Mystic Dominator

Chapter 79: grudges

"Real investigator work..."

Hearing Nicole's invitation to him, Ronald couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

Does the meaning of the words mean that you want to let yourself, the so-called temporary worker, join their real front-line investigator work?

Even if the Bureau of Investigation is short-staffed, this is a bit outrageous.

The support staff sent by the headquarters has just arrived.

Ronald pondered briefly.

When spending the past few days with Nicole, the investigator girl's character is not bad.

So he simply asked:

"Nicole, what happened up there?"

"I think according to normal circumstances, the Bureau of Investigation should not allow us temporary workers to really get involved in your important work, right?"


Hearing Ronald's question, Nicole smacked her lips.

Glancing upstairs with dissatisfaction, she didn't answer the question immediately, but asked Ronald in return.

"Hello, Ronald."

"Do you know what the real organizational structure of our Bureau of Investigation is like?"

Ronald shook his head:

"How would I know about such a confidential incident?"

"This is not a classified matter."

Nicole clenched her fingers in dismay, and explained it as if she was scolding her own private affairs:

"As long as you have some contact with our investigation bureau, you will understand our simple organizational structure. Generally speaking, it can be divided into three main departments."

"The investigation department that is really on the front line; the intelligence department responsible for collecting intelligence and transmitting this information; finally, there is the security department that guards some people with special status 24 hours a day."

"Although the bureau also has duties such as service personnel, but according to different service objects, they are generally included in the three largest branches."

Hearing this, Ronald asked curiously:

"What you said has nothing to do with me joining the front-line work, right?"

"Didn't I finish talking?"

The interrupted Nicole simply rolled her eyes at Ronald.

Only then did he continue to explain leisurely:

"In a city with a smaller volume, people can still enjoy themselves in this three-division institutional model. But in a behemoth like Springs, this form of decentralization has reached its limit."

"Even under the leadership of a person like the chief of the Bureau of Investigation, the main leading figures of the three departments have a lot of contradictions with each other."

"This is the most powerful school leader-level existence in the world!"

"Not only are they proficient in mastering the original scriptures in their hands, they are also very proficient in playing with the power system possessed by the Bureau of Investigation."

Speaking of which, Nicole slapped her face helplessly with a 'pop'.

Then he said in a tangled tone:

"And one of these three big men once came from our Burrenwich Bureau of Investigation."


Looking at the faint tone, Ronald could probably see it.

The big man who was born in the Burrenwich Bureau of Investigation and eventually grew into one of the three commanders, and the relationship between his birthplace...

I'm afraid it's not very good.

But what's the reason?

Is it because when you were weak, you were discriminated against or bullied in Berlenwich?

Or is there some kind of misunderstanding between the two sides, and finally the intensification of the conflict leads to the deterioration of the relationship?

"Looks like you guessed it too."

Realizing that Ronald in front of him was lost in thought, Nicole's eyes revealed this imperceptible displeasure. Looking left and right to make sure that there was no one in the hall, she moved to Ronald and whispered in a small voice:

"I'll tell you quietly."

"That guy is actually an ungrateful white-eyed wolf."

"Born in the Burrenwich Bureau of Investigation, he rose to power step by step after the death of the old director, and finally, five years ago, he was successfully promoted to one of the three heads of the Springs General Bureau."

"But even so, that guy never thought of taking care of Burrenwich, instead, he often transferred a lot of powerful guys directly to 'Bronwich is a tourist city, and mysterious incidents are not so rampant'. Springs plays under him!"

"So if we randomly find a veteran investigator from us, no one will like these people from the headquarters. You must know that our Burrenwich Bureau of Investigation is also the top ten powerful units in the Bureau of Investigation. what!"


Is that so?

It's no wonder that when Spencer showed up, the people in the Bureau of Investigation became wary.

According to Ronald's knowledge, Dongfeng's track through the Great Yoiz Forest was considered a miracle-level product in this era.

Without taking a long detour on the road, this is the closest route that directly connects Grid and Entrod. As long as you pass through the Yoiz Forest to the border city of Wolfman, you can walk into the other side’s border within a few kilometers.

In this case, defected from Entrod to Grid.

There is a high probability that Spencer will take the Dongfeng and enter the first big city on this track, namely Burrenwich, and then be ordered to work in the Bureau of Investigation here.

And as a master with excellent combat power and intelligence, he will naturally be called into his subordinates by the promoted boss.

So the people sent by the headquarters of the Bureau of Investigation this time are suitable for the contradictory forces in Burrenwich?

It's no wonder that Nicole and Mapel hate seeing these guys so much.

After listening to Nicole's explanation, Ronald understood the grievances and grievances between the two parties.

But soon, he noticed a blind spot.

Staring at the girl investigator in front of him with doubts in his eyes, he asked hesitantly:


"When did the guy you just mentioned get promoted to Springs, when did he get promoted?"

"five years ago!"

Nicole answered the answer instinctively without thinking.

Looking at the girl in front of him, Ronald asked:

"When did you join the Investigation Bureau?"


The air was suddenly silent.


She is a rookie who has only joined the Bureau of Investigation for more than a year and less than two years. Although she is considered an elite force, it seems that the grudge between her and this guy who left five years ago is not so outrageous?

Her eyes swayed erratically from side to Then the girl reached out and grabbed the hair on the edge of her neck to distract from the embarrassment in her heart.


"Look at this kind of thing, it doesn't really have much to do with when I joined."

"After all, I've done all the wicked things, and I'm pretty smart too. My colleague heard about this guy's behavior, and then had some negative attitudes, it's okay, right?"


Ronald nodded, and then he didn't intend to refute Nicole's face again.

"So in order to make things difficult for these guys, you plan to put these people in the front desk, etc., in a position where they can't do any real work, to humiliate these self-proclaimed elites, and then abandon the investigators in Burrenwich?"

"It's not difficult."

Nicole let down the hair around her neck, and her tone became serious:

"Five people are here to support our Burrenwich Bureau of Investigation, so it's alright to split two to help with the clerical work, right?"

"Besides, although the situation in Burrenwich has been a little tense recently."

"But not to the point of destroying everything."

"With the help of the police station and civilian detectives, the scene is actually under control."

"These five guys came here, maybe just to take credit with us!"


Ronald scratched his head, saying that enough is enough.

There is no need to continue to get to the bottom of things.

Immediately, he opened up this topic:

"I'm going on an affair with you. My loan card should still be used, right?"

Hearing the agreement in Ronald's words, Nicole showed a bright smile on her face:

"of course can!"

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