Xiao Nan and Nagato are recuperating, and Scorpion, a puppet master and poisoner, has become a pseudo-doctor and temporarily helps Nagato maintain his life.

Time is passing day by day, and Nagato is slowly changing, and Xiao Nan is relieved to see this.

But the iron rod behind Nagato basically can't be removed, and it seems to be life-threatening if it is taken off, and Nagato takes it seriously.

In addition, Nagato's feet were blown up, and Scorpion originally wanted to replace him with puppet feet. But Nagato refused, and he had so many iron rods stuck in his back that it was useless to walk.

And during this time, Xiao Nan and Nagato also found that scorpions sometimes go out, and then bring some ninjas back, and after killing them, they will be preserved after some processing.

Xiao Nan and Nagato were also a little curious, but they didn't ask, but the two of them could also see a clue.

Especially since the scorpion has never eaten for so long, and there is a relatively common puppet by his side, he can see it every time he leaves this cave!

This puppet, Nagato and Xiao Nan After some discussion, the answer they got was also shocked, it was actually - three generations of Kazekage!

Because the entrance and exit of the cave are sealed by iron sand, and iron sand is basically a recruitment of Sand Ninja Village, plus although the three generations of Kazekage were made into puppets, they still retain their appearance before their deaths, and the news of the disappearance of the three generations of Sand Ninja before Lenovo is relevant......

Nagato and Konan confirmed that the shadow of Sand Ninja Village, one of the five dignified ninja villages, was actually made into a puppet.

Guessing the identity of the three generations of Kazekage, Nagato also felt that maybe he deliberately made Yahiko's strength into a puppet...... At this moment, Nagato's reincarnation eye can be said to be able to use all six abilities.


"Ning Hao, there is a task designated for you to help!"

On the mission again, Ning Hao left Konoha with Sunset Red, and he was accompanied by a man in his twenties, who was also the person designated to hire Ning Hao!

The content of the mission is also very simple, which is to escort him to the Land of Rain.

Because of the alliance between the Land of Rain and Konoha, if you want to go to the Land of Rain, the best and safest way is naturally to hire a ninja from Konoha.

But following this person, Ning Hao and Sunset Red actually met Xiao Nan and Nagato, no, it was Yahiko who was made into the Heavenly God Dao!

Originally, Ning Hao was still curious, how could someone be appointed to escort him, and the price was not low, the most important thing was that this person seemed to have some weight in the Land of Rain, and Konoha had just formed an alliance with the Land of Rain, and it seemed that it was not easy to refuse.

The relationship is just that Xiao Nan and Nagato want to find him out.

But Ning Hao was a little puzzled, after he assassinated the leader of the grass ninja in the country of grass last time, he hadn't had any contact with Xiao Nan and the others, why did he come to the door? Could it be that the scorpion said that he called them to save them?

But...... Probably not, right?

"Are you looking for me, what's the matter?"

Ning Hao looked at Xiao Nan and Yahiko, who had just left Konoha at this moment, and was still in the territory of the Fire Country, but he didn't expect Xiao Nan and Tiandao Yahiko to have already entered the Fire Country.

And Sunset Red is also more confused, but it can be seen that this escort mission may be a disguise, but someone wants to see Ning Hao, and it seems that he still knows Ning Hao.

And it's the traitor of Rain Ninja Village!

Because Yahiko's has been stopped from becoming a god of heaven, he wears the forehead guard of the rain ninja village on his head, but there is a scratch, which is obviously a traitorous ninja......

"Thank you for calling someone to save us. Xiao Nan thanked Ning Hao very gratefully, and the cold feeling that originally gave people was also a lot easier.

But Ning Hao looked at Xiao Nan and Yahiko with a puzzled expression: "How do you know that I called someone to ......?"

"Guessed!" Xiao Nan said bluntly, mainly because Ning Hao didn't expect that he asked the scorpion to save Xiao Nan and Nagato 'easily', but the scorpion seemed to be too 'handy'.

Just like Ning Hao's rain country before, when he first helped Xiao Nan and the three of them solve the rain ninja, it was easy for people to connect with each other, and at the same time, Ning Hao's inquiry just now had already proved Xiao Nan's guess.

Ning Hao didn't care if Xiao Nan and Nagato guessed it, or if the scorpion accidentally said that he missed Zui, or if it was seen from other aspects, in short, Xiao Nan and Tenjin Dao Yahiko came here, they didn't just come to say thank you, right?

"What's the matter with me?"

Ning Hao asked casually, but neither Xiao Nan nor Yahiko of the Heavenly God Dao spoke, but glanced at Sunset.

"I'll go over there first......"

Sunset Hong could also see that it seemed that she was here, and the other party was not easy to speak, so she was ready to go to the side, but Ning Hao said: "She is my fiancée, just say anything." "

Hearing this, a hint of blush flashed across his face. Although her father also said that she and Ning Hao were engaged, Ning Hao and Xiri Zhenhong were busy in the back, and this matter was temporarily pushed back.

However, this is the first time Ning Hao has said it in front of others, and Sunset Red is a little shy, but she did not refuse.

Because in her opinion, Xiao Nan, who has light blue hair, is also a very beautiful girl.

"We're going to kill Hanzo the Sanshoyu, and we want to ask you to do a favor with the Red Sand Scorpion. "

Yahiko opened his mouth lightly, thinking that he was being controlled by Nagato, so he didn't have the slightest emotion when he spoke, and he felt cold. Sunset Hong didn't know Yahiko's situation, in her opinion, these people wanted to ask Ning Hao for help, how polite they could speak!

This is a typical example of defending Ning Hao, and sure enough, before marrying Ning Hao, he is already towards Ning Hao.

"Kill Hanzo Sansho Fish now?" Ning Hao frowned slightly: "It doesn't seem to be the right time, right?"

"Why?" Xiao Nan and Tenjin Dao Yahiko looked at Ning Hao.

"Rain Ninja Village has just formed an alliance with Konoha Village, you killed Sanshoyu Hanzo, won't you be the enemy of Konoha at that time?

"The current situation is already here, the war is about to break out, if the Sanshoyu Hanzo dies, the sand ninja, Konoha, and Iwa Shinobi may all attack the Rain Ninja Village, and then the Rain Ninja Village will become the appearance of the last ninja war, and even without the Sanshoyu Hanzo, it will become even more miserable, and it may disappear directly!"

"......" Konan and Tenjindo Yahiko were silent, this situation was not what they wanted to see.

(Sorry, it's a little late, it's four more today~)

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