Mystic Dominator

Chapter 728: to Entrod

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Ronald looked at Laraye and then at Shesta, who was hiding in the hallway.

Both of these guys are definitely above-horizontal spellcasters, and both recognize that Il is not a human being, nor is he a spell creature at the same time.

In such a strange situation in the field.

Continue to conceal Il's identity... Actually, there is not much need.

"You two, you don't have to be so nervous." As soon as the thought came to his mind, Ronald said immediately, "Il she is just a life born by accident, and does not involve any conspiracy or plan."

Il immediately nodded in agreement:

"Yes, I am a good person who is harmless to humans and animals!"


The atmosphere in the hall was still a little subtle, but Lalaiye was the first to react:

"So... so it is."

"Mr. Ronald deserves to be the top caster, and even a special talent like Miss Ill can be brought under his command."

Lalaye's eyes were still on Il.

But the content of the conversation with Ronald, the spy chief also immediately pulled back:

"Mr. Ronald, the proposal I just made is just what I personally want to see. If you have any grudges, the transaction between us can still be maintained as discussed in Springs, and you don't have to feel any pressure. "

Ronald nodded:

"I'll think about it."

Ronald knew in his heart that the way the Entrode man spoke was actually very instructive.

Appears to be friendly and inviting.

In fact, it is to ease the relationship between the two, while protecting their own interests from damage.

Back in Springs.

Ronald and Lareye's relationship is a delicate one, by no means a pleasant partnership. It is not impossible for the two sides to tear the face of the verbal agreement reached under the circumstances at that time.

Yet Laleye made an excellent choice.

After meeting with Ronald, he first offered his previous Springs deal, and then offered a new, more valuable offer. This would greatly increase the success rate of the old deal, even if Ronald rebuffed Lalaiye's new request.


Ronald breathed a sigh of relief.

After his strength improved again, a ruthless man like Lalaiye became so cautious when talking to him.

The taste of it really makes people feel a little complicated.

After readjusting his mentality, Ronald continued to speak:

"Let's put it aside for a while."

"But you can rest assured that although we only made a verbal agreement in Springs, you have indeed guaranteed not to interfere with Heloise. I will definitely go to Entrod this trip."

Lalaiye's compliment immediately followed:

"A strong man like you who keeps his promises is the friend who deserves the most respect."

Ronald nodded slightly, then turned to look at Kostat:

"Is there anything else that needs to be done here at Kurpis?"

The maid shook her head calmly:

"Sir, the current limit on the number of practitioners no longer exists, and the problem of continuing to deal with it is basically over - you can do whatever you want."


The conversation in the hall gradually became normal.

Villanica, who had been frightened to the ground before, calmed down and knew that she was safe, so she was quite relieved.

Only Shesta hiding in the corridor.

When Ronald and Lalaiye had begun to greet each other, she finally moved back slowly against the wall.

Just behind Ronald on the edge of the wall.

Shesta took a moment and said:

"That... Mr. Ronald..."

"Can I ask a question?"

"Of course." Ronald turned his head and looked over. In fact, he and this girl had some relationship, so naturally he didn't mind answering some questions.

"It's... my father who doesn't work very well?" Shesta said awkwardly, "Actually, I lost contact with him a few months ago. That old guy—I really I'm worried that he will do something harmful to society."

The words gradually opened, and Shesta's expression softened.

She carefully avoided the sofa with Il, and sat down next to Ronald.

"Mr. Ronald, you were my father's companion before he disappeared."

"Should you give me some hints?"


Shesta's voice fell to the ground.

Ronald's body immediately lit up with white light.

It was obvious——the [Guardian Angel] spell was activated.

Baproul's daughter, Shesta, was trying to influence Ronald with a spell, so he directly activated Ronald's defense spell.


The air in the room froze for a moment.

Although everyone present knew what a cult warlock was, Shesta was still swearing with all her might just now, but she turned her head and made such a statement quietly.

This kind of thing...

Makes a very bad evaluation.

"I... I just want to do some atmospheric effects?" At this time, Shesta's charming movements couldn't go on. She just stared at Ronald, with a fake smile, "Everyone, you should believe me, right?"


Shesta was ignored, and nothing radical was done.

These small movements of Shesta at the moment are already quite dangerous for ordinary casters, but for people like Ronald and Lalaiye, this is almost a small problem like a child's trouble.

In this case, Lalaye gave Ronald a responsible smile:

"Mr. Ronald, you should know why I tied her?"

Ronald nodded immediately in response:

"Totally understand."

"Shesta, you don't need to do these little things." Ronald continued to turn his head to look at Shesta, and his tone became serious as he spoke, "I know your father's whereabouts more than ten days ago, and I won't make sure of it. tell you the truth."

"Your father was in the Principality of Purvikta when Springs was attacked."


Shesta's eyes widened, completely unable to understand such an answer.

"Hasn't the power of our school been removed over there? Father, he is planning to challenge a new height in his missionary So he went there to cause trouble?"

Ronald shook his head:

"It was just a coincidence that I went down there."

"This sudden encounter is also the reason why your father was unable to contact you."


"Mr. Lalaiye, tell us about the agreement between us." Seeing that Shesta was lost in thought, Ronald asked Lalaiye again, "How do we get to Entrod?"

Lalaye smiled and replied:

"Mr. Ronald, that's what you don't know."

"During this year, Entrod and Grid reached an agreement to build a new small station near Black Mountain. As long as we go there, we can directly catch the train to the opposite side of the Joiz Forest."

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