Mythology Starts with Childish Skills

Chapter 993 Martial Arts is Superior (Please subscribe)

Although Xiao Yun was only one of the innate talents who had recently joined the Meng family, and his qualifications were far inferior to those of the old men who had followed Meng Zhao early on, he was capable, resourceful and thoughtful.

He is much better than a simple martial artist, and he has made some small contributions recently by helping to deal with matters, so his status is not too low.

When Meng Zhao heard this, he smiled slightly and asked for advice,

"Oh? Xiao Yu, why did you say that? If I compete with Zhu Xie Chiri for the position of the chief general of the Yangwu Army, it can be said that apart from the strength of martial arts, there will be little advantage. How do you judge? I rely solely on martial arts. Can you drive him away?"

This is really not because Meng Zhao is belittling himself, but this is the reality.

In terms of official rank, Meng Zhao was just a small Xuanjie captain from the sixth rank. He still held the position in vain and did not lead troops. Compared with Zhu Xie Chiri, one of the three major commanders of the Yulin Guards, he was a figure of two levels.

Regarding military experience and ability to manage the army, Zhu Xie Chiri joined the army at the age of twelve and went into battle to kill the enemy. Meng Zhao was reciting Buddhist scriptures in the temple at the age of twelve and could tell with his toes who was more capable.

Speaking of family background, purely in terms of military influence, the Meng family may not necessarily surpass the Zhu Xie family. Of course, this aspect actually has little influence. The military is just a sword, and the person who holds the sword is still Lao Yinbi who plays politics.

In this regard, Meng Zhao has slightly reversed the decline, but he has to work hard to make it work.

Anyway, if Meng Zhao had to look at it for himself, except for his martial arts skills, which he was confident could defeat the Habayashi Guard Commander, he had obvious disadvantages in other aspects. In comparison, he did not have an advantage.

Xiao Yun's heart was hot and full of energy at this time, and he explained to Meng Zhao,

"Sir, this is the crux of the problem. Martial arts strength is the most important thing in the army.

The strong are on top and the weak are on the bottom. Military strategies can be sharpened and experience can be used to gradually improve and make up for deficiencies.

If the martial arts strength is not enough, it will affect the morale and prosperity of the entire army.

In addition to some basic qualities, the selection of low-level and middle-level officers in the Yangwu Army actually relies on martial arts to win.

In the same way, although the competition for the general position this time is nominally to examine the art of war, strategies, and the ability to train troops and run the army, to prevent the entrustment from being wronged.

But such an investigation is nothing more than talk on paper. How can it be convincing enough to convince others?

Zhu Xie Chiri joined the army as a young man, which is indeed a big plus and easy to convince people.

But, who can say that the young master with a military heritage must be weaker than him?

The ability to train troops, manage the army, and even fight cannot be learned in a day or two.

Even if you use some method to practice virtually, the fake ones will always be fake, and it is impossible to fully realize your abilities.

On the contrary, the strength of martial arts strength can be discerned with the naked eye, and it is clear at a glance whether one can fight or not.

In this way, if the young master can defeat Zhu Xie Chiri in martial arts, he will actually have an absolute advantage.

Even if you are slightly inferior in other inspections, it cannot shake your competitiveness.

Moreover, my subordinates are very confident that if the young master can suppress Zhu Xie Chiri with his martial arts, the other party may not be able to compete for the position, and it is more likely that he will hide his face and give up. "

Meng Zhao nodded, quite agreeing with what Xiao Yun said, which cleared away the fog in his mind.

He is also confused when he is concerned and thinks about things too complicatedly.

I always think about the entangled relationships between the court, the royal family, aristocratic families, rebellions, etc., to weigh whether the Meng family can compete with the Zhu Xie family.

But he forgot that sometimes the problem may not be so complicated. Being simpler can get closer to the essence of the matter.

For example, fighting for the general position, in fact, the core is still one point, strength is respected.

This world is a world of high martial arts, and all soldiers in the army have martial arts strength.

All of them are rebellious, arrogant and brave, and have wild and wild hearts, which cannot be conquered by ordinary people.

One of the first conditions to be aware of is martial arts strength.

If you can't defeat me, why do you command me and lead me? Are you worthy?

If you can't defeat the soldiers of your own corps, why should you be a corps commander?

In the same way, what ability does a guy with strong martial arts skills have to lead an army and command thousands of troops?

Things like feather fans and silk towels, Confucian scholars who are not familiar with martial arts, and Confucian generals commanding large armies are simply impossible to happen in this special world.

No matter how well you learn the art of war, or how wise and resourceful you are.

If your hard power is not good enough, others will not accept you, and you will not be convinced verbally, but you will not be able to gain military morale.

The morale of the army is divided. What can you do to inspire the strength of the army? What are you using to control the world and kill enemies across ranks?

An army without the strength of a military formation is just a mob and cannot make a big impact. This is caused by the special factors of this world.

Although no one requires a general to be brave, he must have courage and force.

If you can achieve the three feats of bravery, you will be able to win over the military quickly and win the trust and admiration of the army officers. Improvements in all aspects will be huge.

Therefore, what Xiao Yun said about the importance of martial arts strength is definitely correct.

The other one is for examining the art of war, which Meng Zhao thinks is a harmonious method.

For the army, whether it can fight, appearance, pomp, drills, and even various operations are all imaginary. It can be directly pulled out to officially start training and kill a few games to verify its strength and weakness.

This aspect is very suitable for Meng Zhao. Others say he can't fight, but he says he can fight.

Don't ask, asking is genius, asking is talent. The Dragon King of Beimeng, on par with Shen Tianci, has a lot of benefits as he becomes more famous.

Anyway, I haven't played before, so I can look forward to it. I can't say that he is not good.

This greatly offset Zhu Xie Chiri's advantage.

It sounds a bit like being a rogue, but it is suitable for an aristocratic child like Meng Zhao who has a great reputation, has a backing, and can influence the court.

He has the capital to act rogue, but do other large and small families in Lingwu City have this ability?

No, the imperial court has no birds, what can you do?

Therefore, family background is really important, and connections are really important. Even in this world of high martial arts, where the power belongs to oneself, as long as one cannot be invincible, spanning ancient and modern times, one cannot survive without the crowd, and all aspects must be restricted. . .

The last point Xiao Yun said actually involves the insight and understanding of Zhu Xie Chiri's character, and may not work for everyone.

If it were some old man, he might be thick-skinned, and if he lost to Meng Zhao, he would just pretend that nothing happened.

I can't beat you, but I can beat others, and I can barely hold on to the position of commander.

However, as the future star of Dayong's army and the future hope of the general family, Zhu Xiechiri, as a young man with a strong temper and youth, can he endure it?

For a talented general like him, if he lost to Meng Zhao, he basically had no shame in commanding Meng Zhao anymore.

Face and heart are one aspect. The more outstanding a person is, the more conceited he is. He thinks highly of himself and cannot tolerate failure.

On the other hand, Meng Zhao's status also determines that his influence is large enough. If he really uses this to spread some rumors, the Zhu Xie family may be humiliated.

Therefore, what Xiao Yun said is reasonable, but it is not entirely correct and has limitations.

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