The cells are destroyed, and the places marked as destroyed cannot be moved, and even if there is not much destruction, the flexibility will decrease, resulting in inconvenience, and if the meridians are cut off, they will basically not be able to move.

For a ninja, especially in the current situation, even if the body is not as flexible as before, the strength has decreased, and his life may be in danger at any time.

If the hand is a meridian or a cell is destroyed by the chakra blade, it is basically useless; the meridian is broken, ninjutsu cannot be used, not everyone can seal with one hand, and the cell is destroyed, the speed of the seal is also greatly reduced, and it will be at a disadvantage in battle, and the ninja who is good at physical arts, maybe it is slightly better, but it may be worse......

In short, those affected by the [Spiral Shuriken] will not feel good.

"Kazekage-sama, where they were injured, the cells were destroyed, and in more serious cases, the meridians were also damaged, and there was no way to repair them at all!"

Sand Ninja Village was attacked by Ning Hao, and disappeared without a trace, it should have used space-time ninjutsu to leave, and it was impossible to chase it.

As for the situation of the wounded, the medical ninja also wanted to report to Luo Sha.

"It seems that that technique is very dangerous!" Luo Sha thought of the [Spiral Shuriken] and frowned slightly, this was just a touch, if it was completely hit, it would be completely useless to not die.

The medical ninja nodded and said, "Yes, it's dangerous. If it is completely hit, the cells and meridians throughout the body are severed and cannot be repaired...... This technique seems to have appeared in the Grass Ninja Village!"

"Grass Ninja Village?" Luo Sha looked at the medical ninja and said, "This person said that the person who assassinated the leader of Grass Ninja Village before may be Thousand-Armed Ning Hao?"

Luo Sha is not sure, after all, it is just a ninjutsu, except for Ning Hao who can use it, others may also use it, but it is also very likely that it is Ning Hao.

Immediately, Raksha found the dark department and passed on the matter, picking up the contradiction between Grass Ninja Village and Konoha.

Although the Grass Ninja Village is just a ninja village, but they have formed an alliance with the Iwa Ninja Village, and the Iwa Ninja Village may take this opportunity to make a move, not to mention that Ning Hao killed the disciples of the three generations of Tsuchikage, and the contradiction between the Iwa Ninja Village is not small.


On the border of the Fire Country, Ning Hao sneaked up on a handful of sand ninjas and evacuated directly.

Entering the border of the Fire Country, Ning Hao also released Sunset Red from the Shenwei space.

"What's the matter? I seem to have seen the return to the Shenwei space just now?" Sunset Hong appeared beside Ning Hao, looking at him with some curiosity.

Before, when Ning Hao was facing the four generations of Wind Shadow Golden Sand Kunai, as well as the attacks of many sand ninjas, his body directly entered the body space, using [Void], leaving a projection in place, so Sunset Hong saw Ning Hao enter the body space, but soon went out again.

"The sneak attack has been completed, and although the losses of the sand ninja are not much, it can be regarded as saying hello to the sand ninja. Ning Hao said lightly.

Sand Ninja Village lost dozens of people this time, and the loss was not too big, but a sneak attack can kill so many people in Hehe, or a sneak attack alone, for Sand Ninja, the blow is still very big.

The main thing is that Ning Hao can silently approach the Sand Ninja station, and he can also fly. Coupled with the fact that Sand Ren didn't understand Ning Hao, when he counterattacked, all the attacks were strangely avoided by Ning Hao, resulting in such a situation.

Ning Hao suddenly stopped and said to Sunset, "Look at how I am now?"

"Isn't it good!?" Sunset Red glanced at it casually, and found that Ning Hao hadn't changed much, so he glanced at him by the way.

Ning Hao didn't care about Sunset's red eyes, with this mysterious smile on his face, he said, "Touch it and I'll try it." "

"What are you doing?" Sunset Hong looked at Ning Hao mysteriously, but he still reached out and touched it, but the palm of his hand passed directly from him, which was very magical!

"What's going on?" Sunset Red stretched out his hand~ and stirred Ning Hao back and forth a few times, all of which passed through him, which made Sunset Red very shocked.

Ning Hao said with a smile: "I'm actually in the Shenwei space now, what you see is actually a projection, a shadow, of course you can't touch me!"

"In this way, all the attacks can't attack you?" Xirihong looked at Ning Hao with a shocked face.

"Yes!" Ning Hao showed his figure, continued to hurry with Sunset, and said, "But this state can't be maintained, it can only be maintained for a few minutes." "

"Don't be dissatisfied, that's also very powerful, very few ninjutsu or attacks can last for a few minutes"

What Sunset Red said is also true, ordinary ninjutsu attacks rarely last for a few minutes.

However, if you want to think about the four generations of Wind Shadow Luosha's golden sand shuriken, kunai and the like, not only is the amount large, but it is also a trivial matter to last a few minutes, and Xiao Nan can also do it......

So there is still a threat, if it is a powerful physical attack, the attack that lasts for a few minutes is the same, and the same is true for ninjas, many ninjas can do it with constant attacks!

But won't Ning Hao dodge?

Overall, it's still very good.

"Boom, boom!!"

When Ning Hao and Sunset Hong were hurrying, a roar also came into their ears, and it seemed that they were fighting.

"Let's go, let's go and have a look!"

Ning Hao greeted Sunset Red and hurried over.

The two teams that caught my eye were fighting, about a dozen people, on one side were people from Konoha and on the other side were people from Sand Ninja Village, maybe spies or the team responsible for assassinating and destroying supplies, in short, they were discovered.

"Mu Dun Senluo Vientiane!"

Ning Hao took the sunset to look at the two sides, and his hands were sealed, and several roots came out of the ground, because it was too sudden, several sand ninjas were directly entangled~.

The body is entwined by the roots~, basically there is only a dead end, the four sand ninjas were killed by the people on the Konoha side in an instant, and the remaining three sand ninjas avoided the roots, but the people on the Konoha side are not weak, seize the opportunity, instantly injured the three people, and then were killed!

"It's Mu Dun!"

"Thousand-armed Ning Hao!"

"My own people!"

Among the entire Konoha ninjas, no one will feel unfamiliar with the name Ning Hao, and Ning Hao's appearance has long been known to everyone......

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