The flames and smoke from the Tailed Beast Ball's explosion dissipated, and the blood-stained figure of Goji Yagura walked out surrounded by a ball of water.

The Tailed Beast Ball had actually injured him badly, but with the nourishment of the Tailed Beast's chakra, his injuries were recovering quickly.

"Who are you!!!"

Goji Yagura stared at Nobukaze, who looked younger than him.

He had just been bombarded by the Tailed Beast Ball, so he didn't hear the conversation between Nobukaze and Mei Terumi. However, he already had a guess in his mind, but he was not sure.

"It seems that the lesson I taught you last time was not enough."

Xinfeng shook his head helplessly, and his casual look seemed to show that he didn't take Goji Yagura seriously at all.

"It's you!!!"

Yagura Kuji's face changed, showing hatred and shock at the same time.

He hated being defeated by Sanzo last time, but he was also shocked by the opponent's age.

Sanzo Kuji, who defeated Hanzo and Yagura Kuji, was actually a five or six-year-old child. He had never heard of such a thing before.

Mei Terumi looked at the very young Fourth Mizukage Yagura Kuji, and then looked at Sanzo Kuji, who looked only five years old. She felt strange and wanted to say something, but she didn't know what to say for a while.

If she had seen this absurd scene in the past, she would definitely think that these were two children fighting, and then rush up to hug these two delicate and beautiful children in her arms.

However, since she had witnessed the terrifying strength of the two, she did not dare to take it lightly at all, for fear that the aftermath of the fight between the two would affect the Mist Village ninjas who were previously knocked unconscious by the water flow.

And now seeing the two people in front of her silent at the same time, Mei Terumi became extremely alert.


In an instant, Xinfeng's figure instantly disappeared from the spot and appeared next to Kujira Yagura, reaching out to grab the other party.

"Waiting for you!!!"

""Water Style: Water Thorns!!!"

Yagura, who had been prepared for this, smiled grimly, and the water on his body instantly turned into several sharp thorns, which were the last to arrive and pierced into Xinfeng's body in an instant.

As early as the last time he fought with Xinfeng, he had been studying how to prevent Flying Thunder God from approaching suddenly, and the"Water Thorns" he used that could be formed instantly was the countermeasure he had studied.

However, the next second, Yagura froze in place, with a look of astonishment on his face.

Because he saw that the"Water Thorns" he launched not only penetrated through the opponent's body, but also lost control in an instant, and reversed and entangled him in place.

Ninjutsu backfired, how could this be possible!!!

Yagura was shocked thinking about this, and turned his head to see Xinfeng's scarlet eyes burst into bright light instantly.

Mangekyō: Tsukuyomi!!!


The Fourth Mizukage Yagura Karuta had this thought in his mind, and he sneered in his heart.

As a perfect Jinchūriki, he was not afraid of the so-called illusion at all!!!

Instead, he could take this opportunity to pretend to be controlled, and then suddenly launch a sneak attack!!!

However, the next second, Yagura Karuta found himself in a black and white space, tied to a cross.

In front of him, the five or six-year-old Shuangfeng Sanzang was holding a long sword that was taller than the other party, approaching step by step, and then slowly stabbing the long sword into his body.

The intense pain of the long sword entering his body made Yagura Karuta's face change drastically. He kept calling the name of the Three-Tails in his heart, asking the other party to help him remove his illusion.

However, no matter how Yagura Karuta shouted, the Three-Tails did not respond.

This situation made the Fourth Mizukage Yagura Karuta's heart instantly fall to the bottom, and it was cold.

Perhaps guessing Yagura Karuta's doubts, Xinfeng pulled out the long sword in his hand and said slowly

"This is the ability of my Mangekyō Sharingan, Tsukuyomi"

"I can pull the person who is looking at me into this spiritual space, and within this space, I can control all factors in the space, including time, place, quality, etc."

"In other words, although I stabbed you for five minutes in this space, to the outside world, not even a millisecond had passed, so Sanwei Isobu couldn't remove your illusion at all."

"It will take about 72 hours for the Three-Tails to find out that you are under a genjutsu." As soon as he finished speaking, a clone appeared beside Xinfeng, holding a long sword in his hand and stabbing it into the body of the Fourth Mizukage Karatachi Yagura.


Hearing what Xinfeng said, Goji Yagura roared in despair.

Xinfeng stabbed the long sword in his hand into the opponent's body again and said calmly:

"There are still seventy-two hours left......Let's play slowly..."......

After the end of the Tsukuyomi, the fourth generation Mizukage, Yagura, instantly fell to the ground, shaking uncontrollably.

Seeing the collapsed Yagura, Xinfeng stretched out his hand expressionlessly and pressed it on him, binding him with the Curse Seal.

He had just tied Yagura to the cross in the Tsukuyomi space, and separated a large number of phantoms, letting the phantoms and himself hold the ninja sword to torture him for more than 70 hours.

This caused Yagura to suffer great physical and mental pain, and he collapsed directly and had no power to resist.

Mei Terumi, who was far away, saw the fourth generation Mizukage kneeling in front of Xinfeng, and was directly confused.

In her eyes, Xinfeng just appeared next to the fourth generation Mizukage in an instant, and then the fourth generation Mizukage knelt directly.

This situation made her have no idea what happened, and naturally she didn't know that Yagura had been tortured inhumanly for 72 hours in the Tsukuyomi space.

However, although she didn't know what happened, the strength of Shuangfeng Sanzang to subdue the fourth generation Mizukage Yagura in an instant still shocked Mei Terumi.

Even the fourth generation Mizukage, who was the three-tailed Jinchūriki, was not his opponent, so how strong was he!!!

Mei Terumi thought in shock.

However, if this man is from the Mist Village......No, how wonderful it would be if this child was my son!!!

Mei Terumi continued to fantasize in her heart.

He grabbed the Fourth Mizukage who had not yet recovered from the mental torture and had no power to resist, and the Sharingan in his eyes spun again.

The Fourth Mizukage Yagura Karatachi was doomed to die, but the three-tailed beast was still useful to him.

The next second, a giant turtle of huge size was pulled out of the Fourth Mizukage Yagura Karatachi by Xinfeng and fell into the forest in the distance.


As soon as the three-tailed Isobu landed, he immediately howled at the moon, roaring angrily.

The three-tailed is liberated!!!

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