Mystic Dominator

Chapter 706: lore

Although the enemy in front of him is his sister.

But Il didn't mean to show any mercy.

After tearing apart the opponent's defense spell again, the arm with blue arcs slashed mercilessly in the next second.


A short, dull sound passed by.

Different from the reaction of ordinary animals when they are electrocuted, the electric current left a clearly visible track on the wooden monster from the position where it was struck by Il, and then immediately led to the ground.

- The wooden body is still very intuitive.

—Victory is almost at hand.

Just for a moment.

Burnt black cracks appeared on Il's sister.

There are countless tiny branches on the scorch marks running through the whole body, making her completely miserable.

"Sister, you lost."

Il's voice to decide the victory or defeat sounded.

She looked at her sister with a lonely expression, and the other party collapsed to the ground with no strength.

This break of the body is no different than the previous active split.

Il's thunder and lightning violently destroyed several vital organs in her body, and it would take a lot of time to repair it.

- In other words.

——Il's sister has already lost.

The enemy still maintains an intact posture, but she herself has become this broken look. For anyone facing the current situation, there is no hope of victory or survival.

"Sister, is this your trump card?"

At this time, the wooden monster that fell to the ground also spoke.

There was no despair or anger in her tone of defeat, but she seemed very indifferent:

"I don't know your true strength."

"You won."


Il was silent for a few seconds, and then he said:

"Sister, remember the long terrestrial fish that hunted in the middle of the forest after we gained the ability to move?"

The wooden monster obviously remembered what Il said, so he immediately refuted:

"The electric shock of that prey is not so strong."

Irze explained calmly:

"Sister, the path of self-evolution is not necessarily wrong."

"My strong enough discharge ability actually captures a whole new type of fish that evolves a few months later, and then analyzes the gene and transplants it into myself."

Hear Il's explanation.

Her sister's wooden body relaxed a little.

At least at the end of her life, Il used her own way to comfort her who was defeated, maybe...


The wooden monster's thinking was interrupted.

After explaining the source of his ability, Il did not continue to speak, but directly raised his foot and stepped on his sister's body. Although on the surface it is only a slender figure of a girl, the power contained in it must not be underestimated.

Just a moment.

Ill directly smashed part of her sister's body.

The sisters know each other well.

The location Il chose at the moment was actually the organ her sister used to think.

Completed this step.

The older sister in front of her had lost all her ability to think independently, and the only thing left was her body's inherent reflex ability.

If you want to rely on the self-healing ability of the plant itself to save the situation.

This kind of injury... at least needs to take root and grow for a month before it can be repaired.


Il's movements didn't stop.

Confirming that her sister had completely lost her ability to think, she inserted one hand into the other's body from the charred crack, and violently pulled out a wooden core within two seconds.

"Farewell, my sister."

After completing this step, Il whispered goodbye to the other party.

Then she rubbed her fingers with her free hand, and some silver powder was scattered on the dry wood in front of her.


The effect of the powder is simple and straightforward.

As soon as it came into contact with Sister Il's wooden body, the powder immediately flashed and conducted heat to the wood below.

Although Il sister's body and plants have undergone essential changes.

But in the face of pure high temperature roasting, the organic body quickly turned black, and the breath of life disappeared.

She stared at her sister who was completely dead.

Il waited for a few seconds, then turned and walked towards Ronald.


"This is the "Organic Encyclopedia" held by my sister, sir."

At the same time as he opened his mouth to explain, Il smashed the wooden core taken out from his sister's body with force. Inside this core, which possesses the quality of shielding magic power, is a part of the crystals of the Organic Tome.

"Il, you've worked hard."

Ronald took the "Organic Encyclopedia" crystal and sent it back to his body, while observing the reaction of the girl in front of him.

Il, who just killed his sister with his own hands, did not change his expression.

Even after handing the original in her hand to Ronald, there was a bit of a sense of taking credit on her face.


Ronald's expression was a little complicated.

He understood that the beautiful girl in front of him was far from human in essence, but the nature of visual animals made him ignore this factor before.

At this moment, many details are in front of you.

Ronald seemed to have confirmed something in his heart.

Seeing Ronald's expression in front of her, Il also understood some of the thoughts contained in the expression, so she immediately said:

"We're a little bit different than humans."

"After an irreconcilable dispute arises, killing each other is usually the most efficient option."

Costat also added a sentence on the side:

"Sir, do you think this high efficiency in Yi's mouth contradicts the moral concept that human beings advocate that can bring about social progress?"

"Don't teach Hull badly!"

Ronald gave Costat a stern look.

However, after he did Hull's psychological work, he still said his thoughts to the maid in a serious tone:

"Kostart, morality and efficiency are not directly causal."

"The former will continue to change with the environment and society, while the latter is firmly entrenched in real data. What is the hidden relationship in it, you can only get the most direct and true discovery by experiencing it yourself on the spot."

"Only theoretical inferences will be full of one-sided and subjective ideas."


Costart nodded thoughtfully.

On their side, the expression on Il's face was more complicated.

During the few months of living in the Yoiz Forest, Il has experienced and learned and progressed personally, whether fighting, genetics, or development.

But to say what Ronald is telling now.

Il really has no and there is no idea of ​​learning and further development.

She couldn't help but have a conjecture——

Does the power of this powerful being in front of him come from this unknown?


"Il, you said before about the mysterious side forces of several humans in the forest, right?"

"Where is the closest to us?"

Before she could continue to ponder this question, Ronald's inquiry sounded again.

Il also immediately interrupted his thinking to answer:

"Go east, sir."

"Okay." Ronald confirmed the location, and then said, "Let's go to the east first and take a look at the sphere of influence of mankind."

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