Mystic Dominator

Chapter 721: earthquake

Dave this guy is also ready to back up.

In the case of being completely monitored by yourself just now?

Feeling the tremors on the ground, this was the thought that immediately popped into Ronald's mind.

Although the opponent is not his opponent by force.

But as a leader of a school, it is not impossible to have cards that have not been shown yet.


Ronald's eyes moved to Dave.

The leader of Ogan's Secret had just been kicked out by Ronald because of a problem with his lumbar spine. At this moment, he was completely unable to maintain his balance under the shock of the ground, and was even forced to kneel on the ground.

And his expression...

Dazed, at a loss, worried, these complex emotions are reflected on his face, and the inner reaction is completely consistent.

See Dave perform like this.

Ronald couldn't react.

——The shaking of the ground is not the trump card of the person in front of you!

——It was an unexpected event that exceeded everyone's expectations!



Between the ground shaking, there was a sudden loud noise of earth and rocks cracking in the distance.

Ronald followed the movement and looked over...

Inside the refugee camp, there are actually several giant trees that are 100 meters high. This is a special passage left by the secret of Ogan for the convenience of moving up and down.

And this moment.

These trees propped up the soil from the ground in the tremor, and broke through everything on the ground with the huge object below.

- Ground line of sight is obstructed.

- You have to see what's going on from the sky.

Ronald made a quick judgment, and the incantation of "The Compendium of Astronomy" was immediately read out of his mouth: "From the relationship between the entire earth and the sky, it will begin to constitute our cognition!"


Ronald's thin figure cut through the sky.

In just over two seconds, his position was four-fifths below the tree dome.

At this time, the changes in the large land below came into view.

Ronald could clearly see that the entire space within the tree dome was shaking violently, and the soil on the ground was shattering inch by inch in the rhythmic shaking, as if a dry riverbed had been smashed into pieces by someone's foot.


"Attack, they're attacking!"

"Where's the summoner, let them communicate with the tree people?"


Ronald looked at everything below in surprise.

It was at this time that he suddenly heard a series of wailing and moans coming from above his head.

Ronald looked up, and the investigation of the power of 'Rage' immediately extended over.


These painful sounds.

It turned out to be all the sounds from the wooden dome, that is, the secret tree city of Organ!


What the **** is this?

Ronald is only feeling a big headache now.

Looking at the refugee camp below, which was tortured by the shock, he pulled out the sword of Santa Caterina without saying a word, and the power of the sun light attached to it and rushed towards the tree dome alone.


The fortress of Organ's Mystery is quite qualified for its sturdiness.

But in the face of Ronald's impact, it still didn't work.

In just one breath, Ronald had penetrated the floor and ceiling of the tree city after two consecutive explosions of wooden shells shattering.

it's here.

Darkness enveloped Ronald.

The entangled canopies of the hundred-meter giant trees are stacked on top of each other, and not even a bit of light can shine into this dark world. If the unprepared person is thrown here, he will be permanently disoriented and the only end will be his.

Ronald broke through the darkness all the way through the canopy.

Then I noticed something.

- The power of the sun.

——It was impossible to ignite the branches and leaves of the trees here.

Although he didn't particularly strengthen the spell, when the sword of Santa Caterina cut the branches and leaves of the fault layer, the holy flame with the sun attribute covered on it actually had no effect on the tree itself.

Is this the unique treatment of the trees by Organ's Mystery?


Ronald was puzzled.

But these branches and leaves couldn't stop him for too long.

After cutting off the branches and leaves in front of him again, Ronald broke through the shackles of the tree dome and came over the entire area.

At this moment, look down at the whole picture below.

Ronald's eyes became very dull, and his tone directly revealed his helplessness.

"This...what is this?"

Just below, a Leviathan-like beast was breaking free from the ground.

The size of this thing can almost catch up with the size of Baproul when he changes in the [Infinite Negative Field], and combined with the rocky soil the size of a hill on his body, the visual shock is almost indescribable in words.

What's more terrible is the tree city of Organ's Secret.

This sanctuary established by the caster actually merged with this monster from the roots, regardless of each other. At this moment, it has been completely turned into a part of the body by this monster.

The wailing that Ronald had heard in the air earlier.

In fact, this giant beast is controlling the trees on its back and is cleaning up the Organ's Mystery Caster who lives in the tree city!

And the shaking that destroys everything on the ground.

In fact, it was this monster, the shaking on its back when it broke open the soil.


Ronald struggled to control his emotions and began to analyze...

Does this even use analysis?

It must be the "Organic Complete Canon" that lives in the refugee camp. I don't know under what circumstances continue to 'give' life, and finally came up with such a thing in a few months!

So, where should I start with this thing?

If he is in the state of [Infinite Negative Number Field] Ronald will of course have activated his spell to blast up.

But now he...

Although he has extremely strong strength, he still feels a little bit out of place to deal with such a giant beast.

It's like a person holding a pushpin.

Although it can pierce a lot of things, it is too outrageous to try to deal with an elephant.

"This this……"

"Beat people first..."

Ronald quickly gave up thinking.

For a monster of this size, the best option is to start from the head, which is the only option that can be seen at the moment.

Immediately, Ronald turned his head and flew towards the monster's head.


Right now.

A real magic power exploded from a distance in an instant.

This magic power was strong enough to disperse the air, and even Ronald felt a strong oncoming airflow at his position.

Ronald also recognized its owner from the attributes of this magic.

—It's Costart.

Faced with such a change, the maid who was loyal to Ronald's orders was also taking action at this moment.

The effects of powerful spells ferment quickly.

Just above the sky, thick dark clouds gathered in an instant, and the violent airflow also raged freely between the heavens and the earth.


Ronald's face froze.


Several air currents collided with the sky under the control of Kostat, and the white silver millet naturally began to be generated from this.

Under Kostatt's unreserved spell.

Even the weather in the whole area is starting to change because of this!

On the ground, as Kostatt's main target, the surrounding of this huge monster is almost full of violent power.

It was a huge vortex that could even cover the mountains.

It is rapidly evolving between heaven and earth!

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