"Why are you here?

The country of the river, the underground base of the scorpion, after Ning Hao took over the task, he left Konoha and came to find the scorpion, bringing him to the Shenwei space.

"The ninja world has become like this, you still stay here to study your puppet?" In the Shenwei space, Ning Hao pulled a chair and sat down.

The scorpion said indifferently: "Isn't the war not yet broken out?

"I came to you because I want to tell you something, you went to the Land of Rain during this time to see how the Xiao Organization is like this. During this time, Danzou and Sanshoyu Hanzo may take action against them, leave them alone, and then if you can, you can 'coincidentally' save the survivors!"

Ning Hao knew that Nagato finally summoned the Outer Dao Golem, thus forcing back Sanshoyu Hanzo and Tuanzang.

But afterwards, Nagato Bi will fall into weakness, and it is impossible to chase and kill Sanshoyu Hanzo, and it is impossible for Sanshoyu Hanzo to let Nagato and Xiaonan live, and he will definitely send someone to hunt him down.

At that time, Xiao Nan will definitely be very dangerous with the weak Nagato, although I don't know how they spent it in the original book, but Ning Hao called the scorpion over, and it would be much easier to save her by chance.

After that, the scorpion may join the Xiao organization, and then after the beginning of the year, after Ning Hao's other gods recover, he will control Obito, and when the ninja war breaks out, Obito will stay in Madara Uchiha for a period of time, and he will start to contact with the Xiao organization, and then Ning Hao will control the Xiao organization through Obito and complete the accepted task.

But I still have to take the time to help Xiao Nan and Nagato solve the Sanshoyu Hanzo, here you need to calculate carefully, he can't go to Xiao Nan and Nagato for no reason, and say that I am willing to help you deal with Sanshoyu Hanzo. Doing so would only be taken for foolishness......

"Xiao organization?" Scorpion nodded: "I know, I'll go and see when the time comes, is there anything else?"

During this time, the conflicts in the major ninja villages happened to escalate, and the scorpions could take the opportunity to arrest people and use them to create puppets.

"There's nothing else to do with that. Ning Hao said and stood up: "Send you back to the base?"

The scorpion nodded: "Go back and prepare something!"


Saying that, Ning Hao sent the scorpion back to his laboratory, and then left directly, rushing towards the country of grass.

On the way, Ning Hao had already taken off his forehead, used the transformation technique, and then bought a white cat-faced mask, and went directly towards the country of grass.

The Country of Grass is adjacent to the Country of Rain, Ning Hao did not go to the Country of Rain to see the situation of Xiao Nan and them, it is not so easy for Tuan Zang and Sanshoyu Hanzo to negotiate an alliance, and it will definitely take some time to deal with the Xiao Organization.

So after he went to the country of grass, it was not too late to go and see it.

Relying on Mu Dun's ability to hide, Ning Hao easily infiltrated the Grass Ninja Village in the Grass Country.

The interior of Kusanobi Village is also heavily guarded.

Since he chose to form an alliance with Iwa Ninja Village, he is basically on guard against assassination at any time, so vigilance is also necessary.

And the people of Iwa Ninja Village seem to have support for the Grass Ninja Village, and the leader of the Grass Ninja Village is also well protected.

"Looks like we have to observe......" Ning Hao's head poked out of a tree trunk and glanced at the leader of the Grass Ninja Village who was protected in the middle.

The leader of the Grass Ninja Village is about thirty years old, and his strength should be Shangnin, wearing a black short coat, followed by four guards, and secretly protected by six people.

Ning Hao just glanced at it, then dived into the trees and disappeared in place.

After observing for two days in a row, I also have a general understanding of the leader of the Grass Ninja Village.

It's so easy to kill him that you don't even have to show up.

In two days, Ning Hao used the eternal kaleidoscope to successfully invade the mind of one of the guards and manipulate his movements, only waiting for the night to deal a fatal blow to the leader of the Grass Ninja Village.

Because it was in the dark, Ning Hao didn't show up, so he didn't have to worry about exposing the writing wheel eye at all.

At night, the leader of the Grass Ninja Village naturally needs to rest, and the guards will be replaced, and the guards controlled by Ning Hao are the Shangnin who is in charge of the vigilance at night.

There are generally four people, two hidden in the room and two outside the room.

"Tsk~ do it!"

Ning Hao was standing on a tree trunk in the Grass Ninja Village at this moment, with a smile on his face, and snapped his fingers casually.

And in the room of the leader of the Grass Ninja Village, the Grass Ninja who was controlled by Ning Hao was slightly stunned, and the pupils of his eyes turned into an eternal kaleidoscope, and then disappeared.

It was only for a split second and didn't attract anyone's attention.


The manipulated grass ninja was only two meters away from the target that Ning Hao wanted to kill, with the strength of his upper ninja, plus the effect of surprise......

I saw a flash of the knife, and the empty grass ninja had already moved, and a short knife slashed through the neck of the grass ninja leader, and the blood flew out like a fountain, dyeing the bedding and the ground red!

The other person in charge of protection was slightly stunned, he didn't expect that his companion, who had been strictly selected, would kill the leader?

This is a very strict selection process, and it definitely belongs to the confidants, who can want to betray it back?

The rest of the people reacted that it was too late, because the leader had won......


In the same room, another grass ninja who was in charge of protecting the leader of the grass ninja village also made a move, and the short knife in his hand stabbed towards the grass ninja who was overcontrolled!

When he made a move, the person who was controlled by Ning Hao didn't move at all, and was directly killed with a knife.

Killing the opponent so simply, that grass ninja also felt that something was wrong, but they had already been killed, and it was impossible to regret it.

"It's that easy?"

Ning Hao was a little puzzled, his body sank into the trees, and disappeared in place.

However, he did not leave, but chose to stay and observe.

Although he used the Eternal Kaleidoscope and cooperated with [Betianjin Radiance] to manipulate the enemy to kill the hands of the Grass Ninja Village, which had a surprising effect, this matter was too smooth.

"It's really not right, isn't this guy's daily routine too regular? It's like a line?"

Recalling the rules of life of the leader of the Grass Ninja Village, Ning Hao found that this was the leader's life rules, as if they were fixed......

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