Mystic Dominator

Chapter 76: records in the book

Ronald chose a total of two books, the one he read at the beginning, "Recommendation for Novice Investigators", and "Basic Occult Knowledge".

For him at the moment, this is the most suitable book to read right now.

Although Arida did some mysterious science work for him before, and the detective also talked a few words, but because the conversation between the two was relatively loose, the information they got was very one-sided.

Now there is an opportunity to know the relevant news through formal written records.

Ronald definitely didn't intend to miss it.

Holding two selected books, Ronald walked to the door of the document warehouse.

"Have you made your choice?"

Hearing Ronald's footsteps, the old man turned his head and took a look.

When he saw the two books in Ronald's arms, an expression of admiration appeared on his face.

"You kid, you're pretty smart."

"For a newcomer like you, the first thing to do is to avoid lofty ambitions, and don't be too anxious to be in close contact with these things."

"It's a good choice, they suit you very well."

While appreciating without hesitation, the old man picked up the pen on the side and wrote the names of two books on the record book in front of him.

The tip of the pen paused here, and the old man asked:

"Boy, what's your name?"



He said Ronald's name, and the old man wrote the name on the tip of his pen without hesitation. At the same time, he clearly marked the book's borrowing time behind the book's title.

"Okay, you can go down first."

"Just remember not to take the book out of the investigation bureau."

Finally, he warned me.

The old man opened the drawer in front of him, took out a picture book with quite avant-garde content, and looked at it intently.

Ronald nodded, then walked downstairs.

The lobby on the first floor of the Investigation Bureau is still empty at this moment.

Returning to the front desk with peace of mind, Ronald put down "Recommended by Novice Investigators" and first opened "Basic Occult Knowledge".

Revere these magical originals.

--Stat Robin

Just opened the cover, and a sentence was proudly printed on the clean page.

This is the author's reminder to all mysterious people.

On the title page of the book on the side, there is also a general introduction about this person.

[Stat Robin]


——Date of birth and death unknown

——One of the great pioneers who ended the Dark Ages and opened up the path of spellcasters.

——The ancestor of the profession who created the engraving technology and spread it.

——The last holder of the blood of God.

——The notes were summarized as "Basic Occult Common Sense" and published by later generations.

Ronald flipped through the pages.

Filter the table of contents articles of the introduction before the content of the book.

The first chapter of the book begins with a reflection on the power of the original.

——The scripture itself has a very dangerous power, so anyone who has the opportunity to come into contact with this ability, I suggest that everyone must think carefully, and carefully study or use this power.

Further back.

The author of this book summarizes the basic common sense of the mysterious side of that era, and draws a hypothesis that fits the experimental situation.

Stutter believes that in the world, there is a mysterious power that cannot be seen by the naked eye, cannot be heard by the ear, cannot be touched by the touch, and cannot be smelled by the nose.

At the same time, under certain natural rules that have not yet revealed the true face, these mysterious forces spontaneously condensed, and then turned into some books that humans could not understand.

This is the birth of the original.

As long as the secrets are successfully deciphered, the holder of the original code will be able to master abilities far beyond ordinary people. This does not necessarily mean having a very powerful destructive ability, but something that ordinary people cannot achieve by relying on the power of mortals.

It's like you swing your arms hard, no matter how hard you try, you can't be like a bird, driving the airflow to fly high in the sky.

Deciphering the original code of success can help you break this common sense.

The most essential thing among them is that human beings use the medium of the original to control the undetectable things, that is, what various schools describe as magic, magic, and mana.

what is interesting is--

Stutter discovered that the birthplace of the original text was basically related to its own abilities.

Just like a book of plant-related abilities, it was born in a jungle with a long history, and the original book of animal deformation ability first appeared in the beast's lair.

However, reaching the original script does not mean that you have the ability.

In addition to the deciphering work that is as difficult as the sky, danger also follows.

As long as you understand this taboo knowledge, you even need to be able to master it.

This invisible and intangible mysterious power will begin to subtly make some changes around you.

And those with this quality, he called it [seed].

The number of [seeds] reaches a certain level, and after a period of time, it will cause the most dangerous thing in the world.

——Alienation of the world.

In order to prevent the world they live in, it gradually becomes a weird magic mirror. Stutter calls on everyone to guard this secret together, and formulate a mysterious side code for peers all over the world. Do not let ordinary people become the same [seed] as them.

This is probably the case in the book's discussion of the fundamental rules.

What follows next is Stadt's research on his own scriptures.

Out of the mind of a scholar, he did not intend to smear his own According to the unique knowledge of the school passed down from the teacher, Stutter learned that to exercise this mysterious power, in fact, it is not necessary to master the original scriptures. achieved.

By making runes through the power of their school's original text, and then portraying this kind of thing, it can evolve into a medium.

After the medium is completed, the incantations from other scriptures can be engraved in the center of this rune at this moment.

——This is the mark of the school that prevails in the current era.

Holding the school mark, as long as you see the original face of the original script directly or indirectly, and then recite the incantation correctly. The medium can help communicate the relationship between the two, and give this person the ability to cast spells.


Ronald breathed a sigh of relief.

He didn't feel sleepy at all reading a book, and he even spent a lot of time.

Turn the page back.

What follows is a bit of a legendary novel.

It includes the various magical adventures and dangerous life course experienced by this man named Stadt.

At the end of that dark age.

He can sum up this knowledge, and he can definitely be regarded as one of the most important pioneers in the mysterious side of this world.


At this moment, the door of the headquarters of the Investigation Bureau was pushed open.

Ronald put down the book in his hand and looked outside following the voice.

Unlike the investigative officer in Burrenwich who was wearing a coat, five people dressed in different styles broke in from outside the door and walked directly in front of him.

Immediately, the man who seemed to be in the lead spoke up:

"Hello, we are sent to support by the Springs headquarters."

"Where is Mr. Willard now?"

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