Mystic Dominator

Chapter 715: sound advice


"You mean that there is a young man with the original book under the tree city now, and this is the source of the problem of Yoiz Forest?"

In the conference room of Organ's Secret.

Ogle exclaimed and stood up abruptly.

Because just a second ago, Ronald told the other party the purpose of coming here—that is, the whereabouts of the last part of the "Organic Encyclopedia".

It is precisely because of this heavyweight news that Ogle completely lost his initial posture, and now even in front of Ronald, began to pace back and forth in this conference room.

"This...this is really amazing..."

Of course, this gaffe did not last long.

In less than a minute, the middle-aged caster regained his original calm and said seriously to Ronald:

"Mr. Ronald, thank you very much for your information."

"This matter is very important to our Ogan's Secret and Yoiz. Please wait here for a while, and I will inform others that they will be back to call you right away."

When the voice fell, Oger turned his head and walked outside.

When he left this conference room, he did not forget to bring the door to Ronald and the others.


The door closed gently.

The expressions of the few people who stayed in the conference room were different.


The first is Hull and Ill.

Because these two 'locals' were basically out of the way, they naturally did not respond as entourages, and were even playing interactive games to a small extent at the moment.

Then there's Costat.

In the face of situations other than Ronald, the maid's reaction has remained stable as usual—extremely indifferent.

Only Ronald, his face is helpless and ugly now.

Probably because the attitude of the special special agent of the Solatu School gave him some illusions, so Ronald subconsciously believed that the human forces in the Yoiz Forest could make a lot of efforts and sacrifices to restore this situation.

Now, the secret of Organ has taught him a good lesson.

Oger's behavior seems to be fine, but in fact, the appearance of being tempted by profit can be seen at a glance.

Ha ha--

This is an original.

A powerful text with the power to change the forest, and even the entire world!

And just right, such an original book is now in their sphere of influence of the secret of Ogan, which is simply a good thing that fell from the sky.

Ronald didn't even have to deploy the power of "Rage" to scout.

After leaving here, Ogle must have been in a hurry to contact the school colleagues and began to plan to recover this original text before Ronald.


Thinking of this, Ronald couldn't help shaking his head and sighing.

Kostat, who was sitting next to him, immediately poured a glass of water for him, and said comfortably:

"Sir, greed is the most fundamental part of human beings."

"It's actually quite common."

"Thank you." Ronald took the water glass to thank him, then waved his hand and continued, "Of course I know human habits. It's just that in Joiz's current situation, the first thing they thought of when they got the news was this— -It's really annoying."

The maid saw Ronald's distress in her eyes.

Then it is straightforward to provide the relevant data for reference.

"Sir, in the past history of the Adler family, there were a total of 120 situations similar to today's. Most of them have adopted relatively strong choices."

Ronald looked up immediately.

Feeling in his heart, he locked his eyes on Kostat:

"How does the 'stronger choice' you speak of actually work?"

The maid replied calmly:

"The master ordered, and then I came to solve the problem, or the person who brought the problem."


Ronald slapped his forehead:

"I knew it……"

"Kostart, you 'understand' my situation. I don't want to be so aggressive when conditions allow."

The maid nodded in approval and responded:

"Sir, your high moral standards are indeed fascinating."

"But in this world, my advice is to adopt ethical standards -- or decision-making -- that are more local."

Ronald gave Costat a serious look.

It was rare for a maid to take the initiative to suggest this level, and he had to admit that what the other party said was very reasonable.

It's just that what Ronald recognized most in his heart was the moral concepts he had accumulated over the past few decades. Even after living in this world for nearly a year, he is not as indifferent as some protagonists.

But it just so happened that Il, who was still playing with Hull, also raised his head.

Ronald and Kostatt didn't talk much.

However, Il, who has advanced wisdom, immediately deduced the key, and then expressed his opinion at the right time:

"Shouldn't it be the most efficient way to kill someone who doesn't cooperate? In the eyes of those of us who are awakened, this is actually not a problem."

"Furthermore...Sir, isn't your most important purpose now to solve Yoiz's problem? If it's really difficult to make a choice, then it's better to use this goal as the criterion for measuring everything."


Ronald almost thought that Il in front of him had been replaced.

Fortunately, the other party's previous sentence still proved his identity.

"Your 'efficiency' is the standard of war criminals for me." After criticizing Il's previous words, Ronald immediately put down the water glass and got up, his tone changed, "But the latter paragraph is indeed worth referring to. "

"Costat, take care of Il and Hull here."

"I'll go out and see the specifics before making a decision."

The maid naturally maintained her usual calm attitude:

"Sir, leave it to me here."

"If there are problems in the future, I am willing to be a sharp blade for your crusade against the secret of Ogan."

Ronald smiled and waved his hand, turned his head and walked out the door:

"Wait for my news, it's not that serious..."


Walking out of the conference room alone, the magician standing guard here is standing outside.

The other party noticed Ronald's action and immediately leaned over:

"Sir, please wait patiently inside, we..."

"You didn't see me, stand guard."

Ronald was an irresistible powerful word in front of As an ordinary caster, the guard was naturally unable to resist, and immediately stood back in a trance.

Make sure nothing happens here.

Ronald turned his head and continued to walk out.


"Well... it's better to change the look."

After a few steps, Ronald whispered.

He put his hands on his face and started rubbing.

Next, just like the former Rumir, he used magic to change his height and appearance, and then continued to walk into the city of Organ's Secret Tree.

Oger left not long after.

Tracking was no problem for Ronald.

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