Mystic Dominator

Chapter 87: caught and brought to justice

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Near noon.

Scattered people walked on the street outside the residential area.

No one noticed that a mansion on the street had been silently closed.

Just looking in from the outside, this is an ordinary house with the curtains drawn, which is no different from the surrounding houses.

Inside, the black mist transformed by the power of original sin completely spread throughout the entire mansion.

Especially in locations such as walls and gates, the complete darkness firmly blocked all possibilities of escape.

As long as the middle-aged woman just wanted to leave.

The moment she touches these positions, the power of 'Rage' will immediately take away her thinking ability. After all, she had just fought a life-and-death battle, and it was basically impossible to say that she had no anger in her heart.

It was this guy's previous disguise that reminded Ronald.

The emotional detection of the crime of 'rage' is not perfect, and a guy with strong emotional control like this can also make mistakes.


Just as he was about to pull the enemy out of the mansion, Ronald suddenly stopped.

- This moment.

He realized that this world, the terrifying oppressive power of the original scriptures on ordinary mysterious people.

There is no need to continue chasing at all.

In less than a few seconds, the black fog covering the entire mansion directly grabbed the woman who was running away!

The opponent could not resist Oskawa's ability.

After losing consciousness, he was standing in the next bedroom at this moment.

not moving at all.


With a complicated look in his eyes, Ronald reached out and scratched his cheek.

Just like this, the expected battle left him, and the feeling of having nowhere to go is really subtle.


With a wave of one hand in the air, the black mist that had just covered the entire mansion instantly regained its vitality, and then rushed towards Ronald's feet like a tide.

In the blink of an eye, all the darkness burrowed into his jacket.

The fading darkness remains only in the room floor where the enemy is caught.

At this moment.

Ronald turned around and looked at the green beside him.

Right in front of him, the investigator girl was wrapped in layers of vital vegetation, looking like a bamboo shoot burrowing out of the ground. It was difficult to see the state of the inner core from the outside.

How do I wake up Nicole...

As it turns out, Ronald doesn't need to think about it.

In just a few breaths, the leaves on the surface of the 'bamboo shoots' began to unfold automatically, and the stretched green was scattered on the ground like flowers blooming in the morning.

Immediately, Nicole, who was standing in it, opened her eyes.


After slightly bending her knees and jumping away from her original position, the investigator girl's eyes quickly swept around.

She noticed that the light in the house had dimmed.

Floors, ceilings, walls...

Apart from the damage he caused before, I didn't see any new damage inside the room. Within ten seconds of dealing with the hallucination, the changes in the room seemed to just draw the curtains?

"Volume 11, page 260, item 6."

She simply uttered the lie detector spell, and immediately focused all her attention on the only person in the room who could stand but herself.

With a very serious tone, Nicole asked:

"Ronald, which street did we come from just now?"

"Ron Avenue, we found the leather shop owner earlier."

After identifying himself with the most direct dialogue, Ronald continued to explain:

"Nicole, after you were surrounded by these leaves, that woman just wanted to run away."

Hearing this answer, Nicole's eyes sank.

When the figure moved, while protecting the 'newcomer' in front of Ronald, she quickly took out bullets and skillfully stuffed them into the runner.


With a push of the fingertips, the crisp mechanical roulette sounded.

The investigator girl immediately asked:

"Where did she run to?"

"No, she didn't run away." Ronald shook his head, then pointed to the room where the enemy was. "Actually, I've got people under control."


Nicole's eyes widened instantly and looked at Ronald with an unprecedented look:

"You... caught her?"

Ronald walked to the room where the woman was, and explained to Nicole:

"I remember saying in the bureau report that my abilities are related to human emotions, and the guy's situation just now fits, so it's easier to solve."

After thinking for a few seconds, Nicole said with emotion:

"The school in this world is still Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon."

"You...that school called Copenhagen, I haven't heard of it before, but it seems to be really powerful now."


Actually the real Copenhagen.

Much better than my impostor...

With a silent rant in his heart, Ronald did not forget to explain two sentences:

"The technique I used looks good, but it's actually not very physically destructive. This time, it just happened to stop the guy from escaping."

Nicole smiled slightly, she didn't underestimate other people's thoughts:

"The right ability is in the right place, and any ability has a place where it can be useful."

"That's right."

Soon, the two came to the room where the middle-aged woman Corona was.

Right next to the window of a bedroom on the first floor, this woman, covered in injuries, was rushing towards the window as she kept moving.

But it's a pity.

Before she could complete this action, the black mist formed by the power of 'Rage' on the floor grabbed her ankle, and with the anger in her heart, the guy lost consciousness, and stood there blank-eyed. at every turn.


"How effective is your technique?"

Looking at the stunned look of the enemy, Nicole sighed and went up to check the opponent's status.

The life response is normal, and there are no extra wounds except for the injury when fighting with himself. The only thing that can be seen is the black mist wrapped around this guy's ankle.

This woman has completely lost her ability to resist...

Turning her head sharply to look at Ronald, the girl's surprised eyes were full of shock:

"Is this mind control?"

"Ronald, you shouldn't be the master of some messed up scriptures!"


"It's just that this guy just meets my casting conditions."

"If you change the situation, the effect will be different."

Ronald hadn't forgotten that Nicole's polygraph was still in effect, so he opted for something more subtle.

Hearing such an answer, Nicole didn't think deeply.

Nodding her head, the investigator girl had already taken out a green-edged knife from her coat and carved runes directly on the guy's skin.

This time Ronald could clearly see the content of the rune.

【Restriction】, 【Forbidden】, 【Termination】, 【Absorb】.

After four consecutive rune groups were inscribed, Nicole successfully retracted the knife.

"You can unlock your spell."


Ronald beckoned.

With a swipe, the black mist that wrapped around the woman's ankle seemed to be a flexible life, and it got into his sleeve in a blink of an eye.

Immediately, the eyes of the woman standing in the same place returned to clarity.

The movement that was interrupted before she lost consciousness could not be maintained, and she stumbled and fell to the ground.

Lying on the ground, the woman looked up at the two investigators in front of her.

She opened her mouth in horror:


The reality is very cruel.

She couldn't make a sound at all.

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