
The dense sound of breaking the sky sounded in his ears, and Ning Hao looked at the shuriken formed by countless iron sand attacking, and did not appear panicked, and quickly flashed to the side.

However, these shurikens were shot quickly from the bottom up, and they were extremely wide, even if Ning Hao used the [Dancing Sky Technique] to advance at full speed, he could not quickly rush out of the attack range of the shuriken, and would always withstand a wave of shuriken attacks.

But Ning Hao still did this, flashing towards the back, opening a distance from the scorpion, and the speed of retreat was not too fast, and he didn't put the attacking shuriken in his eyes at all.

There are so many ways to avoid these shuriken attacks.

Ding Ding Ding!!

The shuriken formed in the iron sand rushed to Ning Hao's side, and a cyan skeleton appeared on him, like the ribs of a giant, which would wrap him whole.

Countless shurikens fell on the cyan skeleton, and they couldn't break through the skeleton's defense at all, and there were bursts of crisp collision colors, and then I saw shurikens falling from the air.

Ning Hao Shi unleashed a part of Susanenhu, only changing his ribs to wrap him in it, ignoring the incoming shuriken and retreating towards the back.

Seeing this, the scorpion frowned slightly: "Chakra's condensed defense? Cyan? What attribute of Chakra?"

Susa Nenghu is already rare, not to mention that the scorpion has not noticed Ning Hao's eyes, because Susa Nenghu is wrapped in Ning Hao, so the scorpion can't see his eyes, it is already an eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel eye.


The scorpion didn't pay attention to Susanenghu, but manipulated the three generations of wind shadows to smash the cone-shaped iron sand towards Ning Hao.

For Ning Hao, who had the [Dancing Sky Technique], it was too simple to avoid the entire attack!

"Mu Dun: Four Pillars of Prison Technique!"

Ning Hao avoided the falling conical iron sand, his hands were sealed, and countless wooden houses broke through the ground, wrapping the entire cone, and under his control, the entire conical iron sand was wrapped without leaving a single gap.

Because this is iron sand, it can be washed out as long as there is a gap.

"Now, it's time for me to fight back!"

Ning Hao looked at the scorpion and sealed it with one hand: "Don't be a god of light!"

Ning Hao threw an illusion at the scorpion!

At this moment, although the scorpion has completed the transformation and is considered a puppet, even so, he still has to use chakra, and he still has spiritual power.

It's just that the ordinary illusion is useless for the scorpion, because the scorpion's chakra is all gathered together, and the ordinary illusion can be rushed away in an instant.

But the light of the other gods is different, it can be transformed into the same illusion space as [Moon Reading]. In the illusion, everything is decided by Ning Hao, and the time is extremely fast, even a person like a scorpion who has accumulated a large number of large chakras, or a human pillar force, does not have the time to react.

"Welcome to my illusion space!"

The sudden change in the environment made the scorpion instantly vigilant, and it wanted to move but couldn't move at all. After a closer look, he found that he was tied to a cross, and Ning Hao was suspended in front of him, holding a short knife in his hand, standing in front of him.


The scorpion looked at Ning Hao, and the chakra at the mouth of the xiong mouth burst out in large quantities, but it did not break the entire illusion at all, and the environment did not change in the slightest.

"It's useless!" Ning Hao knew that the scorpion burst out with a large number of chakras in an attempt to break through the illusion: "Here, whether it is time, matter, etc., it is under my control!

Ning Hao said lightly: "No matter how long it has been here, it's only a second since I'm outside......

"It's a pity, I don't need the spirit to dominate the body, and my body is a puppet, as long as I don't die, I can control the body perfectly~"

The scorpion leaned on the cross indifferently and looked at Ning Hao nonchalantly before noticing his eyes.

"Are you interested in working with me?

Ning Hao looked at the scorpion, but did not make a move, and also planned to dig into the corner.

"I'm not interested, you're destined to be made into a puppet by me!" Scorpion didn't think about it, and directly refused, he is Chiyo's grandson, how high is the status of Sand Ninja Village?

But he still defected, he didn't have the slightest interest in Ning Hao's invitation, and the only thing he was interested in was to make Ning Hao a 'human puppet'.

"That's a shame!"

Ning Hao shook his head in a slightly disappointed manner, and the short knife in his hand began to pierce into the scorpion's body!




I don't know how long it lasted, Ning Hao lifted the illusion, and the outside world was only a second.

As the scorpion said, his mental power has indeed suffered a huge blow, but his body is a puppet, and he does not need to control it at all, but manipulates it, as long as he is not dead, and there is chakra, he can perfectly control the body.


The conical iron sand was wrapped in an instant, and the wooden sand was directly washed away, and the conical iron sand turned into irregular iron sand, which seemed to grow like a tree.

"Wood Escape: Tree Realm Descends!"

Ning Hao also didn't have time to play with the scorpion, his hands were sealed, a large number of chakras poured out, and the moment under his feet exploded, and towering trees grew wildly from the ground, directly bursting the ground.

After the big tree rushed out, it directly wrapped the cone-shaped iron sand so that it could not move, and at the same time, countless branches and vines rushed towards the scorpion, and the big tree also moved closer to the scorpion, growing into a prison, and then wrapped the scorpion and went to it!

"Sand Iron Boundary Law!"

The scorpion looked at the vines and branches that kept coming, and the space around him was all wrapped in trees, he was already surrounded by big trees, and suddenly controlled the three generations of wind shadows to release black iron sand and wrap him!


The scorpion manipulated the iron sand to wrap itself around him, avoiding critical attacks from branches and vines, and then countless iron sand turned into a crescent-like blade and flew out, cutting off the vines and branches that attacked him!

Boom Boom!

The cone-shaped iron sand that had been wrapped in the big tree before also spun like a spinning top quickly, flying out of the black moon blade and slashing towards the surrounding trees!

In an instant, in the entire tree realm, countless black moon blades flew, constantly splitting the big tree!

The scorpion also removed the iron sand that wrapped him at this moment, and after a glance around, he found that the surrounding trees had indeed been cut off by the moon blade made of iron sand......

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