Mythology Starts with Childish Skills

Chapter 1434 Crush (please subscribe)

A loud sound like the sky breaking apart was heard with a crack. Within the 20-mile range where Meng Zhao and Wu Huai'en were fighting, countless huge lightning flashes were like pillars, and electric lights were shining like pythons. Fierce winds, carrying ice, snow, or rain, flew towards the earth...

Beitang He, Kuang Quan, Taohua Xiushi, and a group of guards watched the real dragon behind Meng Zhao become more and more solid and huge. The six-fingered dragon claws were lifelike, with endless majesty and tyranny. With the rumbling sound of thunder, they broke the huge blade transformed by Wu Huai'en and broke it into pieces, which made them terrified.

There was no other reason. It was really that the destructive power and might generated by Meng Zhao and Wu Huai'en's full efforts were too shocking, almost making them think that they had returned to the Middle Ages or even the Ancient Times when there were ruthless people everywhere and strong people like forests.

The result of this move seemed to be clear. Meng Zhao, the Northern Meng Dragon King, defeated the Grandmaster of Jueqing Dao, Wu Huai'en, with an absolute difference in strength, proving that his words of defeating his opponent with one move were not just boasting, but a fact.

Of course, the impact brought about by this result made different people have different emotions.

Like Beitang He, there is nothing to say, he just grinned and almost laughed out loud, he was so happy. Meng Zhao's strength made him realize that his previous worries were redundant.

What concerns about the changes in the situation in the city, what unwillingness to have a conflict between Meng Zhao and the evil demons, giving outsiders an opportunity to take advantage of, are all bullshit.

With Meng Zhao's current world-class cultivation and combat power, and his Yangwu army, it is enough to protect Lingwu City from being invaded by foreign enemies. Even if the city is turbulent, with this top Grandmaster sitting in charge, all uneasy factors can be eliminated.

In Beitang He's own words, Meng Zhao's master martial arts, combined with the strength of his Yangwu army and his title of Yangwu general, made people's hearts stable and it was difficult for outsiders to find opportunities.

Taohua Xiushi and Kuangquan were very gloomy. They were in trouble now.

Let alone the fact that Taohua Xiushi had offended the prince of the county because of his calculation of Beitang He, just mentioning that he cooperated with Wu Huai'en to assassinate Meng Zhao, he would be dead if he was investigated.

As for escaping while the two were fighting, Taohua Xiushi and Kuangquan had no such idea.

It's not that they can't, but they dare not. If they really did this, they would probably be killed by Meng Zhao on the spot.

Do you really think they are blind and can't see that Meng Zhao suppressed Wu Huai'en with ease and put some energy on them?

Therefore, it is better to be still than to move. In any case, facing Meng Zhao, they are absolutely at a disadvantage in terms of force, and it is impossible to defeat him. Escape is also a fantasy. It is better to stay and see what Meng Zhao plans to do and whether he can leave them a chance of survival.

As for the two people in the battle, Meng Zhao stood with his hands behind his back, slowly calming down his restless blood and true power. The purple dragon image standing behind him slowly dissipated, but the remaining tyrannical and domineering aura lingered for a long time.

Wu Huai'en, the master of the ruthless way, rolled on the snow like a dead dog when the sharp blade he transformed into was broken and crushed. He was covered with snowflakes and ice particles, and blood continued to flow out of his mouth.

His eyes were extremely gray, his heart was ashen, and his hands and feet were irregularly bent. They were broken and shattered by the tyrannical force. If he was not treated in time, even if Wu Huai'en was a master, it would be easy to leave sequelae and become disabled.

Such a serious injury was of course caused by many reasons.

First, the two great masters used their own peerless martial arts to fight head-on, but were crushed by Meng Zhao's True Dragon Wonderful Dao. The dragon power entered his body, breaking his own heartless defense and his physical strength was frustrated.

Second, Wu Huai'en used the Heaven and Earth's Sorrow, and the lover absorbed his own emotions, stimulating the backlash of human potential, which greatly reduced his power, atrophied his meridians, and weakened his blood and qi to a certain extent.

Third, and also a very critical point, because of the taboo killing move of Heaven and Earth's Sorrow, Wu Huai'en regained his feelings, and his heartless Dao was broken. He could not face himself who had killed all his relatives and friends, and his spirit was severely traumatized.

It was the influence of these multiple factors that made Wu Huai'en look extremely miserable at this time. Compared with the previous high-spirited and outstanding master style, he was even more like a different person!

In addition, Wu Huai'en's martial arts will was indeed broken by Meng Zhao. From now on, as long as the inner demon is still there, seeing Meng Zhao and hearing Meng Zhao's name will make him panic all day long.

"Haha, Brother Meng, your martial arts are unparalleled. From now on, you may even be able to compete for the best in the world. Congratulations, congratulations!"

Beitang He saw Meng Zhao standing with his hands behind his back. Under the escort of the guards, he trotted all the way to Meng Zhao's side, clasped his hands together, and gestured repeatedly, with an expression of pride.

This is not Gong Wei. He is from a royal family and has some knowledge. He knows very well that in the land of Shenzhou today, the Grandmaster should be the top combat power. There may be some old monsters, but they have basically never appeared, and only some scales and claws remain.

And it is very rare for a Grandmaster to show his power and crush other Grandmasters with one move.

Therefore, according to Beitang He's knowledge, Meng Zhao's martial arts is really expected to compete for the best in the world, not just flattery.

The Ten Great Masters in the World are strong enough, but none of them has such a terrible record as Meng Zhao today.

Of course, this is excluding the royal background.

Beitang He felt that even if Meng Zhao was not the best in the world, he should still be in the top five. As time went by, his martial arts would definitely become more powerful and he would continue to catch up with his predecessors.

A strong grandmaster in his early twenties, a strong man whose combat power crushes other grandmasters, no matter how high you look at him, you can't think too highly of him!

This is the effect that Meng Zhao simply demonstrated with his own martial arts. If he added some background such as magical weapons, wow, it is simply unimaginable!

Meng Zhao waved his hand, noncommittal, looked at Wu Huaien, reached out and grabbed the powerful master from the ground into the air, and used clever force to seal his meridians and qi orifices.

"Keep an eye on him and don't let Grandmaster Wu get too distracted and commit suicide. I'll keep him alive for a purpose!"

After saying that, he threw the man in the air in front of several of his guards.

The guards who followed Meng Zhao out swallowed their saliva. Seeing that their young master really wanted them to take care of him, they could only bite the bullet and put him under control.

The indescribable feeling in my heart was both excitement and fear. If I was not careful or unlucky, I might be dead. (End of chapter)

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