Mystic Dominator

Chapter 91: event in progress

Ronald and Patricia's tea party went on for a long time.

The investigator girl's movement speed did not come down in a "moment" as she said.

But it was almost when the sun was about to set that she returned from the second floor to the first floor.

——But there is a difference.

Nicole's calm attitude when she went upstairs is now full of seriousness.

She walked over to Ronald with a gloomy face, and she said:

"I have something to deal with here, Ronald, please go off work depending on the situation."

"These days, it's best not to go to the street when you're free."


The complex tone reminded one sentence.

After speaking, without waiting for Ronald to respond, the investigator girl turned around and walked to the center of the hall.

At this time, the situation in the hall also changed a lot.

The two groups of people who faced each other before finally restrained and did not make a move.

Except for leaving one person each, staring at Jennifer here and not letting the other party deal with it, that's basically the same thing.

However, the two of them never left the hall.

She didn't even go to the toilet all afternoon...

Unless Spencer, who is the leader of the Springs group, comes back to deal with it, this matter will probably not end.

However, with Nicole's actions, this situation changed.

Walking directly between the two facing off, the investigator girl squatted beside Jennifer, ignoring their gazes.

Immediately, she began to say something in this woman's ear.

In just two breaths, the terrified sorceress's expression changed drastically.

Immediately, he talked to Nicole with a frightened expression.


In the face of the sudden change, the reactions of everyone present were surprisingly tacit.

For the first time, no one made any move to interfere with the two of them.

Due to the investigator's keen sense of smell, they also sensed a crisis other than tit-for-tat with each other.

It seems that some kind of indescribable emotion is brewing in this warm hall.

And Ronald and Patricia.

As half of the investigation bureau's "own people", they could only stop talking, and then quietly watched the changes in the investigation bureau hall.

But everything is still a mystery.

Because Nicole and Jennifer's voices were too low, at this time, only they knew the content of this conversation.

Soon, the conversation was over.

Standing up neatly, Nicole looked at the investigators on the left and right.

Whether the people from Springs or the people from Burrenwich, everyone's eyes are focused on themselves.


With a dignified sigh, Nicole said:

"Okay, my dear colleagues."

"Tell you guys some unpleasant news."

"Now in Burrenwich, there is a high probability of encountering a critically endangered group event. Everyone should understand what this means, right?"


For a moment, there was only the sound of people's heavy breathing in the hall of the Bureau of Investigation.

Almost everyone present understood what the 'extremely dangerous group incident' represented.

Even Ronald had seen this word in the Bureau of Investigation's book before.

For the various incidents that occurred on the mysterious side, the Bureau of Investigation has a very clear type division according to the actual situation.

Among them, the catalogue of "extremely dangerous group events" is described as follows:

[One or more groups, ready to launch an attack on the city management agency, or launch a large-scale violation of ordinary people. 】


Is it going to be a big change in Burrenwich?

The silent air lasted a few more breaths, and finally an investigator couldn't help but say:

"Nicole, do you know what you're talking about?"

"That's an extremely dangerous group incident!"

The speaker was an investigator from Berronwich dressed in a trench coat and a wide hat. When he confirmed this to Nicole, he did not intend to hide the doubt in his tone at all.

Nicole pushed back unceremoniously:

"You think I'm going to joke with you about this?"

"Anyway, let's talk about any disputes you have. Now go up and help me, we have a lot of things to do!"


The two confronting investigators looked at each other and asked:

"What about Jennifer?"


Without any hesitation for a second, Nicole shouted to Ronald, who was beside him:

"Do me a favor and send Jennifer to the warden."

"Tell the housekeeper that it's only temporarily detained and don't hurt anyone."

"no problem."

Ronald nodded and stood up, then walked straight to Nicole's side.

"It's fine if I send her to the warden, don't I need help with the others?"

"No." Nicole shook her head simply, "This matter is too complicated, it's better for a newcomer like you not to get involved."

The two investigators accepted Nicole's handling.

After all, the warden is not a member of the Bureau of Investigation, so it would be a good idea to have him take care of the sorceress temporarily.

After all, if a 'critically endangered group incident' does occur, they really don't have the time and energy to spend on it in Burrenwich.

Seeing that there was no objection on both sides, Nicole immediately handed Ronald the shackle key from the investigator on the side:

"Be careful on the road."


When the voice fell, Nicole immediately went to the second floor of the Investigation Bureau without taking anyone.

Looking at the wind and fire, it gives people a feeling that the mountains are about to come.

After watching several people leave the hall, Ronald turned to look at Jennifer, who was sitting on the ground.

To be honest, the sorceress's figure and skin care can only be said to be With this unrepentant appearance and the shackles on her wrists that restrict the operation, it is like she just came out of the prison the prisoner.

At this time, footsteps sounded behind Ronald.

Seeing that all the investigators hurried back upstairs, Patricia also walked up to Ronald:

"Ronald, let me accompany you."


Ronald nodded in agreement.

Patricia's experience of facing danger with her, and her friendly attitude towards him afterwards, it's hard not to feel good.

Now that someone can help, of course, is very welcome.

Immediately, Ronald said to the sorceress on the ground;

"Jennifer, can you get up and go?"

"You heard it too, just to temporarily detain."


Jennifer didn't answer Ronald, and stood up from the ground without saying a word. After she got used to it for a while, she said:

"I know."

The three pushed open the door and left the investigation bureau, and the situation was different from before.

When they came to the end of Long Beach Street, Ronald saw people dressed as investigators rushing towards the direction of the Bureau of Investigation.

Obviously, this is the Burrenwich Bureau of Investigation calling people back.

Because this incident was too difficult, they even transferred back some of the investigators who were working.

Around this time, sporadic snowflakes began to fall from the sky.

When Ronald opened the black umbrella and propped it on top of the two of them, Patricia couldn't help sighing:

"Looks like a big accident is really going to happen to Burrenwich."

Ronald immediately responded:

"That's right..."

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