tobirama.

As the invisible Bagua field enveloped Qianju Tojian, the Baguazhang like a violent storm fell directly on Qianju Tojian.

The chakra-carrying fingers kept tapping on the acupuncture points of Senju Tobirama, causing the chakra in Senju Tobirama to become blocked instantly.

Soon, one second passed, and most of the Hyuga Tennin’s Sixty-Four Bagua Palms had been used.

During this period, Thousand Hands Tobirama kept sensing the state of the surrounding space and contacted the mark of the Flying Thunder God in the distance.

At this moment, he finally sensed the Flying Thunder God Kunai in the distance.

Therefore, Senju Tobirama ignored the fact that most of his acupuncture points were blocked and directly forcibly activated the Flying Thunder God Technique to stay away from the Hyuga Tennin.


The Senju Tobirama disappeared in an instant, and the remaining unfinished Eight Trigrams and Sixty-Four Palms of the Hyuga Tennin were also struck in the air.


Hyuga Tennin cursed secretly when he saw this. He was a bit unskilled in his Baguazhang practice, and he couldn’t keep Senju Tobirama.

On the other side, where the Senju clan was watching the battle, Senju Tobirama’s figure suddenly appeared.

“Uh-huh!” A touch of blood suddenly overflowed from the corner of Qianju Feijian’s mouth.

“Tobirama! How are you?”

Seeing that Senju Tobirama suddenly appeared next to him and vomited blood, Senju Tobirama quickly reached out to support Senju Tobirama, and at the same time asked about the other person’s injury.

Upon seeing this, the other tribesmen also hurriedly looked at Senju Tojama, wanting to know what was going on with Senju Tojama.

Seeing this, Senju Tobirama gasped, and then shook his head: “It’s okay, it’s just a minor injury. It’ll be fine after you rest for a while.”

After hearing this, Senju Tobirama and others also breathed a sigh of relief: “That’s it. Okay.”

You must know that Senju Tobirama is an important combat force in the clan. If the opponent is seriously injured like this, it will be a big trouble.


The Hyuga Tennin who lost his target quickly used his Byakugan to search in the distance, and finally found Senju Tobirama who had escaped to the Senju army.

Seeing this situation, the Hyuga Tennin thought for a moment, then turned around and went to meet Kaguya Asatori.

“Hoo, ho…”

In the middle of the battlefield, Yuyi Qianhan, standing on General Bingpo’s head, kept breathing heavily.

This was the first time he had experienced such a high-intensity battle. Susanata Bokuto certainly lived up to his reputation.

I don’t know if this thing is a combination of Senju Hashirama’s Yang Escape and Uchiha Madara’s Yin Escape. Originally, after opening the senjutsu, he should be able to completely destroy anyone on the opposite side.

However, as soon as the Susanoo and Bokuto no Jutsu were combined, the two of them immediately became evenly matched with him.

Should we say that these two guys are worthy of being the reincarnations of Indra and Asura? With the two brothers working together, their strength has skyrocketed.

On the opposite side, Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara also felt uncomfortable.

Because Hagoromo Chihan’s attack was too violent, Senju Hashirama’s chakra consumption was quite large.

Even though Senju Hashirama had the blessing of an immortal body, he was still panting from exhaustion and sweat was flowing down his face.

As for Uchiha Madara, under such a high-intensity battle, Senju Hashirama’s Yang Dun next to him could no longer keep up with the consumption of his pupil power, so the side effects of the Mangekyou Sharingan appeared again.

At this time, above Bokuto’s head, Senju Hashirama was panting and sweating. Uchiha Madara’s eyes were swollen and painful, and his pupils were filled with bloodshot eyes.

It can be said that the state of Senju Hashirama, Uchiha Madara, and Hagoromo Chihan is not very good now.

After adjusting for a few seconds, Hagoromo Qianhan took a deep breath.

Next, use this trick to determine the winner.

The thought fell, and under the control of Hagoromo Qianhan, General Ice Soul began to transform into a form, with his three heads and six arms gradually merging into one.

The moment General Bing Po transformed into a single head and two arms, an icy blue stream of light flashed directly from its body.

The next second, General Bingpo stretched out his right hand, and the power of the blizzard began to be extremely compressed in his palm.

“Be careful!”

Seeing this situation, Senju Hashirama hurriedly warned.

Uchiha Madara, whose eyes were sore, also cheered up: “This should be Hagoromo Chihan’s last blow, and it is also the strongest blow!”

“We must deal with it with all our strength!” Senju Hashirama’s face It’s full of seriousness.

The spotted Uchiha nodded.

Then, in Bokuto’s hand, the tachi wrapped in blue Susana began to gather strength.

Unintentionally, the ultimate Yang Escape Power and Yin Escape Power began to gather in the blade.

In the hands of General Bingpo, the blizzard was compressed to the extreme, forming a spiral spear that kept rotating. The tiny ice blade flowed at high speed, and the faint blue light kept shining in it.

Ordinary people may be immersed in it and unable to extricate themselves after just one glance at such an attack. You can imagine how terrifying the power of this move will be.

Soon, General Hyoupo’s attack was ready, and the Susaki on the opposite side was also ready to attack, and the sword in his hand was brewing with terrifying power.

The next second, Hagoromo Chihan’s eyes narrowed: “Immortal method: Spiral Storm Kill!”

Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara shouted in unison.


“Senluo Yijian!”

(ps: two chapters combined into one, no less words)

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