
Ning Hao's left eye rotated slightly, and he was originally evacuating the sand ninja, and the space he was in was wrapped in an invisible enchantment, and then it began to distort......

"Fire Escape: Wind Explosion Dragon Flame Singing Technique!"

Ning Hao sealed with one hand, and when Shenwei was cast, the [Dragon Flame Song Technique] and [Shenwei] were combined, and the entire dark night was suddenly illuminated by firelight;

In the darkness of the night, seven fire dragons were entrenched in the sky, and because of the distortion of space, it seemed that they were writhing and spinning towards the sand shinobi below.

Sand Shinobi is in the distorted space, and the whole body seems to be distorted, and it is impossible to exert strength, and the roots that grow under the feet are even more difficult!


When the fire dragon pierced through the sky and swooped down in the darkness, the entire distorted space instantly turned into a distorted sea of fire!

The screams are terrible!

But that's war!

After the death of the people of Konoha who grew from the roots on the ground, they also seized the opportunity to solve the sand ninja that was bound.


Bo Feng Shuimen is also incarnated as a ~ killing machine at this moment, and everywhere he goes, no one can crotch at all, and all of them are turned into a corpse.

"Magnetic Escape, Golden Sands Waves!"

Sha Ren has been evacuated, although Luo Sha also feels very distressed and angry about the death of Sha Ren, but he has a feeling of powerlessness for Ning Hao's fire escape......

That kind of fire escape that rushed to the sky didn't know where it came from, and even if he used gold sand to resist it, it was all distorted and difficult to get close to.

And after the sand shinobi evacuated, he could only use the magnetic escape, setting off waves composed of golden sand, and crotching the people of Konoha down to buy time for evacuation.


In the face of wave after wave of gold sand Konoha, the people on this side can only evacuate, but the amount of gold sand is too large, and the speed is extremely fast, even if you use water escape, it is difficult to get down.

Ning Hao was suspended in the air, his hands sealed;

"Wood Escape, Wood Ingot Wall!!"

"Mu Dun, Four Pillars Prison!"


A large number of chakras poured out from Ning Hao's body, and a wooden wall that stretched for hundreds of meters blocked in front of many people in Konoha, and the wooden wall that was more than ten meters high covered the golden sand crotch, and before everyone could react, another wooden wall broke out of the ground, wrapping everyone in it!

Although the team of more than 100 people is not very widely dispersed, it is also a few hundred meters to say the least.

A 100-meter-long wooden prison wraps everything in it, leaving no gaps in the wooden prison, in order to prevent the gold sand from rushing in.

The people of Konoha had just been wrapped in the wooden prison, and before they could react, they felt the ground shake, and the wooden pillar above their heads shook for a while, and it seemed that it would break at any time, but fortunately it was supported.

The first gold sand was blocked by the wooden wall, but the back gold sand was as tall as the waves, which directly washed away the wooden sand and pressed ~ on the wooden prison behind.

With the resistance of the wooden wall in front, most of the gold sand is blocked, and the impact of the gold sand is also reduced, the gold sand that falls on the wooden prison is not all the gold sand, and the impact is not too big.

In addition, Luo Sha has also been evacuated, and he has no intention of manipulating it, so it is not too difficult to get these gold sand under his crotch.


After the golden sand subsided, Ning Hao controlled the wooden dungeon to break away the golden sand, like a door opened from above, pushing the golden sand on the wooden dungeon ~ open, and then the wooden dwelling fell down one by one, which was considered a ladder, and the people present were all ninjas, each stepping on the wooden dwelling, and rushed out of the wooden dungeon directly.

It's night!

But there are no trees on the ground anymore, and the view is very wide, and you can't see it from a distance, it's pitch black!

The ground had been covered with golden sand, a large area of forest had also been buried, and the fire that had been cast by Ning Hao had also been buried and extinguished by golden sand.

But in general, this confrontation can be regarded as a victory for Konoha, and it is a big victory, although Konoha is also a few dozen people, but the sand ninja has lost more!

Moreover, the supplies and supplies of the sand ninja were all destroyed by Ning Hao, and it was basically impossible to continue the attack, so he could only retreat to the country of wind.

Now it's as if things have turned;

Before, it was still the Sand Ninja who wanted to attack the Fire Country, but now it has been replaced by the Sand Ninja retreating to defend the defense line of the Wind and beware of Konoha's attack.

"Ning Hao, good job!"

After Ning Hao's eyes recovered, he flew to the place where the people of Konoha were, and as soon as he landed, Bo Feng Shuimen appeared beside him, with a smile on his face, and slapped him in the face!

If it weren't for knowing that Bo Feng Shuimen was a little excited, Ning Hao would definitely suspect that this guy was doing it on purpose!

"I also changed my plan of action abruptly this time, sorry I didn't consult with you beforehand. "

Ning Hao also knew that his sudden change of action plan was taboo on the battlefield, so he said sorry.

Fortunately, this battle was won, and with Ning Hao's identity and strength, no one would say anything.

Since he has won, it proves that he is doing the right thing!

"It's nothing, the battlefield is to be improvised, blindly obey orders, and sometimes it's not a good thing!" Zilai also exists as the commander-in-chief, so naturally he won't blame Ning Hao, but he didn't praise it, after all, this kind of thing can't be carried forward, otherwise it will be messed up.

Sand Shinobi retreated, and Konoha did not take advantage of the victory to pursue, but chose to fight steadily, slowly marching towards the border of the Land of Wind, putting all kinds of urgency and materials to keep up, and then suppressing Sand Shinobi.

For the next few days, Konoha's ninja forces were closing in on the Land of Winds.

And the sand ninja is also a country of retreat and wind.

The failure of the Sand Ninja Village was naturally known to the other ninja villages in the ninja world, and Ning Hao became the focus again, and the wave wind and water surface followed Ning Hao's rise with the [Flying Thunder God Technique]!

The next battle is basically a bit bland, Xiao Mo ~ wipe has always been, even when Konoha is close to the country of wind, the retreating sand ninja will come to an ambush from time to time.

But the big battle one did not happen again.

Sand Shinobi seems to have been dragging their feet, wanting to see if Iwa Shinobi and Cloud Shinobi will make a move on Konoha.

Anyway, now that the sand ninja has retreated to the defense line of the wind, all kinds of supplies and materials are sufficient, and the sand ninja village has also sent support, and Chiyo's mother-in-law has come in person.

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