Mystic Dominator

Chapter 723: conventional means

Latest URL: "No big problem."

Ronald immediately waved to Costat.

"I saw that you blasted that tree man just now, are the two of them safe?"

Hearing Ronald's answer, the maid's expression returned to calm:

"Sir, my spell will send them to a safe place. And for various reasons, I have taken away part of Il's soul, please accept it."

Costart said, and handed a part of his soul to Ronald.

As with Villanica in Kurpis, the maid seems to be very fond of splitting souls for safety.

This guy Costat...

Did you learn the style of some cult warlock?

Facing the maid's movements, Ronald took Il's soul and put his eyes on the giant beast below again.

The guy is lying weakly on the ground.

Although a large part of its body has been necrotic, this injury still cannot take its life, and the body is constantly repairing. As for those treemen...

To ensure that the repair process is not interrupted.

The surviving Treants are frantically destroying everything around them, trying not to let the enemy interrupt the process of repairing the behemoth.

Look at this scene.

Ronald couldn't help showing a wry smile:

"I really want to know - what the editorial team of "Organic Complete Dictionary" has experienced in the process of work, this is definitely not justified by being slapped on the head by Apple."

Costat immediately answered next to him:

"Sir, this should be a giant dust beast sleeping under the Yoiz Forest. It is only because it just fits the power of the "Organic Complete Canon" that it has such a terrifying body shape."

Ronald's eyes narrowed:

"The dust that the one you said last time?"

Costat headed to admit:

"Yes, it's in the same category as the one you've seen in Springs."


Ronald remembers it well.

At the beginning of the encounter with Costart, the other party had commented on what happened in Springs, and the word Dust Behemoth appeared at that time.

Now it seems.

Seems like this thing still has a history?

Ronald's expression changed, and Costart immediately told the information he knew:

"According to my understanding, these giant beasts should have existed in this world from the beginning, but suddenly disappeared from history after the emergence of human beings. It was not until the day of creation that the original text began to appear in this world, and these terrifying creatures did not exist. Gradually revive as if hibernating, and attack the human invasion."

Ronald continued to ask:

"In that case, should they leave relevant records in history?"

After the Dark Ages, it makes sense that these dust beasts were concealed by the mysterious side. But when Ronald checked church records, he found no relevant records.

This can't be said.

But Ronald's situation is not what it used to be.

Being isolated and helpless in the past, he wanted to understand these hidden histories, and he had to find a way to contact and inquire about it. And now, the obedient Kostark immediately answered him:

"This is because the appearance of the dust behemoth is very special."

"During the Dark Ages, these behemoths would destroy human cities as soon as they appeared, then use unique means to transform the surrounding environment, and then hide themselves in it."

"And when someone goes to investigate - when the dust giant has disappeared and the surrounding environment has changed, people tend to regard this kind of thing as a natural disaster."

Ronald raised his eyebrows:

"Then how did you know about this?"

Costat replied calmly:

"Two hundred and seventy years ago, a cult warlock heard about this 'ancient natural disaster', so he carried out related actions in an attempt to grasp the power to subvert the world from this legend."

"That guy's ability is really good, and he actually found a giant dust beast sleeping in the territory, and then continued to carry out more research work."

Hearing this, Ronald has already guessed in his heart:

"So that guy was also left in Kurpis in the end?"

"Sir, that's not the case." Kostat shook his head, "The guy deduced that the Yoiz Forest was actually a product of the giant dust beast, so he picked a remote town close to the Yoiz Forest and planned to carry out follow-up work. "

Ronald's expression is a bit complicated:

"He...wouldn't he have picked Kurpis?"

Costat's expression was indifferent:

"I extracted the memory after killing him, and the name of the dust monster was named by him."


"You can really do it!"

"Sir, you are rude."

After Ronald couldn't help "complimenting" Kostat, he no longer bothered about it. Knowing the origin of the giant beast below, he simply asked Kostat:

"Now this guy has lost the ability to change the weather."

"Costat, it should be okay for you to fly high in the sky and create a rain around you?"

Costat immediately understood Ronald's plan:

"Sir, "The Maul of Rain and Mist" is indeed a very good choice. After I change the weather, I recommend that you try to destroy the head of this dust monster."

The voice landed, and Kostat immediately flew high into the sky.

The acceleration was so fast this time that Ronald didn't even have time to hear the voice of the other party chanting the spell.



Watching Kostat vanish from view.

Ronald took a deep breath, and the ancient slate immediately appeared in his hand.

While continuing to stabilize the magic in his body, he quietly stared at the sky, waiting for the right moment to do it himself.


It didn't take long for Costat to go up, and the howling wind between heaven and earth came again.

Accompanied by the strong magic fluctuations in the air.

Thanks to the aftermath of the previous weather manipulation, Kostatt's process of changing the airflow again was smoother than before, and the dark clouds that had not dissipated immediately tended to condense.



Wait a moment in silence.

Ronald's face suddenly became cold, and the water droplets from the air fell on him - it started to rain.

"In this case……"

"In the future, will "The Hammer of Rain and Mist" be regarded as a conventional attack method?"

Feel the rain dripping on your face and continuing to increase.

Ronald smiled and shook his head.

His fingers also lightly stroked the words on the slate.


The next second the incantation was uttered from Ronald's mouth, and the solemn voice seemed to resound through the heavens and the earth in the heavy rain:

"The sky is cut off by day,

The earth is separated from the edge,

The name of the Son of Man is not yet established;

Anu is the sky,


However, just as Ronald's finger came to the end of the slate, the spell was about to be completed.

an unfamiliar voice.

At this moment, it sounded in Ronald's mind:

"Human, stop."

"Killing me will cause irreversible consequences for you!"

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