Mythology Starts with Childish Skills

Chapter 990 Cold-blooded, situation (please subscribe)

As for how kind-hearted the people in Lingwu City are and how kind they are to the people of Guizhou, that's not the case.

There are many reasons.

First, Lingwu City has a special location, status, and policies.

There is only one city. Although it has a vast area and a large number of people, the same forces are also complicated and intertwined. Under mutual restraint, if the hungry really refuse to choose food, the entire Lingwu City may be in chaos and turn into a pot of porridge.

At the same time, because there is only one city, it is destined to be less controllable than those disasters in one state, and the losses will be smaller.

Secondly, it is for the sake of overall stability and to prevent the Pudu Sect members who are hiding somewhere from causing trouble.

Whenever rebellions occur, in fact, 99% of them are caused by people who are unable to survive and are about to starve to death, and are exploited by people with ulterior motives, which leads to the commotion.

As long as the people have food to eat, people have clothes to wear, and the general situation is stable, there is nothing to fear from those who harbor evil intentions. They will not cause any trouble, at least there will be no major internal problems.

Therefore, Beitang Angcai called on the wealthy forces in Lingwu City to rescue the people affected by the heavy snow and nip the dangerous saplings in the bud.

The situation in Liangzhou can be said to have become chaotic. Although there has not been any major turmoil and no rebels have been heard of, Meng Zhao has a hunch that the superficial calm is about to be broken.

Even if the imperial court responds quickly and sends more aid to Liangzhou, if someone with intentions deliberately guides it, there will still be chaos that those in power don't want to happen.

"If nothing goes wrong, I'm afraid there will be big disturbances in Liangzhou in a few days. The Li family is just worried that the world will not be in chaos!"

Since Ye Mao'er followed Meng Zhao to this Lingwu City, he has been efficient and conscientious in his work. Although his martial arts is not top-notch, he is still quite competent as an ear and eyes, so Meng Zhao does not hide some things from him.

"Sir, you mean that the Li family went to Liangzhou because they wanted to cause trouble?"

Compared with others, Night Owl has a relatively good understanding of the general trend of the world because he often collects information. Coupled with Meng Zhao's faint clues, he knew that the rebellion in the south was actually related to Li Family indulgence and even support are inseparable.

But if you think about it carefully, what Meng Zhao said is not impossible.

What is the specific situation in the south now? They are too far away, so it is difficult to figure out, and some of the news is not trustworthy.

I just know that the imperial court has not yet put down this rebellion, but it is foreseeable that it will be put down sooner or later.

If the Li family is really behind this rebellion, then no matter what the reason is, making some noise in the north to attract the attention and energy of the court is a very good way. Encircling Wei and rescuing Zhao is a bit old-fashioned, but it works. ah!

Especially this major snowstorm, which only happens once in ten years, is simply a God-given opportunity. For the Li family, it would be incompetent for them not to do something to alleviate the pressure in the south.

As for the impact that the instigation will have, what kind of trauma it will bring to the North, and what the outcome will be for the countless people in Guizhou, they are not within the scope of their consideration.

Whether one hundred, one thousand, ten thousand, or hundreds of millions of people die, it doesn't matter at all in the hearts of these wealthy people. What matters is what benefits it can bring to them.

To be honest, even Meng Zhao was ambitious and cold-blooded. After guessing the possible movements of the Li family, he couldn't help but secretly smack his tongue and once again deepened his understanding of the cold-bloodedness of these people.

These people really don't treat people as human beings. If you deal with them in the future, you must be careful. Falling out and being ruthless is a routine operation for this kind of people.

"Then, sir, what do we need to do?"

Night Owl is actually not interested in the affairs of the Li family and Liangzhou. The so-called trouble is just their guess.

Meng Zhao looked solemn, fiddled with the documents in his hands, and fell into deep thought. After a moment, he said,

"First, the intelligence from Liangzhou will be collected every two days and sent to me for review. Don't be afraid of spending money. I want to know the situation there in time, especially the counties close to the border of our Lingwu City.

Second, Beitanghe, you ask our people to try their best to find out the trends without revealing their identity, especially about the government army. If any useful information is found, I will not hesitate to reward you. "

Ye Owl's status is not at Meng Zhao's level, so she cannot look at the whole thing from Meng Zhao's perspective.

If there is chaos in Liangzhou, or even if there is a real rebellion of refugees, and careerists join in, it will be enough to cause chaos in the state. If it spreads to the outside world, then Lingwu City, one of the gateways to the southwest, especially Lingwu City with an extremely excellent strategic location, It is bound to bear the brunt.

At this time, it has something to do with Meng Zhao and the people in Lingwu City.

Once chaos breaks out in Liangzhou, Meng Zhao can't guarantee that Pudujiao will stay there honestly and not do anything at all.

This is a behemoth that started to rebel many years before this big snow disaster. There are even masters and powerful people sitting inside. It is impossible to say that there are gods behind it. Even if the chance is very small, it is not impossible.

If it is really launched, the threat will be much greater than that of Liangzhou, and even the rebellion in the south may not be comparable.

At that time, the real danger is, if you are not careful, the city will be destroyed and people will die.

Therefore, it is necessary to have great power and military power in hand to be able to move forward and retreat.

If we really can't defeat or defend them, the worst we can do is take the army and flee back to Jizhou. Combined with the strength of the Meng family, I don't believe that your Pudu sect can even sweep Jizhou.

Don't think it's so great to have these 50,000 government troops.

Lingwu City has a prominent strategic location, with crisscrossed waterways and adjacent to three states. In the past, this was Lingwu City's advantage, and it became a gold-swallowing behemoth and created huge wealth.

With just one city, all these forces, large and small, can be supported.

And once a war breaks out, Lingwu City will be an unlucky guy surrounded by enemies. People from Jizhou can come over to fight, people from Liangzhou can come over to fight, and people from Yanzhou can also come over to fight.

It can prevent rebellion in one state and barely cope with two states. If it is besieged by three states, Lingwu City will not be able to withstand it at all.

This is the significance of a transportation hub. Once it is captured, there will be a strategic gateway that can be attacked when advancing and defended when retreating.

Who doesn't want that?

Of course, in other words, if you can cope with it, you can use this to extend your hands into the three states, and the development potential is quite huge.

This was also an important reason why Meng Zhao chose to come here to develop his business.

However, at that time, Meng Zhao had the intention of competing for supremacy in the martial arts world.

I have thought about it a lot, but I never expected that this dynasty, which was clearly supposed to be in its heyday, would be so incompetent, and it looked like it would be doomed and the country would be subjugated. Meng Zhao was also a little numb at this time.

Even if the government army is built, it will not be completed in a day or two. It will take time to train, dispatch, cultivate prestige, etc. Will those ambitious people really give Lingwu City this time?

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