Mystic Dominator

Chapter 749: New discovery

As an explorer, Cellier often has an edge in some of the more remote information.

At this moment, he told everyone a little-known history.

The Nimen are a group that has long disappeared in history, and evolved from a descendant of a relatively well-known ancient empire, the Nigal Empire after the destruction.

The Nimen people claimed to be the orthodox successor of Nigal, and during the transition period from Nigal to Nimen, they took out some of the more cruel ancient sacrifices, and the sacrifice system of the population became an important thing to unite people's hearts.

Under the circumstances at that time, the high-level sacrifice sites of the Nemenites were often off-limits to ordinary people, and there were some very dangerous facilities.

Although this buried relic has been around for a long time.

But for dangers such as poison traps, Celier also made it clear that everyone must be careful.

Next, the team continued to move forward, and Celier also began to explain to the members of the team.

Although the time may be a little rushed.

However, in terms of triggering some traps or dealing with poisoning, the adventurer explained in great detail.


with increasing depth.

The temperature of the ground will naturally rise slowly.

After the support team crossed the broken monument, they continued to **** in the dark.

The tunnel twists and turns, and some collapsed and broken places can be seen frequently.

And in a position where it was completely impossible to pass, the team that explored the ruins before left traces of time travel, and the support team followed these traces without wasting too much time.

And when Celier's explanation ended, the group immediately became quiet.

In the already silent underground, at this moment there are only the sounds of people rushing on their way.

The environment is dark and deep, and the darkness on the edge of the torch light, as if there are dangerous existences lurking everywhere.

The previously missing expedition team even hinted at this.

——But unfortunately, the support team is safe.

- They still need to go deeper.

This kind of state is still safe at the moment, but the danger will come from nowhere, and the torment of the human heart is the most terrifying.

Especially when they are still actively approaching danger.

"Yes... is there any sound?"

Suddenly, the young man in the front spoke up.

He pointed to the dark road ahead and asked in a trembling voice:

"Mr. Megan, shall we move on?"

The middle-aged caster did not answer the timid companion this time, but turned back directly to Dawn and said:

"Professor Dawn, wait a moment."

"I listen to the movement ahead."

With the permission of the leader, the magician named Megan immediately fell to the ground. As a spellcaster, he did not come up with any spells that refreshed Ronald, but chose the most direct solution of listening to the sound.


Ronald didn't say much.

Compared with ordinary people, he has already heard the truth of this sound - it is the flow of water, probably the movement caused by the activities of the underground river.

However, Costart has a slightly different view:

"Sir, the sound of the water seems to have changed a bit."


Ronald gave Costat a subtle look.

Although he could hear the sound of water, his details were definitely not as high as that of a maid.

So do you want to feel the difference between people?

With this thought in mind, Ronald didn't stop his own movements.

Since Costater said so, let's take a good look.

Immediately, Ronald whispered the incantation:

"Its name is Styx,

The black water flows down to the foot of the dark and steep cliff..."


At this time, Meghan, who was lying on the ground, jumped up suddenly.

The middle-aged caster lost his composure for a while, but looked at the team behind him in astonishment—who is it? Such a powerful magic fluctuation, who is it?

Then he saw Ronald smiling.

The young man and the maid stood next to each other, two people he had completely ignored before. But now, the man's fingertips were wrapped in a trace of black mist, and after sensing Megan's gaze, he nodded politely to him.

——A spellcaster far stronger than himself...

- No, this is the original holder! Still the most powerful one!


Ronald's undisguised magic swings directly into Meghan's self-doubt. With such a powerful caster in the team, what is the meaning of his existence - it can even be said that this team can really invite such a powerful character?

At this time, Dawn interrupted Megan's shock:

"Mr. Megan, have you found anything?"

"Ah." Megan suddenly came to his senses, the man and the woman were brought over by the Professor Dawn in front of him! In the identity of the other party, there may indeed be a chance to meet such a character. The middle-aged practitioner who realized everything immediately opened his mouth and said, "The flow of water is the sound of the flow of water."

"There should be something like an underground river ahead."

"Don't worry too much."

The voice fell, and the expression on Megan's face had also been adjusted.

After a brief chat with Dawn, the middle-aged caster continued to lead the way.

Just different from before.

Meghan's current state seems to have changed a bit.

At least when he moved forward, his steps were quicker and lighter.

At the same time, Dawn also silently came to Ronald in the advancing team.

He just took the initiative to speak and asked in a low voice:

"Mr. Ronald, was Meghan looking at you just now?"

"That's right." Ronald admitted generously, "I used a little spell just now to let Megan know the situation in the team."

"I see."

Dawn nodded in understanding.

But before he left, Ronald took the opportunity to change the subject:

"By the way, I found something about my spell just now."

"On the opposite bank of the underground river ahead, there are signs of human activity."


Hearing this news, Dawn suddenly widened his eyes.

He looked at Ronald in front of him, completely like, 'Can a wizard even do such a thing? ' shocking look.

"I'm pretty sure, and the message can never go wrong."

Ronald probably guessed what the other party was going to ask next, so he immediately answered first. This is the investigation result of the power of ‘Rage’, and it is almost impossible to go wrong.


In this way Dawn's words that he was about to confirm just now were stuck in his mouth.

He was stunned for a while, but finally smiled, and then trotted to the front of the team.

"Professor Dawn?"

Megan sensed the approach of the other party, and her face under the torchlight was naturally a little puzzled.

Dawn continued to approach.

After getting closer, he whispered a few words to the middle-aged man.


After listening to Dwayne's whisper, Megan looked at Ronald and the two behind him.

When he understood everything, his expression froze, and he immediately said loudly:

"Gentlemen, there seems to be some activity ahead."

"Everyone, hurry up now!"

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