The sons of the three generations of Thunder Shadow took Yun Ren to prepare to enter the Land of Fire through the Land of the Moon, and the three generations of Thunder Shadow will then rush to the confluence!

And Iwa Shinobi has already formed an alliance with the Grass Ninja Village, and it is much easier for them to enter the Fire Country.

Sent out a team to let some ninjas from Grass Ninja Village pretend to be Iwa Shinobi and walk around the 'surveillance' of Rain Ninja Village, indicating that this is Iwa Ninja's team and preparing to attack Konoha ......

However, the real troops of Iwa Shinobi did not begin to enter the country of grass and attack Konoha at all, but did not move at all, preparing to launch an ambush against the three generations of Thunder Shadow!


"Madara-sama, that's probably the news about Ning Hao......

Somewhere on the border of the Land of Grass.

The news that the absolute general found out was truthfully reported by Madara Uchiha, and after Ning Hao and the sand ninja village fought and it was revealed that there was a kaleidoscope writing wheel, the absolute was sent over.

In order to avoid being affected by the battle, Jue was relatively far away, and Ning Hao was fighting at the time, and when he was on alert, he never approached, so he did not find the existence of Jue.

"Mu Dun, kaleidoscope writing wheel eye...... No, it's an eternal kaleidoscope, right!?"

The elderly Uchiha Madara was skinny and skinny, like a dried corpse, with only a layer of skin left on his entire body, his face was full of stability, and a pair of three-hooked jade writing wheel eyes were protruding, which looked a little terrifying.

But the tone of his voice was also a little uncertain.

Because Ning Hao is a member of the Thousand Hands Clan, even if he has the blood of the Uchiha clan, but he has no brothers, no matter whether he has seen the 'Slate' or not, and the Kaleidoscope Writing Wheel Eye without the blood clan relatives cannot be upgraded to the Kaleidoscope Writing Wheel Eye.

But...... The Uchiha Madara Gen's 'absolute' information, Ning Hao Susa can come, it should be an eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel.

"Could it be because of the mutation between Mu Dun's strength and the writing wheel?"

Madara Uchiha was a little unsure.

"Is there any possibility that Thousand-Armed Ning Hao will be co-opted?" Madara Uchiha asked casually.

"His strength is very strong, and he has a good relationship with Konoha, and now his prestige in Konoha is very high, and it is unlikely that he will be wooed. After a pause, he said, "However, he seems to have some contact with the person you chose, and the relationship seems to be good!"

"Nagato, time is running out......" Madara Uchiha sighed a little, and said lightly: "Tell me what's going on!"

"Ning Hao seems to know that Nagato is a disciple of Jiraiya, and he saved them once before. Later, Yahiko died, and Nagato and Konan seemed to have gone to Ning Hao, and it seemed that they were preparing to make a move on Sanshoyu Hanzo. "

'Absolutely' is not the only one, they are just the people who fell into the infinite monthly reading the last time the infinite monthly reading appeared.

Someone has been watching Nagato for a long time, after all, Nagato has a bearing on Madara Uchiha's resurrection plan.

Even Madara Uchiha looking for Nagato as the heir of the eye of reincarnation was also chosen, so it is obvious that Madara Uchiha was choosing the heir of the eye of reincarnation a long time ago.

"Continue to pay attention to the movements of the thousand-armed Ning Hao, and see if you can provoke the relationship between him and Konoha when the time comes...... Let him go to Nagato!"


Never said that he dived underground and disappeared.

And Bo Feng Shuimen and his team have arrived at the border of the country of grass.

Because of his previous exploits, Kakashi was also specially promoted to Kamishinobi......

The team is divided into Kakashi's squad, who are responsible for attracting the attention of Iwa Shinobi, and he loses the Kannabi Bridge, the supply line that destroyed Iwashinobi!

"Mr. Watergate, why can't I use the Chidori ...... as proficiently as Ning Hao?"

Kakashi himself has a thunder attribute chakra, and before on the battlefield of Sand Ninja Village, he also asked Ning Hao for advice, and he mastered the thousand birds.

However, without strong vision, Kakashi cannot lock onto enemies using a Chidori and is sometimes avoided.

"Because you don't have a writing wheel eye!" Bo Feng Shuimen explained: "Ning Hao has a writing wheel eye, which can slow down the enemy's movements and lock on to the enemy! If you use a thousand birds like Ning Hao, your eyesight is not enough, if you have a writing wheel eye or a white eye, it should be much better......

"That's it!" Kakashi was a little discouraged, he didn't have the chakra or the white eye, but he wouldn't give up, he could only slowly rebuild, or exercise the vision of both eyes.

Bo Feng Shuimen took Xiao to block the rock ninja first and cut off the supply line of the rock ninja.

But the large army of Iwa Shinobi did not move at all, and did not enter the country of grass, but launched a surprise attack on the three generations of Thunder Shadow.

Even if the supply line is cut off, when the time comes, the large army of Iwa Shinobi will be able to attack Konoha if they solve the three generations of Thunder Shadow and count it in the country of grass.

"Ohnogi, you actually went back on your word!"

The three generations of Thunder Shadow, who were surrounded by the rock ninja group, looked at the three generations of Tsuchikage Onoki with an angry face, the more than thirty cloud ninjas who originally followed the three generations of Thunder Shadow had already died, and now only the three generations of Thunder Shadow were left!

Because there were too many people in Iwa Ninja, the original Iwa Ninja troops did not retreat, and all of them blocked the three generations of Thunder Shadow here.

"Ai~ Your Yun Ninja Village collects the ninjutsu of the major ninja villages like this, do we really not know?"

"Now should be the time to deal with Thousand-Armed Ning Hao, right? Didn't your disciple die at his hands?"

The three generations of Thunder Shadow and the three generations of Tsuchikage said in a stalemate.

But the temper of the third generation of Lei Ying was already hot, and after some conversation, he also knew that Iwa Shinobi would not let go of this opportunity to solve him, so he simply fought!

Cracking sound!

The three generations of Thunder Shadow flashed with thunder light on their bodies, entered the Thunder Escape Chakra mode, and their whole body was wrapped in Thunder Attribute Chakra, and their bodies were activated to the limit, and their speed and strength increased greatly!

The strength, speed, and defense of the three generations of Thunder Shadow are the first in the ninja world!

Of course, in terms of speed, before the appearance of the [Flying Thunder God's Technique] of the Bo Feng Shui Gate, the three generations of Thunder Shadow were the first, even so, it can be seen how fast the speed of the three generations of Thunder Shadow is, this is still pure speed, and the space-time ninjutsu of Bo Feng Shuimen.


The body of the three generations of Thunder Shadow turned into a flash of thunder and rushed towards Iwa Shinobi!

"Bang Bang Bang !!"

In front of the three generations of the Thunder Shadow Society, all kinds of rocks and walls made of earth escaped blocked his way, or all kinds of ninjutsu attacked him.

But without exception, all of them were shattered by the punch of the three generations of Thunder Shadow......

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