Mythology Starts with Childish Skills

Chapter 1024 Drill (please subscribe)

Li Tou pondered for a moment and carefully recalled Meng Zhao's life story and his conduct.

From his sensory perspective, this was a supreme martial arts prodigy with a profound background and an outstanding family background.

He is of noble birth, has extraordinary qualifications, acts in a dignified and domineering manner, and possesses a breathtaking charm.

Moreover, whatever the other party does, he follows the rules and pays attention to his example. This actually reflects that Meng Zhao is not a person without a bottom line.

In this way, they went to Meng Zhao. With good intentions, there was only a slim chance that the other party would do something unfavorable to them.

"Okay, let's go find Meng Zhao. Even if we find other people, if any problems arise in the future and affect the entire Lingwu City, we still can't avoid this one!"

The fish shop owner was excited and secretly wondering if he could take this opportunity to join the Meng family and at least get some benefits...

Yangwu Camp is located in a flat valley on the side of the entrance to Dayao Mountain.

Flags were flying, the wind was howling, and there were bursts of shouts of killing, and the ferocity rushed straight into the sky.

On the flat snow where you can see the whole scene at a glance, there are thousands of densely packed strong men, all with their bare arms and black headbands wrapped around them. Amid the changes of small flags of different colors and situations, Change formation.

Square formation, long formation, circular formation, cone formation, wild goose formation, one-word snake formation...and so on evolved alternately.

The soldiers of the two battalions were divided into several small groups, and the several small groups formed large formations.

This is the evolution of the queue and the change of the military formation. It is the basis of the killing formation in the army and is much more important than the improvement of personal force.

Ever since Linghu Rui assisted Meng Zhao in training elite soldiers, he had indeed exerted 120,000% of his energy and ability, and in a very short period of time, he had trained a ragtag group of people into something that could barely be seen.

As far as Meng Zhao is now observing the formation from a high position, the formation is far from being uniform. The evolution of the military formation is also slow, and occasionally changes are not timely, resulting in chain reactions.

However, he is already very satisfied. At least the improvement of this group of soldiers is visible to the naked eye, and they are not free of charge.

As someone who has watched the military parade on TV, Meng Zhao knows very well what a real elite troop formation can achieve. With comparison and reference, he can naturally make improvements and point out points.

Therefore, when Meng Zhao was training troops, he often worked hard at night and set an example to create a good atmosphere.

Because of this, the support and love for Meng Zhao from the top to the bottom in the army is also increasing day by day.

It is actually easy to tell whether he is a waste or a capable person. Meng Zhao has initially managed to win people's hearts.

Regardless of whether Meng Zhao has this military training ability himself or he has capable people under him, as long as he can use it well, it is enough to prove that he is qualified and trustworthy as a general.

Rather than being a parallel importer who simply relies on family background, background, and opportunity.

On top of a snow-white boulder that was polished like a square platform, two figures stood tall, drawing long black shadows, quietly watching the performance below, silently.

Meng Zhao has handsome features, long hair hanging down, and a heroic and upright posture. He has a solemn and majestic air, and the childish feeling brought by his tender face has disappeared.

Wearing bright golden armor, one hand is pressing the handle of the long knife at his waist, and the other hand is pinching his waist. He is majestic and majestic, as inviolable as a god.

In anyone's eyes, the first impression will ignore his age and appearance, and focus on his extremely personal temperament and eye-catching style.

He is not simply a fierce general who can only charge into battle, nor is he a wise general who is sure to hit the mark and possesses pearls of wisdom, but is similar to a handsome man who is calm, commanding and well-organized.

Well, I don’t know if he has this ability, but his temperament is still very outstanding.

To his right, Linghu Rui was wearing a black armor, staring down with a serious expression, sometimes showing surprise, sometimes showing dissatisfaction, obviously immersed in the military formation below, which was constantly changing.

After a long time, he waved a small red flag on his waist at the two messengers under the boulder, with great strength.

Not long after, the military order was issued and the formation drill was completed. The elite soldiers of the two battalions were arranged into the simplest square formation and began to box vigorously under the leadership of their respective military leaders.

"Hey, ha, hey, ha..."

Tens of thousands of fierce men and strong men shouted in unison, and the vibration that shook the earth was beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

The sound was overwhelming. If a single person faced such momentum, even a strong master would be afraid of it.

The moves practiced by the elites of the two battalions were also the Tiger Roar Fist deduced and created by Meng Zhao. The combination was definitely not for speed, but rather precise, with surging strength and a solemn atmosphere.

The distinctive style, each move, combined with the shouts and breathing techniques, is like tens of thousands of tigers gathering in one place, covering the entire army in a special force field.

Anyone who is proficient in looking at Qi will be able to see a faint red tiger shape on top of the military formation, ready to pounce.

This boxing technique emphasizes momentum and intention, and has the miraculous effect of condensing Qi and blood and promoting Qi strength. The larger the scene, the better the effect, and it can even lead to the strong driving the weak.

This is a great gift that Meng Zhao brought to these 50,000 soldiers. Based on this, the future practice of the White Tiger Killing Formation will definitely achieve twice the result with half the effort.

As the boxing techniques gradually spread, the strong wind that was howling and raging in the mountains dissipated, and was replaced by masses of blazing blood, which condensed in one place and turned into a huge sun of blood and blood, dispelling the coldness and bringing out the coldness. Come and feel the warmth.

Linghu Rui's previously unstable expression finally stabilized, he smiled and sighed,

"General, every time I see the army practicing Tiger Roaring Fist, I feel a strange and dreamy feeling. This kind of martial arts is simply a natural way to train soldiers. It regulates energy and blood uniformly, connects each other's momentum, and drives the entire formation. , Even in the Jizhou army, there is no such martial arts."

Meng Zhao smiled slightly and disagreed with Linghu Rui's praise. He himself had extraordinary qualifications and understanding, profound knowledge, and with the help of the Divine Mirror, who in the world could be better than him in martial arts innovation?

No more, not even that Qilin son, Shen Tianci.

"The quality of this group of people is excellent, and they have a solid foundation. What they lack is basic formation formation, military formation drills, and discipline control. If we can do these well, the day of becoming an army will not be far away.

Linghu Rui, you have to worry more about these things next. No matter what difficulties you have, feel free to solve them boldly.

If you have any thorns or problems, come to me and I will help you solve them. "

Meng Zhao is still in the stage of learning and accumulation. The key points of military art are not as good as those of martial arts. He is not yet as powerful at it, so he can only rely on his capable men.

Linghu Rui nodded and smiled. The reason why he recommended himself to Meng Jizu was because he was waiting for this opportunity.

Now that he has waited, how dare he refuse to die?

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