Mystic Dominator

Chapter 732: swear technology

The riots inside the train did not last long.

The group of people who chose to do it were quickly suppressed by the soldiers in the car. At the same time, some people went to search for the guy who jumped out of the car under the cover of his companions.

During the whole process, no one from Ronald and his party took any action.

Ronald is because he doesn't know the reason, and he doesn't confirm the details of this matter, so he naturally won't help any party.

Laley's reaction was more interesting.

The Entrod's spy chief did not act at all, but took the developments on the car very seriously. It's really unsure - whether he intends to adjust his future strategy according to the situation, or whether he wants to find these people to settle accounts in the autumn.

Another few minutes passed.

The soldiers who were injured before were taken out of the carriage, and a group of newcomers who looked bad took their place and continued to check passengers in the carriage.

Seeing this scene, Lalaye also whispered in a rare whisper:

"Not forgetting the rules and regulations because of the unexpected, these young people are doing well."

Ronald also nodded in approval:

"This ability is really good."

In all fairness, issues like identity and attitude are ruled out.

Soldiers on the train deal with such emergencies, and then get everything back on track in just a few minutes, not even forgetting to pick up the previous job of checking passengers.

Quickly restore order after chaos.

This is definitely an excellent work ability to be commended.


Just soon, Ronald and their mentality changed.

Because these people found their location!

"Raise your hands and don't move!"

"Call this guy up too!"


The attitude of the soldiers during the inspection was the same as before.

Ronald and the others don't mind working together in this situation.

But it happened that there was a guy who was not very suitable and was almost 100% misunderstood in the innermost part of the team - Shesta.

Young cult girls are also sensible.

Hearing the voice of the soldier, Shesta immediately realized that this was a rare and precious opportunity for her, and she desperately spit the cloth out of her mouth.

"Wow! Help!"

"These people are Greed's spies, come and save me!"


The already tense atmosphere inside the car had almost reached its peak.

No one expected that such a thing would happen one after another in a place where something just happened.

In particular, Shesta's acting skills are very strong.

The hopeful eyes in despair, the cry of pleading mixed with grief, and the weak gesture she made quickly, all set off her victim's identity to be extremely real.


If Ronald didn't use those reconnaissance spells to see such a girl, he might have been deceived by this vivid acting.

"You, kneel on the ground with your head in your hands!"

"Don't make any extra moves!"


Soldiers are also quite nervous.

They are just the most common soldiers. In this era of limited communication capabilities, they don't know Lalaye, the big man in charge of intelligence. At this moment, she was deceived by Shesta's acting skills, and her spirit almost reached a critical point.

Ronald is very convinced.

If you do something superfluous now - these young people will definitely shoot without hesitation.

Under such circumstances, Ronald looked at Lalaye beside him with a small movement, and expressed his attitude with his eyes - 'This is your territory, don't you want to deal with it? ’


Lalaye smiled helplessly.

When things became like this, he really had no other choice.

I saw the spy chief's expression changed, and his eyes instantly locked on the few people in front of him.

"Young people, don't be too impulsive."

"Take the person in charge on your side—I remember Eden, right. Let him come over, things aren't quite what you think."


Ronald saw clearly.

At the same time as Lalaye spoke, a vague spell descended on several soldiers. Many of these young people were ready to shoot under the pressure of the atmosphere, but in fact their bodies did not obey their commands at all.

- "The Structure of the Human Body".

Ronald was immediately aware of the situation.

As Heloise's former boss, Lalaye is probably the holder of "The Structure of the Human Body". This kind of spell that can instantly control the body of others should be a very clever ability in the original scriptures.

Meanwhile, Lalaye's movements continued.

The spy chief first controlled Shesta, who was about to do something, and then picked one of the young soldiers, reached out and patted the other's shoulder.

"Mr. Mette, I know you are someone who can handle things calmly."

"Go and call Eden over."

The young soldier's eyes widened, and he took two steps back abruptly.

He was indeed the calmest among the soldiers, and when his body was under control, he was still thinking about how to break the game.

but now……

This dangerous element hiding on the train actually uttered his name?

How did the other party know?

Could it be that these people are already prepared?


Realizing all the possibilities of this incident, the young soldier's mind was very confused. After realizing that the control of his body was back, he walked towards the end of the carriage in a trance.


Watching the other party leave the carriage, Laleye looked back at Shesta again.

"Miss Shesta, what are you going to swear today?"

"Chastity? Fame? Property? Life? Soul?"

"If I remember correctly, including but not limited to the above, you should have sworn it all?"

Shesta was completely free of psychological pressure.

Facing Lalaye with a gloomy face, the cult warlock said without hesitation:

"If I swear by my you think it's acceptable?"


Lalaye's face turned completely black.

After that, the spy chief didn't ask any more questions. He picked up the cloth and stuffed it into Shesta's mouth again, and then tied it tightly for a few times.

After completing all this, Lalaiye spoke to Ronald again:

"Mr. Ronald, I have some important transactions with Ms. Shesta's father, I hope you don't mind this kind of thing."

"No problem at Ronald certainly doesn't care about that.

He nodded, then took Costarte back into his chair.


The leaving young giant moved quickly.

Not long after, a man dressed as an officer rushed into the carriage with a lot of people, and almost all of them pointed their guns at Lalaiye in an instant.

"Who dares, dare to be..."

The officer had a fierce look on his face, ready to say something.

But when he saw Lalaye's appearance, his legs softened almost instantly, he couldn't even hold his own gun, and his tone trembled even more:

"La... Mr. Lalaiye?"

"You guys, put the gun down for me!"

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