
The attacks of the four people were not at all a level compared to the eight-door Maite Dai.

Shui Dun and Lei Guang were directly kicked and exploded, and the Shui Dun released by the Ghost Master of Watermelon Mountain and River was like Wang Yang, and it was also kicked and exploded, turning into a splash of water in the sky......

The detonation charm released by the explosive knife droplet was annihilated by Maitedai's kick before it could be detonated, and it had no effect.

And the iron wire created by the 'stitch' of the Kuri Hail Kushimaru, the powerful attack kicked and exploded, and it was also as if it had evaporated, and the powerful force drove the iron wire, directly supporting the Kuri Hail Kushimaru, and instantly rushed towards Maite Dai.


Matt Dai screamed, his body flew out, kicked out, and fell heavily to the ground!


This piercing sound sounded, and Chestnut Hail Kushimaru was directly kicked and exploded, leaving nothing behind;

Dust was lifted all over the ground, and trees within a radius of thousands of meters were blown away, becoming a mess......

And Maite Dai is also unable to maintain the Eight Gate Dunjia, his body has reached the limit, with the disappearance of the powerful chakra, Maite Dai also fell into the big pit with a "bang~", and slowly closed his eyes!


"Huh!" Ning Hao sensed Akai's breath and used his divine power to transfer it.

"Akai~" appeared in front of Akai and the three, and Ning Hao asked, "Are you okay......?"


Before Ning Hao's words were finished, a powerful vibration was felt, followed by a roar, and countless trees could be seen flying out from a distance, and the dust in the sky rose into the sky.

"Father!" Maitkai gritted his teeth and closed his eyes as he looked at the mushroom cloud rising.

He was already learning the Eight Gates Dunjia with his father, and when he first started studying, the first thing he did was to talk about the power of the Eight Gates Dunjia and its later effects.

What was the movement just now...... Maitkai didn't have to think about it, he also knew that his father had opened the eight doors of Dunjia to seven, or even all eight doors, and death had become inevitable.

"You go back to Konoha first, and I'll take a look. "

Ning Hao said and used Shenwei to transfer over.

"It's really terrifying~ It is worthy of the eight doors of Dunjia fully opened!"

Appearing in the place where Maite Dai and the Ninja Sword Seven were fighting, Ning Hao was also shocked by the scene in front of him.

The place where he was had turned into a desolate loess, a huge pit fell to the ground, and there were many large and small potholes, and the whole battlefield was in shambles, even bigger than the movement he made when he fought with the scorpion.

In the largest pit, after using the Eight Gate Dun Armor, his skin burst and turned into a bloody man, and at this moment he had no breath.

"It's dead!"

Ning Hao's instantaneous technique landed beside Maite Dai, and he couldn't feel the slightest breath of life from him.


In the dust, a huge body crawled out of the dust, and slowly stood up, holding a strange creature covered with barbs and a mouth, but with a knife hilt......

This person is the watermelon mountain puffer ghost, and the strange creature in his hand is naturally the shark muscle.

Then, in the midst of the dirt, two more people crawled out one after another: Shihachi Muri who used the 'Explosive Knife Droplet', and the black hoe Thunder Fang who used the 'Thunder Fang Blade'.

All three were wounded, and at the last moment, they had withdrawn as fast as they could, and then resisted the impact of Maitday, but they were still injured and then rushed out.

Among the three, perhaps only the watermelon mountain puffer ghost is better, he himself has a strong chakra, plus the shark muscle can store chakra, after some replenishment, it is almost recovered.

"The little ghost is Konoha again, right?" Ning Hao, the watermelon mountain puffer ghost, saw Ning Hao's forehead guard on his arm, and said, "Hand over that guy's body to me, and then you can go!"

When Maite Dai first used the [Eight Gate Dunjia], the watermelon mountain puffer fish ghost was very interested in this technique. It's just that I didn't expect that a guy who was not strong in the first place could finally burst out with such a powerful force!

This secret technique is so powerful!

You have to get your hands on it, even if the person is dead, the body can still be taken back to study, and you can get a lot of information in your head.

So he needed to get this corpse.

"Do you want to study the 'Eight Gate Dunjia' from Maite Dai?" As soon as Ning Hao heard it, he knew what the ghost of the watermelon mountain and river wanted to do: "Die of this heart!"


Saying that, the space in front of Ning Hao distorted slightly, and directly collected Maite Dai's body into the Shenwei space.

After all, he has practiced with Maite Dai for a period of time, learned a lot of skills in using physical skills and exercising his body, and can be regarded as the first teacher on the road of life.

So it is impossible for him to hand over Maite Dai's body, and he still has to ...... Kill these three guys in front of you!

"Little ghost, where did you put that guy's corpse?" Seeing that Maite Dai's corpse had disappeared, the Watermelon Mountain Puffer Fish Ghost suddenly looked at Ning Hao: "But listening to your tone, it seems that I know what that [Bamen Dunjia] is, and I caught you." Seems like it's fine!"

"Be careful. "Wuli Shihachi is often the partner of Kuri Hail Kushimaru, and he still knows about Ning Hao: "This little ghost is Ning Hao with a thousand hands, he has the ability to fly, and he also has Mu Dun, and his strength is very strong! It is said that some time ago, the disciples of the three generations of Tsuchikage also died in his hands!"

"Don't be careful, you're all going to die here today!"

Ning Hao looked at the three of them seriously, and in a pair of scarlet eyes, the three magalayas slowly rotated, and then the three magatakus elongated and turned into an eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel eye.

"Writing Wheel Eyes!" "Watermelon Mountain Puffer Fish Ghost and Black Hoe Lei Ya were both slightly startled, isn't it surnamed Qianshou? Isn't Youmu Dun a Thousand Hands family?

"No, it's a kaleidoscope writing wheel!" "Muri Shihachi knows a little about the writing wheel, and the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye is said to have been opened only by the Madara Uchiha brothers.

The wooden escape between the thousand-handed pillars, the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye that Madara Uchiha has awakened!

The two abilities were concentrated on Ning Hao, and for a while, Wu Li Shiba had already retreated.

"Retreat...... Wuli Shihachi began to retreat, swinging the explosive knife with both hands, and more than a dozen detonation charms flew towards Ning Hao......

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