After Ning Hao stepped into the office, Ape Fei Ri didn't pay attention to Ning Hao's words, and directly said the reason why he came to Ning Hao.

"I've asked the two of you to patrol the Shadows on the border of the Water Nation first, but you have the senses and should be able to find them faster, be careful. "

"I see!"

Ning Hao nodded seriously, and then his body seemed to be twisted, turning into a whirlpool, and disappearing in front of the ape.

This is the first time that Ape Fei Ri Slash has seen Ning Hao use this kind of space-time ninjutsu to move, and he was also severely shocked.

has such a mobility ability, which is basically the same as Bo Feng Shuimen, and the proof of whether or not to leave the village is the same.


Above a sea, a whirlpool appeared out of thin air in the air, and Ning Hao directly used his divine power to transfer here, the place where he had cultivated before.

Because he was most familiar with this place, and it was close to the Land of Water, after listening to the words of the ape flying sun, he could tell that this matter seemed to be in a hurry, so he also directly used Shenwei to transfer over.


Ning Hao appeared above the sea out of thin air, and then directly used the [Sky Dance Technique] to quickly fly towards the country of water.

Flying in the air, Ning Hao's perception was fully open, his face was serious, his brows were slightly furrowed, and he carefully sensed Maitkai's breath.

Ning Hao is very familiar with Maitkai, and naturally he is more familiar with Maitkai's breath.

But perception is limited, and it is not at all possible to perceive the whereabouts of Maitkai for a while.

At the same time, Maite Day, Maite Kay, Shiranui Strings, and Ebisu are quickly evacuating from the Land of Water and rushing towards the Land of Fire.

Behind the four of them, a Konoha Shinobi is engaged in a battle with the enemies of the Land of Water, who is officially known as the 'Ninja Seven Seven'.

Users of long knives and needles.


The four Kuri Hail Kushimaru are slender, very fast, with yellow hair and a mask of the dark part of the misty ninja on his face, beating around Konoha is Shangnin, attacking from time to time.

"Ding Ding Ding~!!"

All of Kuriya's attacks were taken first, and the collision between the long knife and the needle and the kunai rose up, and Konoha's upper shinobi immediately retreated, and the Kuriya Kushimaru also retreated, pulling the 'long knife and needle' in his hand hard!


The entire ground was cut in an instant, and thin lines emerged from the ground, and the surrounding trees were also cut in an instant.

Konoha's upper ninja was also wrapped in thin lines, his face changed slightly, and his hands were sealed: "Tu Dun, Tuliu Wall!"

A wall of earth rises, but in an instant it is cut into pieces by thin threads.

"Fog Concealment Technique!"

A mist instantly hit the surrounding envelope.

It was another ninja who rushed directly towards Konoha with a decapitating knife in his hand and slashed hard. Cut off all the thin threads of the chestnut hail string pills!


The decapitation knife fell, blood flew everywhere, and the Konoha ninja, who had already looked a little tired in the pursuit, was directly killed.


In the dense fog, several more figures rushed out one after another, not stopping at all, chasing in the direction where Maite Dai and the others left.

Kuri Hail Kushimaru and Loquat Juzo, who used the decapitation broadsword, also quickly followed.

"Tsk...... You can't run away, let me stay obediently! Don't worry, I will split you in half with a knife and kill you in an instant, it won't be very painful!"

Loquat Shizo swung his decapitation knife and chased after Matt Day, with a cross scar on the right side of his face, revealing a bloodthirsty look.

"Akai, Strings, Ebisu. Get out of here, I'll stop them!" Matt Day stopped behind the three and said to the three, "Get out!"


"The other party is the ninja sword seven, you will die......"

The three of Maite Kay also stopped and looked at Maite ~ Dai.

"You guys go quickly, time is running out! Even if you risk your life, I will protect you from leaving!"

Matt Dai looked at the ninja sword seven who had already chased after him with a determined expression.

"I really didn't expect that even the little ghosts in the outer villages knew about us...... It seems that we are famous!" Loquat Juzo, who was holding the decapitation knife, looked at Matt Day and the three Akai behind him with a sinister smile.

"It's just a few forbearances, hurry up and solve it, if you can't figure it out, let's do it!"

Out of the woods came out of the ninja sword seven, standing very leisurely aside, for the four shinobi of Maite Day, they didn't have any interest at all.

"You guys go quickly~ I can't hold them for long!" Matt Day shouted loudly: "Eight doors Dunjia, open the door, the door of rest, the door of birth, and the door of injury!"


With a loud shout from Matt Day, he directly opened the four doors, and the chakra on his body burst out, and the entire ground was washed out of a hole.

"It's the Eight Gate Dunjia!" Ah Kai has been cultivating the [Eight Gate Dun Jia] with her father for this time, the power and danger of the Divine Way.

As soon as the eight doors are opened, they can have the power to surpass the 'shadow', but they will also die......

"Let's go, don't let your father die in vain!" "I don't know how to pull Maite Kai and leave quickly with Ebisu.

"I want to go, watch me split your door piece by piece!"

Loquat Shihi's figure flashed, with a bloodthirsty smile on his face, and he waved a decapitation knife towards Akai and the three of them, as if he had seen the scene of the three of them lying across the corpses and blood splashing.


The figure of Maite Dai, who opened the four doors, flashed, faintly with the sound of breaking the sky, and instantly appeared in front of Loquat Shihiding, blocking his way, and flying out with one foot;

"So fast!"


Loquat Shizang was also slightly surprised when he saw Maite Dai who appeared instantly, and immediately felt a huge force coming from the decapitation broadsword, so that he couldn't hold the beheading knife at all, and directly took it out of his hand.

Then he saw that Maite Dai flew out with another kick and swept towards him. Loquat Shizang immediately retreated, but the wind pressure from Maite Dai's attack directly lifted him out, and he took a few steps back in succession.

"Damn~!!" The retreating loquat Shizo looked at Maite Dai with anger, as a member of the ninja sword seven, his blades were kicked away!

It's a shame.

"You can't stand down, it's enough to have us......"

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