Mystic Holy See

Vol 2 Chapter 136: a blessing in disguise

To be honest, Aldridge wants the extraordinary ability of 'mass replacement' more.


The 'Black Gold Body' further strengthened his life-saving ability, but now Aldridge wants to be stronger and more aggressive.


As the boss of the mysterious Holy See, you can't always use the essence of 'Gou', right?


Although I have everything in the end...


As for other aspects of growth, Aldrich was also a little surprised after the experiment.


"Hardening" has a stronger defense capability, "Super Speed ​​Regeneration" has not been tested, "Static Matter Black Gold Transformation" can transform more and faster, and the construction speed and accuracy of "Black Gold Structure" have increased.


The most important thing is that the ability of 'black gold manipulation' has been greatly improved!


First of all, the controllable radius has been increased from 30 meters around the body to 150 meters, an increase of 5 times.


Secondly, Aldrich can give black gold more kinetic energy with the same mass.


This has almost strengthened Aldrich's main fighting methods several times as a whole!


Aldridge couldn't help but sighed, "Or rank 3 is the period of qualitative change for Beyonders. This kind of terrifying ability has risen, which is completely unimaginable from rank 1 to rank 2."


After rejoicing, it's time to consider practical issues.


The first thing to consider is how Aldridge should get out of this ruin.


"This ruin should not be in the main world, but an independent space."


When he came here from the 'pearl' of the giant clam, Aldrich had guessed that if this was the main world, it would be impossible to hide from the real gods, and it would have been taken away long ago.


But Aldridge doesn't have the ability to travel through space, and it's not clear how La Masia left here...


However, he was not in a hurry. After all, Dean Tang Huaisel didn't kill him and gave him the blood of God, which probably left a way out for him.


Aldrich looked at the silver ring on his hand.


This silver ring from Mr. Phantom Thief was taken by him on the index finger of the right hand, and now, it appears on the **** of the right hand.


It's only possible that Dean Tang Huaisel moved this ring.


A serious old man always steals his own things, right?


Injecting his own 'spirit', the things stored in the ring jumped out one by one and scattered on the ground.


This ring is good for everything, but you can't just take one thing out, and once it comes out, it comes out together.


Aldridge caught the 'target' at a glance - a huge pearl...


"This is?"


Aldridge has naturally seen it, in the giant clam, the entrance to this ruin.


But why is this thing here?


Moreover, this thing needs the blood of the three families as the key, and it can't be used if it is given to him!


Aldridge turned his eyes and saw another letter with a white envelope.


He muttered, "I still have the instructions for use."


Pick up the letter, pull out the letter paper, and write on it in simple and steady Wagnerian characters


"I only use the ruins here as my apology."


Below are some explanations.


After Aldrich finished reading, he let out a long sigh and said complicatedly to himself, "Why do you feel like you have made a lot of money..."


His impression of Dean Tannweiser became very complicated. After knowing part of the truth, he once had negative feelings about him.


But now it is a blessing in disguise. Not only has the curse of the Storm Goddess been lifted, but she has even been promoted unexpectedly. This alone is enough for Aldridge to say "nothing to each other" to him.


However, Dean Tang Huaisel prepared another generous gift for him - the space itself.


From the description in the letter, Aldrich knew that only he had the key to enter this independent relic space, because the 'entrance' was already in his hands.


In addition to this, Dean Tang Huaisel also used unknown means to rewrite the key's 'shape', no longer needing the blood of the three families, but only using his own blood.


Aldridge really wanted to know how he did it...


However, thinking that he is a person from the Temple of Knowledge, Aldrich also suppressed this undue curiosity. After all, the believers of the Goddess of Wisdom never lose in incredible aspects.


"It just happens to be used to improve the force."


Aldridge was a little embarrassed, but he accepted it with peace of mind, and immediately thought of the purpose of the ruins.


As the leader of a secret meeting, it is very important to be strong.


It is reliable to use this space for gatherings and ceremonies, no matter how you think about it. Of course, some symbols from the goddess of the storm here have to be erased one by one, which is not a big deal for Aldrich.


Aldridge suddenly laughed and said to himself, "In this way, apart from this space, it is equivalent to giving me a batch of high-level 'mysteries' for nothing."


Those storm naga outside are the 'mysterious relatives' of the storm goddess. Even if they lose their goddess now and their extraordinary abilities are affected, their foundation is still strong.


And that's not one or two, but hundreds!


Almost ready to form an army.


"Well... this idea seems to be a good idea. After the mysterious Holy See develops, it will form an army similar to the temple warriors."


All members of the Miqi Storm Naga, no matter how they think about it, they are very emotional.


"Wait, these guys should have something to eat, right?" Aldridge suddenly thought of this question.


Hundreds of...


It's enough to keep two sea patrol yaksa, let alone hundreds of larger storm naga?


From the way they hold giant blades, it can be seen that these must be monsters that sell gold!


Even so, it is impossible for Aldridge to give up these storm naga.


He sighed, feeling the pressure from money again.


"Leave here first."


Aldridge packed up his mood and prepared to leave with pearls in hand.


He looked around for a week, feeling a little more sad.


What should I tell Carula about Herbert after we go out?


He doesn't have much affection for Herbert, but Carula is a friend that Aldridge recognizes.




Aldridge let out a long sigh of relief, bit the tip of his tongue, and dripped blood on the pearl.


The blood mist was produced, and the light flickered.


Aldridge disappeared with Pearl.




When he opened his eyes again, Aldrich found that he had indeed left that space and appeared in an inexplicably familiar position.


Dean Tang Huaisel's office.


Directly opposite, under the moonlight, Dean Tang Huaisel was sitting in his seat, looking at him calmly.


Aldridge calmed and didn't wonder why he appeared here.


The location where you entered the ruins with the pearl will also be the location where you came out.


Dean Tang Huaisel said calmly, "You are slower than you thought."


Naturally, Aldridge would not say that he was promoted to rank 3, but only said, "It takes time to accept."




The atmosphere was a little awkward, at least Aldridge thought so.


After being silent for a while, Dean Tang Huaisel said, "I hope you can forgive me about this matter."


Aldridge opened his mouth and said, "I have nothing to lose."


"No," the gully moved on Dean Tanwhisper's face, and said solemnly, "Your friend... Andrea Alva, disappeared yesterday."



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