Mystic Dominator

Chapter 725: go home

The latest website: ""Organic Encyclopedia"..."

In the winter sun, Ronald sat at the table in his bedroom, staring at the uniquely shaped original in front of him.

This is the position where he sat at the beginning of his crossing.

Returning here after a year, everything around is exactly as I remembered, and Costart's protection of the mansion is completely perfect.

By the way.

Ronald also knew the use of the warehouse he had been unable to enter.

Because the previous Master Ronald didn't have much contact with the mysterious side, Kostatt put all the 'collections' at home in it, which is why Ronald found nothing when he first searched.

bang bang bang --

At this time, a knock on the door rang in the mild sunlight.

Villanica brought Ronald tea on time in the afternoon, and then explained respectfully:

"Master, this is afternoon tea today."

"From the drinks provided by Il, as well as the snacks prepared before."

"Il..." Ronald tasted the food, and then asked, "Il and the others have been accommodated for two days. Are they okay in the town?"

Villanica replied cautiously:

"They integrated into Kurpis smoothly like everyone else."

It is also more subtle.

After Yoiz's problem was resolved.

Ronald took Kostat and others back to Kurpis.

Since Il and Hel, the two 'girls' from Joiz, had a surprisingly good relationship, they built a house in the midst of Kurpis, and Il basically took care of Hel's life.

As for this guy El...

Relying on his own abilities, this evolutionary life opened an unpretentious flower shop in Kulpis, and even managed to integrate into this delicate town in all aspects.


Thinking of this, Ronald couldn't help sighing.

The last time he came back in a hurry, he did not have a comprehensive understanding of Kurpis.

For now, Yoiz's problem is solved.

After he took a closer look, he realized what an outrageous town this was.

The town has a total population of 140 households, of which go out to make puppets and special creatures from other worlds, and the guys with mysterious side backgrounds are almost stuck on causing the [World Mutation].

Listen to Costat's description.

When the town was "thriving", her main job was to organize weekly outings, hunting and other activities to keep Kurpis at a safe threshold.

in other words.

over the past few hundred years.

Kurpis basically hopped on and off the dead end, and survived to this day.

Costart's work ability is strong, which is evident.

It was only during the period when Ronald passed through that someone in the town finally couldn't hold back and planned to use [Alienation of the World] to wrap Kostatt, which led to the maid's negligence in the mansion.

As for the result...

After Ronald escaped from Kurpis.

The number of people in this town has dropped from a level that requires regular outings to a tolerable level.

But even so, there are still a lot of casters with strange abilities and unpredictable personalities.

so that every afternoon.

Costat will still patrol the town in the name of a walk, to make sure the current town members don't mess with anything outrageous.

Ronald thought about things in the town.

Seeing this scene, Villanica's eyes became more flexible.

The girl stretched out her hand and gently tugged at the belt behind her back, and immediately moved closer to Ronald:

"Master, that... the weather is good today."

"Do you need to..."

Ronald didn't even look up:

"It's none of your business, come on down."


Villanica froze in place, with a mixture of unwillingness and fear in her eyes.

But in the end, she didn't do much, but listened to Ronald's words and left the bedroom honestly.

I heard the movement of Villanica leaving.

Ronald continued to stare at the "Organic Encyclopedia" in front of him.

Compared with women, people of his character are of course more concerned about the things in front of them.

- "Organic Encyclopedia".

- Really a very unique existence.

During the two days that he returned to Kurpis, he finally figured out the function of this scripture after groping.

On the premise of no runaway.

The mystical role of the "Organic Encyclopedia" is actually exactly what the people who compiled it intended—that is, to preserve information about organic life in the galaxy.

Just in the morning, Ronald activated the scripture in front of him in the normal way.

There are no bizarre genes, there are exaggerated life transformations, and there are no complete techniques with special functions. After being activated, the "Organic Encyclopedia" automatically detected the surrounding environment, and then retrieved an extinct creature in this environment in its own life catalog, and created it alive in front of Ronald.

what is this?

Mysticism - create life!

In the pure realm of God, its status can be described in one word with "miracle".

In reality - save extinct species!

From the perspective of environmental protection and biological research, it is also a treasure of extraordinary significance, and it is in line with the core idea of ​​the compilers of the "Organic Encyclopedia" to preserve life information!

But it fits the reality...

Ronald is in another world!

If he carelessly creates life in this place, it would not be called protecting biodiversity, but directly playing the invasion of species from the galaxy to other worlds. What kind of weird and evil deeds are these countless?

As far as the outcome of this morning's success is concerned.

Ronald, by coincidence, let "Organic Complete Books" revive an arthropod on Earth - the lone star tick.


Ronald only felt his head was big at the time.

The inconspicuous little guy was pinched to death for the first time, and then his genes were included in the spell system of "Origin of Species".

- The hazard of this kind of insect is quite special.

In short, humans who are bitten by this lone star tick have a high probability of being allergic to red meat for life. Unless you have nothing to do with the taste of adrenaline, you can't eat meat such as pork and beef for the rest of your life, and you also need to quit milk.

Unless Ronald intends to vigorously promote vegetarianism in another world.

Otherwise, there is absolutely no need for this thing to exist!

If you say later...

The ability to create life in the "Organic Encyclopedia" is based on the environment.

Something that can be titled with the word life.

need to be taken seriously.

After all, even if it's a banana, doesn't it have a very high degree of genetic overlap with humans?

clap clap-

Just as Ronald was thinking, the sound of rapid footsteps came from downstairs.

Then Villanica pushed open the door in a panic, and said to Ronald in an almost trembling voice:

"Young Master, there are guests here."

"He's... Lalaye... Said to be your acquaintance!"

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