Mythology Starts with Childish Skills

Chapter 1484 Transition (please subscribe)

In the vast northern land, there was first a severe snowstorm in the north, and then there was an assassination by the Ninth Prince Beitang, who was described as evil demon. Although there was no danger, it also caused huge waves and almost fell into continuous turmoil.

Although it was far from as raging as the rebellion in the south, with the people wandering around and fighting for thousands of miles, it was also deeply affected by the fighting and fighting between warriors, which was a great devastation to social stability.

In particular, some of the vanguards who fought against the evil forces also suffered counterattacks from the evil forces, resulting in considerable losses and heavy casualties. There were many examples of entire families being wiped out.

Against this backdrop, General Meng Zhao began a peaceful and stable life.

There are no demons, no opponents, no enemies, everything is under his control.

Of course, the prerequisite for this stable life is that he defeated Wu Huai'en, the master of Jueqing Dao, captured him alive, and demonstrated the martial arts of a peerless master.

It was also because of his unrivaled martial arts that Lingwu City, the gateway to the three states with developed and convenient transportation, became a rare paradise in the North that was not affected by the so-called good and evil paths and the so-called battles between rivers and lakes.

This is the intimidating power of an unparalleled strong man and an unparalleled hegemon.

Perhaps because he had been too strong and domineering before, Meng Zhao began his own strategy of hiding deep.

Although the strength, power, and heritage are still accumulating and increasing, they are already like a giant whale hidden in the abyssal lake, hidden under the water, making it difficult for outsiders to detect.

Meng Zhao is at peace here, but the land of China and the martial arts world will never be peaceful.

The first to bear the brunt is the Commoner League, which has been classified as evil by the official forces of the Dayong Dynasty, as well as various large and small aristocratic families and powerful sects.

This is an extremely evil organization in the eyes of many forces. Its slogan is to fight for the lives and fortunes of millions of common people in the world, fight against all injustice and exploitation, and achieve world unity.

He was such a pioneer who changed the world, and he was so majestic that he indeed attracted the hearts and loyalty of some people.

However, in fact, it is not known how much the things they did have helped poor families and how much impact they had, but it was obvious to all that they had dealt a powerful blow to those families that were already in the upper class.

Since the beginning of the year, no less than thirty huge conspiracies have been planned in Jizhou alone, and they all target the nobles in the territory, including the Hou Lei family of Beining, the Bo Meng family of Nan'an, etc.

Their purpose is to destroy and destroy the powerful people who stand above the so-called ordinary people. All powerful people are the enemies of the Commoner League.

However, after all, the Buyi League is only an organization with limited strength, and it can only engage in conspiracy in secret. After the incident of substituting the Tiangang Guard was exposed, it has aroused the vigilance of various forces, so the results are limited.

Those conspiracies and sinister calculations did not bring much results, but they caused a lot of trouble and turmoil. They were really like troublemakers, which was disgusting enough.

Compared to the Buyi League, the Pudu Sect, which was another tyrannical, terrifying, and even famous name in the North, started its rapid expansion process with the help of the heavy snow disaster and various endless fights and battles in the rivers and lakes.

Sects like this, in fact, do not have much room for survival in times of peace, when the country is strong and the people are stable. Major breakthroughs can only be made when the spirit is extremely poor, when life is jealous and unsatisfactory, and when you need to seek spiritual hope and comfort.

For example, right now, during a major snowstorm in the North, the Pudu Sect has already absorbed a wave of believers, and its strength has increased dramatically. Its influence and control among the people are quite large and shocking.

The chaotic war between the imperial court and powerful families and evil spirits also accelerated the expansion and growth of Pudu Sect.

You can't imagine that an innkeeper who makes money every day and lives a prosperous life, and a homeless man who lives in poverty and doesn't even have enough to eat, are in the same room, with the same expression and mentality, listening to the teachings of Pudu. What kind of scene, and similar examples emerge one after another.

Some people may not understand that it is understandable that the poor people, who have no hope in life, are bewitched and absorbed by the Pudu teachings. Why are wealthy people also attracted by the Pudu teachings?

The reason is also very simple, because the social turmoil and the threat brought by the extraordinary world's force make them feel insecure in their hearts.

Not everyone is a warrior, and not every warrior can cultivate powerful martial arts. Most of them are ordinary people, and if ordinary people have a smart mind and good skills, they can also accumulate a lot of wealth.

Therefore, these people who have wealth but lack the ability to protect their wealth have become the main targets of sects such as Pudu. Not only can they expand their influence, but they can also receive help from huge amounts of wealth and accumulate foundation.

An ordinary wealthy household may not be a big deal, and it is impossible for him to devote all his wealth to the Purdue Religion, but the wealth accumulated by millions of wealthy households is a terrifying figure.

Of course, the growth, expansion, and expansion of Pudu Cult are not all smooth sailing.

In the process, it has been restrained and even attacked by many forces.

One of these forces is the Commoner League mentioned earlier.

It may sound incredible, but in fact, the two really feel like they are at odds with each other.

Meng Zhao was based in Mengjiazhuang, Lingwu. When he saw conflicts, fighting, and even bloodshed between the two sides, he had some ideas.

First, the target groups of both parties overlap somewhat.

The Buyi League and Pudu Religion are both organizations that develop ordinary people and ignorant people to enhance their own strength and influence. They are like two companies in the same industry, and they are essentially in a competitive relationship.

Your Pudu Sect is now growing stronger, but in fact the Buyi Alliance may not be happy. Instead, it wants to destroy you, not only to weaken you, but also to strengthen itself.

This is also the main reason why Meng Zhao believes that the relationship between the two parties is tense.

The second factor is Meng Zhao's own speculation.

He came into contact with the Buyi League very early, and coupled with the relationship between the deceased Zhao Hun, the eunuch Zhu Guangxi and others, he had a deep understanding of the Buyi League.

This organization seems to be friendly to the common people and hates those wealthy families, but it is also possible that the Beitang royal family is behind it and is specifically used to weaken the powerful families and the power of the sect.

This involves the early promises made by the founder of the country, which led to the dispersion of imperial power, and the conflicts between the Beitang royal family who wanted to collect imperial power and centralize power, and those who co-ruled the world.

Obviously weakening the power of a powerful family will naturally be curbed and opposed by the people of the world, but what if a force is created and manipulated behind the scenes to do such a thing?

Therefore, Meng Zhao speculated that the Buyi League might be a force controlled by the Beitang royal family.

The Beitang royal family only wanted to attack the powerful family, but did not really want to give up their own power. Naturally, they would not allow the Pudu Sect to pose a threat. (End of chapter)

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