Mystic Dominator

Chapter 84: continue to investigate

After a detailed inspection, Nicole and Ronald determined that the man was the shop owner who reported the disappearance.

And now his health is very weak.

After an intense and unusual wrestling exercise, this guy hasn't eaten or drank a drop of water for about three days, so he is now weak to the point of death.

Opening her eyelids for the last time, Nicole looked at the pupils of the man on the ground.

The investigator girl's face darkened visibly.

"Ha ha--"

"It turned out to be that guy Jennifer."



Who is this?

Holding a kerosene lamp beside Nicole, Ronald pondered the scene in front of him.

When checking the shopkeeper's body, he was also watching from the sidelines.

Although it is possible to determine what this man did before, and he was just an innocent victim, it was a bit outrageous to lie in the same place for three days.

If you want to kill people, wouldn't you just do it directly?

And if you don't want to kill people, then you shouldn't make people like this...

Right now, as promised when leaving the Bureau of Investigation this morning.

As a senior investigator, Ni can take the initiative to explain to Ronald:

"Jennifer is a registered charmer."

"Their school is a loose and unorganized wild school of warlocks. Basically, teachers lead apprentices. They rely on the relationship between men and women to develop their power. In our grid, we basically can't make waves."

Ronald silently took down Nicole's explanation, and then asked:

"Are you sure it's this person?"

"Wasn't someone else doing it?"

"It's basically certain." Nicole nodded and stood up from the ground, but the revolver still hasn't been retracted, "Bronwich's statistics on mysterious people are pretty good, and the charmer who lives nearby is also Jenny. The condition is so bad that he will eat meat on ordinary people."

"But it's not normal to make people like this..."

While analyzing the situation, the investigator girl's eyes began to look around the room:

"Ronald, just put the lamp on the ground."

"I'll do another search here, you go outside and have a look."

"no problem."

Ronald nodded, then went outside and started checking.

In the "Recommendation for Novice Investigators" published by the Bureau of Investigation, there are methods of checking spell traces from different schools, and this time I can practice it.

According to a specific frequency, Ronald made the black mist around his hand vibrate slightly to ensure that ordinary people outside the shop would not see the abnormality on his hand. He chose a location and started to check the shop.

If there are traces left by the caster, the black mist will give feedback.


About a quarter of an hour later, the two of them joined together.

Statistically, it was found that the leather shop did not have any other clues, and the situation seemed clear at a glance.

It's a simple incident of a mysterious person hurting someone.

Looking at each other, Nicole and Ronald walked out of the store together.

Immediately, the investigator girl shouted loudly on the side of the road:


"The owner of the leather shop is dying to fall inside. Come and help!"

Seeing that his cry attracted the attention of the pedestrians around him.

Nicole stopped continuing immediately, grabbed Ronald and walked in the direction they came from.

After all, the investigator is just a secret policeman on the mysterious side, so that's enough.

Most of the people at the bottom of this era retain the habit of helping each other with neighbors. With this voice, the unconscious man will most likely be sent for treatment.

Nicole had just removed the Charm Warlock's influence on him.

As long as the rescue is timely, it can still be cured.


Leaving the leather shop, Nicole's goal is still the locksmith on Ron Avenue.

After telling the other party what happened before, she took Ronald to the next place to be dealt with.

The winter sun in Burrenwich gradually hangs in the distance.

Ronald walked on the road and pressed his hat to adjust the angle, and then asked:

"Nicole, are we going to find that Jennifer now?"

"Don't go."

Nicole shook her head simply, then lowered her hat following Ronald's actions:

"In our case, now we have to go to the next place to continue the inspection."

"I made a report on the leather shop just now. After Pine counts the news of gangsters and the like from the street, this case will enter the specific execution process."

Speaking of which, Nicole couldn't help but sighed:


"I know this might seem a little inefficient."

"But that's the rules and regulations in Burrenwich."

"Unless we are fully qualified to handle this matter, or we find that there is a crisis of the degree of alienation in the world, we cannot do it without authorization. It is enough to figure out the situation of the matter, and then find the proper clues. "

"I can understand."

Ronald nodded and didn't discuss this matter much.

Gradually leaving Ron Avenue, the two walked to a street two communities away.

This is a residential area in Burrenwich. The environment and public security are guaranteed, and it belongs to the residential area of ​​the middle class.

Looking at the street with few pedestrians, Nicole said to Ronald next to him:

"Ronald, it's better to be careful this time. According to the information we have, the owner of the target residence has a relative who has been dead for many years and is a famous scholar on the mysterious side. According to my experience, things here are expected to be more troublesome. ."

"kind of hard......"

Ronald silently hid the black mist deep in his coat, and then asked:

"Do you know the school of the other party?"

"The report says that it is a family school, and that ability is related to hallucinations."

While Nicole explained to Ronald, the two continued on the road deeper into the residential area at the same time.

Finally, they came to the door of the house marked No. and stood outside, and they could see that it was a typical two-story residential building, which was almost indistinguishable from other surrounding houses.

bang bang bang——

Walking to the door of the house, Nicole patted the door with her hand:

"Ms. Corona, open the door!"

"I know you're at home!"

In the morning, the residential area was sparsely populated, and the voice was particularly clear.

Ronald and Nicole didn't wait long when a woman who looked to be in her forties walked out the door.

When she saw the outfits of the two, her complexion changed, fear and nervousness appeared in her eyes at the same time.

But after thinking about it for a few seconds, she honestly opened the door:

"Lord of the Investigation Bureau, why did you come to me?"

"I should have reported that there is no one here who inherits the abilities of your grandfather."

Looking at the woman with a flustered expression, Nicole's tone was indifferent and calm, and her eyes did not show any emotional fluctuations when she looked at the other party:

"Three days ago in the morning, someone heard a strange loud noise coming from your house."

"Explain it."

"I...I'm innocent!"

Faced with Nicole's attitude, the middle-aged woman immediately took two steps back, and then prepared to defend loudly:


"Shut up for me first!"

Seeing the panicked look of the other party, Nicole instantly took out the revolver and pressed it against the other party's waist.

"Do you think this is a suitable place for people like us to speak?"

"Go first!"

This simple and crude threat is most effective.

As if accepting her fate, the woman lowered her head and turned around and walked into the house.

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