Chapter 0081 – The Mysteries of Konoha Fluid Art, Thousand Years Without Pulling Thin!!!

In the face of the attacking shuriken, Kakashi did not panic at all, and when the shuriken was about to hit, the avatar instantly launched to block all the shuriken.

Sakura, who was lying in the grass, shouted in fright, “Sass give! You’re doing too much! ”

The incense on the tree on the other side shouted: “Idiot wide forehead, this is a stand-in!” You are exposed! ”

Kakashi, who was standing behind Sasuke, looked at Kakashi with black lines on his head, as if you were not exposed.

And Sasuke’s face changed, so fast!

This is the strength of Shangnin?!

Naruto, as a practical teacher, naturally will not really interact with this group of little fart children.

Just like poor Madara said, where adults will see like children.

So every time he beat a child, Naruto used only a physical technique that was above them.

If Sasuke hadn’t bumped into Naruto beating Uchiha Itachi, he would have naively thought that he would be able to catch up with Naruto at this time.

Now seeing Kakashi appear behind his back in an instant, Sasuke’s face changed in an instant, his eyes shrunk, and instantly turned scarlet, and then his body’s reaction ability skyrocketed, and he jumped out of the bushes violently.

Kakashi looked into Sasuke’s eyes with some surprise, “Sharingan? I didn’t expect you to open so early. ”

Sasuke snorted proudly, “I’m a genius of the Uchiha clan!” I opened my eyes when I was 8 years old! ”

The whole clan died light, angrily opened a hook of jade, originally closed again, who had thought that Naruto’s exposure stimulation directly let Sasuke keep the hook of jade he exchanged for the whole clan.

But it’s just a hook of jade, Naruto has never seen such a stupid Uchiha clan, no matter how he has stimulated him in recent years, he was stunned to only open a hook of jade, a single pair of godTM, Danfeng eyes ah hey!

Being able to write the wheel eye one by one hook jade and one by one can only be done by two pillars.

After all, most of the Uchiha people who appear in the plot start with double hook jade and cap the kaleidoscope.

Even Obito, known as the tail of the crane, saw that Wuwu Kai was injured, and he directly opened the double hook jade.

On the other hand, this genius who was boasted by Itachi as a once-in-a-century rare encounter in the Uchiha family, the slowness of his strength promotion is outrageous.

If it weren’t for the Great Snake Pill using various consumption potentials, the forbidden technique of lifespan would raise Sasuke’s strength.

I am afraid that at that time, Sasuke had already been dumped 108,000 miles away by Naruto who followed Jiraiya to practice.

And at this time, looking at the confident Sasuke, Kakashi decided to teach him a lesson, after all, he was his former brother, or the only clan of his own friends, and he still had to take care of it.

“One of the ninja tactics, physical skills, let me teach you.”

Sasuke snorted coldly: “See my eyes?” Any physical skill can only do useless work in front of these eyes! ”

Since opening the Sharingan, even Naruto’s movements can be easily captured.

This gives him confidence in his progress.


Kakashi stared at Sasuke with his one-eyed amusement, as if looking at a frog at the bottom of a well.

Immediately, he took out the limited intimate paradise from his ninja bag.

Then casually ignored Sasuke and looked up.

“What’s wrong? Hurry up and let the horses come. ”

Kakashi ticked it with his other hand, and then he slipped that hand into his pocket, making it clear that he intended to give Sasuke two hands.

Sasuke’s eyes widened when he saw this, and his face turned red with anger.

As a genius, he has never suffered such treatment! This time he was completely furious.


Sasuke roared angrily and rushed directly towards Kakashi.

However, Naruto is obviously not a hot-blooded anime that exports all roar.

Even if Sasuke shouted louder, the experience gap between him and Kakashi was extremely large.

Even if he did, it was absolutely impossible to win Kakashi in skill, Naruto relied on more strength, faster speed, and powerful moves.

If the two of them were put on the same strength competition technique, ten Naruto would definitely not.

After all, Kakashi had been in the Dark Department for 13 years alone, and before that, he had become a shinobi early, and his rich combat experience was definitely not comparable to someone like Naruto who had nothing to do all day.

So even though the two pillars are as imposing as a rainbow, they are all easily dodged by Kakashi in one move, and even this time Kakashi seems to have no intention of releasing water in the plot at all.

He held a book in one hand and a pocket in the other, but dodged all of Sasuke’s attacks.

“Abominable! How could it be so strong! The gap shouldn’t be so big! Sasuke gritted his teeth and looked at Kakashi who was focused on the little yellow book, only to see that his hands began to seal rapidly, and he took a sharp breath and aimed at Kakashi. ”

“Fire Escape Hao Fireball Technique!”

A cloud of flames erupted from Sasuke’s mouth and spewed towards Kakashi’s location.

Naruto, who was sit-up, rolled his eyes, “Idiot…”

With his current sealing speed, facing a ninja like Kakashi to release ninjutsu is completely equivalent to sitting still.

Sure enough, after the fireball was sprayed, Kakashi appeared behind Sasuke without knowing when.

“Ninjas can’t be left wide behind their backs, stupid.”

Sasuke’s face changed: “Not good! ”

Sakura’s face changed, “That’s the Tiger Seal!?” Is he going to fight back with fire? ”

However, Kakashi suddenly shouted: “Konoha Ryu Ninjutsu, Gymnastic Mystery!” A thousand years without pulling thin! ”

Sasuke: “…”

I! %@¥#¥×@(#)

Looking at Sasuke who flew out with his butt covered, Xiangyu and Sakura snorted at the same time, even if 097 is going back to school to retake, they definitely can’t hit this trick!

With a pop, the two pillars fell to Naruto’s side.

Naruto smiled and asked Sasuke, “How?” Do you feel it? ”

Sasuke: “I have you!” #%¥! @! ”

Looking at the angry Sasuke, Naruto laughed.

Sasuke covered his ass and cursed, “This super big idiot! Which bastard developed this trick?! ”

Naruto: “His daddy.” ”

And Kakashi looked at Sasuke and taunted, “Oops, what’s wrong? If you can’t get the bell before noon, you won’t have food~”

“Aren’t you the first place in the ninja school? That’s it? ”

“He said he wanted to kill, but his actions were not good.”

Kakashi sneered and prodded Sasuke with a Itachi.

After saying this, Sasuke’s face changed drastically, and a pair of Sharingan eyes stared at Kakashi deadly.

“Eight Doors Dun Jia · The First Gate · Open the Door! Open! ”

Kakashi’s eyes narrowed, was this what Naruto taught them in school? On the other side, Kakashi looked at Kakashi, who was attracted by Sasuke’s attention, and was happy in his heart, it was now!

“Spiral pill!”

Xiangzin shouted, and an extra ball in his hand pressed sharply towards Kakashi.


Kakashi’s face changed, Naruto actually gave this ninjutsu to Shimo-Shinobu who had not yet graduated?!

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