Mystic Dominator

Chapter 746: Small episodes on the road

"Sir, there is some bacon you like in the food you bring."

"But for health reasons, I suggest you consider other foods as well."


"Costat, do I have to worry about this kind of problem with my physical fitness now?"


"Sir, all Super Saiyans will have a heart attack and die."


"Isn't that a comic?"


In the hotel, Ronald and Costarte were preparing their luggage for going out.

Although the ruins mentioned by Dawn are not too far from Waterfall City, it takes at least a day or so to use ordinary transportation.

Ronald saw the hire only as a life-changing little activity.

So I don't plan to show off my speciality too much, just be an accompanying mysticism consultant.

Departure time is set at noon.

When Ronald and Kostatt appeared together in the agreed position, what happened first was beyond Ronald's expectations.

——Costat's appearance is too outstanding.

It's also quite subtle.

In previous encounters, the factor of appearance is usually not decisive in the event. After all, on the mysterious side where strength dominates, the ability of the caster is often the first consideration.

As Heloise once said:

Appearance can provide many benefits in the little things, but it can be a nuisance in the important ones.

Now, Costat has played the former role.

As the top-level magic creation on the mysterious side, the maid definitely adopts the top-level configuration in appearance. So much so that the team quickly turned into a constantly hospitable environment after other fellow travelers met Kostatt.

It even includes Celier from the Dawn trio.

This man who is traveling around the world is almost always exuding his "very powerful" net worth and ability, as well as his past adventures around the world.


Ronald watched the scene in front of him very quietly.

From the facts, he felt that Celier should be a little uncomfortable now.

They and a few guards set out from Falls City and entered the wild for three hours. During this period, Celier kept eloquently recounting his experiences, and even frequently greeted the amazement of the surrounding guards.

But as his main goal...

Costat, she maintained her usual composure.

Not to mention taking the initiative to talk to Celier, even when the adventurer took the initiative to hand over the topic, Costat was completely uninterested.


The time has come to camp in the wild for a rest at night.

While everyone was preparing their own dinner, Dawn touched Ronald with an apologetic expression and said while he was tying the rope:

"Mr. Ronald, I'm really sorry."

"Maybe Celier is a little too... 'enthusiastic' during the day?"

Ronald doesn't care at all:

"It's nothing, in fact, Mr. Cellier's attitude reminded me that there are still many problems that I need to pay attention to in the future with Costarte to continue activities."

Dawn nodded lightly, and then tentatively said:

"Speaking of which, I don't know what your maid's relationship is now?"

"Although Celier's behavior is a bit excessive, as his friend, it's better for me to inquire about this matter."


It's a little too disrespectful to refuse directly, pushing one's own people out - Ronald doesn't have that kind of hobby.

Ronald thought about it carefully, and then replied seriously:

"She's not human."

"Hmm... ah?" Dawn's expression instantly became colorful.

He looked at Kostat, who was cutting smoked fish in the distance, in disbelief, and then turned his head sharply to Ronald:

"Then...that lady."

"She's not human?"

Ronald tried to explain it in ordinary people's terms:

"According to what you said, it can be understood as an existence like a doll? In short, it is a magical creation."

"I took her out mainly to help her develop a full personality."

"You have also seen on the road for half a day that there is a clear difference between Costat's personality and a normal person."

"..." The expression on Dawn's face was still rich. But before leaving Ronald's side, he still said very politely, "Mr. Ronald, thank you for your answer, I'll go and have a good talk with Celier."

Ronald watched Dawn return to his companions.

After the two men exchanged words, the first emotion that appeared on Celier's face was anger.

But before you do it or make a fuss.

Dawn suddenly spoke and said a few words, and then Celier's expression became very exaggerated.


At this time, Celier turned to look at Ronald directly.

Ronald returned with a kind smile.


"How, how is this possible?"

During the day, Celier only thought that Costart was simply indifferent, and did not think about things in the direction that the other party was not a human being. In order to pursue this beauty he had only seen in his life, he even made many very important decisions in his heart.

At this moment, the news that Kostat is not human comes to him.

Celier couldn't stand it anymore.

This era does not have the various openness of modern society, and the combination of human and non-human is definitely a taboo among taboos.

Even Cellier is an adventurer who travels the world.

This kind of thing is still too far beyond the three perspectives.


The grown man sat on the ground with a thud.

The shocked expression contained both loss and disbelief in reality, which seemed to show that he was very sad now.

Ronald even heard the muttering in the other's mouth.


"How is this possible?"

"Such a beautiful person, why is this..."

Ronald almost laughed.

But he felt that it was too much to laugh directly, so he held back.

"Sir, your food is ready."

Just at this moment, Kostatt came to Ronald with the prepared dinner.

Around the camp at the moment.

Some people simply set up a shelf as a dining table, while others set up a box and sat on it for a simple meal. It's a short one-day People don't pay much attention to the attitude of eating, basically how to get there.

But Costat...she didn't seem to think so.

After seeing the situation around and confirming that the dining table could not be easily and tidy, the maid leaned on Ronald without hesitation, and then fed Ronald a little by herself.

Such an intimate gesture and attitude.

Ordinary people see that even if they are lovers, there is no problem at all.


Ronald subconsciously ate two mouthfuls of smoked fish.

When his brain woke up from the habit, he immediately looked at the expression on the opposite side of Celier.


Someone might be falling out of love tonight.

Maybe even insomnia.

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