Mythology Starts with Childish Skills

Chapter 1392 Chaos (please subscribe)

Just as Meng Zhao was intensively strengthening the defense forces of those around him, something happened to the Meng family.

To be precise, many properties owned by the Meng family in Lingwu City were destroyed.

One was the sixteen Longya ships under Meng Zhao's name. On a dark and windy night, two sailors from the Meng family's fleet burned them with a kind of three-yin poisonous fire.

The dense poisonous mist turned into sixteen straight streaks of green smoke, which shot straight into the sky. The goods placed in it, worth twenty thousand taels, were all burned. The ten-mile area of ​​the water area became a poisonous zone, and all living creatures were extinct, and not a single blade of grass could grow.

After investigation, it was found that the sailors of the two fleets were all old men who had joined the Meng family fleet before Meng Zhao came to Lingwu City. They married wives and had children in Lingwu City and were completely trustworthy.

After committing this major case, Zhou Hu learned after investigation that the two men did not want to betray Meng Zhao, but because one of them owed a high amount of gambling debt, someone had a clue that fell into the hands of others, and they were obsessed with it and had to follow it.

The other person chose to betray Meng Zhao because his son and mother were kidnapped by unknown forces. When the lives of his loved ones were in danger, he chose to betray Meng Zhao.

The former deserves to die, and the latter can only be said to be a fate, bad luck, and chose him.

Before this incident, their families had already left, but Meng Zhao gave an order, and within three days, twelve members of the two families were captured and brought back to Lingwu City.

All were killed without discrimination, including old men as old as sixty-seven and children as young as three years old. No one was spared. Meng Zhao personally issued the order to kill, which shocked the entire Meng family.

This order can be described as extremely bloody and inhumane. However, the cruel punishment did remind everyone that betrayal is not free, but comes with a price.

Each of the sixteen Longya ships is worth a lot of money. It can travel in large rivers and even the rough waves of offshore seas. It is also a very valuable industry for Meng Zhao. It was burned this time. The loss is not small.

What's more, there were goods on the ship that the Meng Family Trading Company was preparing to traffic. Some of them were items that had been cooperated with the Demon Lord Palace. They were all burned this time. The loss of property was small, but the damage to reputation was big.

It was not a pity to die for these two families. The key is that Meng Zhao also used blood to warn his subordinates.

Anyone who betrays him, Meng Zhao, will definitely not be pardoned, and his family will be implicated as a warning to everyone.

In the past, Meng Zhao rarely imposed severe punishments or measures on people within the Meng family.

Firstly, it was because he started his career too soon, and after he started, his achievements were too high, and people were against him. Everyone wanted to get a better future within his Meng family group, which was like the rising sun, so they were focused on one place. Think about it, if you use your energy in one place, it's almost the same if you don't say that everyone is united.

Secondly, the Meng family has its own internal rules, and it is not Meng Zhao's turn to take action in many matters. For example, Liang Muchiu, Lu Le, and Han Pu can handle all affairs clearly, and it is often difficult for others to see Meng Zhao's actions. s method.

Therefore, many people within the Meng family believed that Meng Zhao was tolerant, generous, and a wise master.

However, this cold and cruel act made people put aside some caution and dare not underestimate this lord anymore.

The Dragon King of Beimeng was not only an unparalleled martial arts genius, but also the overlord of Lingwu City who could dominate the sky with one hand. He was also a ruthless and ruthless hero.

Some people are of a nature that fears power and does not bear morals, so naturally they fear Meng Zhao even more and dare not have petty thoughts.

The Dragon Tooth Ship was burned down. The two men within the Meng family were just tools. There were other people behind the scenes. However, because they were deeply hidden and the tail was handled very cleanly, the Meng family did not gain much.

On the fourth day after the Dragon Tooth Ship was burned down, Meng Zhao's brewery in the inner city was also burned to the ground.

Unlike the Dragon Teeth ship that was burned down by insiders, a group of masters sneaked into the winery at night, killed all the warriors and brewing workers who were keeping watch, and then burned down the factory.

Meng Zhao asked Niu Dali, Su Can and Zheng Que to be responsible for the establishment and planning of this factory. It was also the original supply line for sapphire wine. Its output value was extremely high. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a golden hen that can lay eggs.

But later, because the wine was not very good, another place was chosen to build a high-end winery. The winery that was burned this time was only used to supply ordinary wine and some sapphires.

Therefore, the defense strength is not very high. They are led by two innate warriors and about thirty acquired warriors. They were all defeated this time, which shows that the opponent's strength is not weak.

Not only that, the winery was full of alcohol. After it was burned down, the surrounding area became a wasteland, and half of the street was covered in dust. Fortunately, the winery was built in a relatively remote location, otherwise the matter would have been even bigger. .

The burning of the Longya ship and the burning of the winery were just the beginning.

Next, many industries under Meng Zhao's name, including restaurants, silk and satin shops, rice shops, commercial streets owned by knife factories, etc., all suffered attacks to varying degrees.

Some are well-prepared and have powerful guards who can protect themselves.

Some suffered heavy losses. In addition to silver, they also became stretched thin in terms of manpower.

It's not that Meng Zhao doesn't have enough men, but that he has enough high-end power to control one side and cannot cover everything.

Suddenly, everyone in Lingwu City, from the Beitang Angbeitang He and his son in the county prince's palace to the street vendors and footmen, all knew that the Beimeng Dragon King of Lingwu City was being targeted, and his property and power were being destroyed. To hit hard.

Some of them have actually affected the common people. The huge Lingwu City has also become full of soldiers. All the properties and warriors under the Meng family are guarding and guarding with fear.

Because of this, business income has been affected to a certain extent.

Of course, it only affects a certain extent.

Meng Zhao has two cave worlds and a huge amount of power under his command. A little trouble is not considered a loss of strength at all. At most, it is just a loss of face and a little loss of money.

Meng Zhao could bear it completely and could even remain calm and calm.

However, the information revealed is definitely more than that.

Because Meng Zhao is in a passive situation now, and he has the highest prestige and the strongest strength in Lingwu City. If he cannot control the situation and keeps being beaten without being able to fight back, it will have a great impact on his morale and his own prestige. blow.

Therefore, everyone in the city is guessing that there will be a big move in the Meng family soon.

As for who the opponent is, there is no need to even think about it.

Not long ago, Meng Jizu from Nan'an in Jizhou led an army and killed a master of the hell realm.

Everyone in Lingwu City basically knows that this is the hell realm's revenge on the Meng family, and this may even be just the beginning.

He was just a grandmaster who was slaughtered. Even if Meng Zhao's current loss were increased tenfold, it would still not be worth the value.

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