Mystic Dominator

Chapter 778: sea ​​of ​​vacuum

In the gray fog, another boat slowly sailed towards Ronald on the waves.

As the two sides approached, Ronald also saw the 'passenger' on the opposite side.

It was a guy in a tattered black coarse robe, whose figure was completely hidden under bandages. What made Ronald more concerned was that the other party also had a pair of gray eyes.

No matter before or after crossing, this is a relatively rare eye color.

Ronald stared at each other, and the people in the boat spoke directly.

"Outlander, you shouldn't enter here..."

The guy's voice was as hoarse as a worn windmill, revealing a mysterious taste, and there was no way to tell his age or gender.

However, Ronald doesn't want to ramble with each other now:

"To be honest, if you are hostile to me, then we can do it; but if you come with a purpose, then explain the situation here to me well."

"I'm in a hurry."


The black-robed man was taken aback by Ronald's straightforward conversation.

He hesitated for a few seconds before trying to continue speaking:

"Outlander, you shouldn't set foot on..."

"Wait, you're not human?" Ronald suddenly interrupted. At this moment, he unfolded the power of 'rage' to observe this guy, only to find that the man in black robe had no human reaction.

Not human.

I'm sorry then...

"come over."

Drawing on the experience of being attacked just now, Ronald activated the spell with one hand and dragged the ship under the opponent's feet directly.


How could the man in black robe think that Ronald would act like this.

Before he had time to react, he was pressed against the boat by an unstoppable force, and even the slightest movement like turning his head was very difficult.

"Volume 11, page 260, item 6."

The sound of activating the lie detector sounded from above, followed by Ronald's indifferent voice:

"Let's talk about it, why does the Mirror of Dreams lead here, and how can I get back?"


"Outsiders, the nameless sea has come and gone, you can't escape from here."

The man in black robe, who was completely suppressed by Ronald, tried to struggle for a while, but in the face of the insurmountable strength gap, he could only answer obediently:

"Since seven hundred years ago, when this place was first connected to that world, countless humans who entered the sea of ​​​​nameless were unable to go back."

Ronald has a completely different take on this answer:

"I know that some people use it as a warehouse. No one in the world will put their property in a place where it cannot be retrieved, right?"

While questioning the man in black robe, Ronald was also a little interested in the sea of ​​​​unnamed by this guy, and the effect of the "Bradshaw Railroad Guide" immediately emerged in his mind.

- Sea of ​​vacuum.

— Time: unknown.

Ronald was immediately taken aback by the result.

The vacuum here certainly does not refer to the vacuum on the express food.

And another concept... Ronald University's physics is not very good, the concept of vacuum is more from games or movies. Now, have you really come to such a high field?

Ronald was shocked by this, and the man in black under his feet also reacted.

The guy tried his best to turn his body to look at Ronald, and then explained in a gentle tone:

"There are people who can travel between the two worlds, but that ability comes from the noble bloodline descended from the ancient gods. It is impossible for an ordinary outsider like you to have the same power."


Ronald raised his eyebrows.

The noble blood in the black robe's mouth should be the former royal family of Entrode, after all, the other party is the original holder of the Mirror of Dreams.

Speaking of blood...

Ronald still knows something about this.

As early as when he saw Villanica in Kurpis, Ronald used the power of "rage" to retrieve the identity of the other party. The identity of the former royal princess of Entrode is a pure human being without a doubt!

As long as it is mixed with other things, it should be like Ina in the ruins of Benica, and become a mixed-race person that he can't detect with the power of "Rage".

Two guesses.

The royal family of Entrod had to go through a certain ceremony before they could be granted such qualifications;

Or this gift of blood is just a statement whose core essence belongs to a concept beyond the basis of biology.

"Biological... bloodline..."

Thinking of this, Ronald's mind became active.

He stretched out his hand and wiped it on himself, and the blood of the enemy left in the battle just now smeared on his fingertips.

Then, of course, the genetic analysis of On the Origin of Species.


Ronald was still activating the spell a second ago.

However, at this moment, the blood on his hand reacted violently the moment it was analyzed, and even exploded on his shoulder. If it weren't for the passive activation of [Guardian Angel], Ronald would have been stunned by the explosion.

However, this time just now is not completely without harvest.

After all, "Origin of Species" is the original text that Ronald has completely mastered. Although it is only for a moment, its power still parses a small piece of information that is weird and can't even be called genes.

This message emerged in Ronald's consciousness, and then a complicated and difficult whisper sounded beside his ear. The voice was hoarse and mocking, and the content was confusing and incomprehensible.

In fact, Ronald's ability to do this is an exaggeration.

Such a terrifying efficiency of information collection is entirely based on the cooperation of his multiple abilities, and ordinary people don't even have the opportunity to understand.

But anyway, Ronald's ability is more than that.

The language that was originally incomprehensible was perfectly processed by the ability of general language understanding in the next moment, and Ronald also understood the meaning.

This is an incomplete prayer, or cry—

"The Nameless Mist, the Nameless Mist, the offspring of the Nameless Mist!"


Good guy, is it really a series of events triggered by "Silver Key"?

Ronald immediately felt a little swollen in his head, he patted his forehead with one hand, and sorted out the information about the Nameless Mist in his heart.

Things related to the original scriptures probably won't be recreated.

In the most primitive setting, UU Reading Anonymous Mist should be a guy with a high personality, but he did not show a threat.

Ronald looked around and had a guess about the fog that permeated the sea.

It's good news.

At least the fog itself should not be threatening.

"Outlander, what did you just do?"

At this time, the black-robed man at Ronald's feet finally moved, and there were obvious fluctuations in his tone.

"My sea lantern is actually flashing? Incredible!"

Ronald followed the other's words and looked forward.

On the boat that the man in black robe rides.

A lantern rests on the transom of the bow.

And this was exactly the radiant thing Ronald saw in the fog just now.

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