Mystic Dominator

Chapter 72: broken door

The whole afternoon passed, and Ronald didn't have any real work anymore.

He didn't even see one of the ordinary people that Nicole mentioned by mistake.

It wasn't until inside the headquarters of the Bureau of Investigation that it could be seen that the sky was getting dark outside, and then there was a new movement in front of Ronald.


With a loud bang, the door was shoved open from the outside.

Just when Ronald thought that someone was so arrogant that he dared to run wild in a place like the Bureau of Investigation.

Investigator Nicole appeared at the door.

Different from when she left this morning, the investigator girl at this moment was carrying a large object wrapped in checkered fabric on her back, and it seemed to have the shape of a rectangular parallelepiped.

Nicole didn't seem to feel that her actions were rough at all, so she continued to walk inside.


Suddenly, the sound of wood wailing resounded at the door.

The investigator girl was carrying something that wasn't too small, so she didn't pay attention, and the thing just slammed into the open door.

The result was tragic.

The screw above the door of the Investigation Bureau popped out, and the hinge connecting the door frame and the door fell directly to the ground, and then made a clanging sound.


Unsurprisingly, Nicole's figure froze at the door of the investigation bureau.

The next second, she slowly raised her head and looked at Ronald, who was standing behind the front desk.

Embarrassedly, she pulled out a smiling face, and the investigator girl greeted:

"Good evening, Ronald."

"have you eaten?"


"I haven't eaten yet. I plan to talk about it after get off work."

Seeing the girl's appearance, Ronald hurried to the door while chatting awkwardly, lifted the door and stuck it in the door frame. With his help, at least the hinges under this thing won't be broken together.


The door stood on the door frame, and everything went back smoothly.

The heavy feeling from the shoulder and back told Ronald.

——The doors of the Bureau of Investigation are absolutely of excellent quality.


"Hold on for a while, please."

Watching Ronald's movements, Nicole winked playfully at him.

The investigator girl immediately put the things on her back behind the front desk, and then trotted to the depths of the first floor of the investigation bureau.

In less than three minutes, Nicole's figure reappeared in the hall.

This time, she also carried a hammer and a nail in her hands.

The things were obviously taken from the warehouse of the Investigation Bureau.

Walking to the gate, Nicole first bent down to pick up the hinge, and gestured towards the crack of the wood.

The wood that was originally driven into the nail position is now directly cracked. I was neither light nor heavy just now, so I hit the door hard.

It seems that we can only change the position...

Shifting the hinge position down may make the door unstable.

So let's go up and install it.

After deciding on the maintenance plan, Nicole immediately said to Ronald next to him:

"Ronald, you open the door first, and be careful not to let it fall over."

"I'll fix the hinges."


Ronald did as he was told, holding on to the door panel to open the door of the investigation bureau.

Then, a new problem arose.

When Nicole was going to fix the hinge with nails, she found that her height was a little short, and it was not easy to exert force in this position.


After thinking for two seconds, the girl noticed again.

"Ronald, let me ride."


Before Ronald, who was holding the door, could react, Nicole nimbly climbed onto his body, just like a father carrying his daughter to a temple fair, and the girl investigator rode on his neck.

"Stand still."

bang bang bang——

As a reminder, Nicole started carpentry on it, and it seemed that she was very skilled.

While the investigator girl was repairing the door, Ronald inadvertently glanced at the street outside.

Immediately, his body became stiff.

Now is the end of the afternoon, the middle of the night.

On the main road outside Long Beach Street, there are either ordinary citizens returning home from get off work, or related professionals who are busy with work.

The posture of Ronald and Nicole going up and down and repairing the door next to the police station is too eye-catching.

Not to mention passers-by.

Even the coachman driving the rental carriage would inevitably turn his attention to them when passing by.


"Ronald, why is your body suddenly hard..."

Nicole was banging on the nails happily, but she felt Ronald's body stiffen and asked immediately.

Then, the investigator girl also noticed this situation.



When she was distracted, she slammed a hammer on her finger and took a breath.

Fortunately, Nicole's quality is excellent.

She abruptly swallowed the pain that came to her mouth, and then added three points to the movement of her hands.

bang bang bang bang bang——

With a rhythmic beating, the hinge was finally fixed.

Jumping off Ronald, the investigator girl looked at the door she tossed.

"Ronald, close the door first."



The door is tightly closed, and Nicole's door repair technique is absolutely passable.

If you don't pay attention to experience it, you won't even notice the jerky feeling when the door is closed.

However, facing the door that seemed to be completely repaired, Nicole's face was extremely ugly at the moment, as low as she could squeeze out ink.

Immediately, the girl said in a bad tone:

"Ronald, take a good look here first."

"Don't let ordinary people in."

"I'll go and call the professionals."

The voice fell, and the girl rushed to the second floor of the Investigation Bureau at a speed three points faster than Ronald was standing at the door, and she could even hear her hurried footsteps upstairs.

Soon, another investigator whom Ronald had never seen walked down.

Unlike the few people he has dealt with before, this is a middle-aged and elderly person with gray temples and definitely over fifty years old.

At this moment, Nicole is dragged to the door.

In the depths of the somewhat cloudy pupils of the old investigator, he also looked very nervous.

Take a quick look around the door and door frame that was just installed.

He opened his mouth:

"Nicole, are you sure it's less than a quarter of an hour?"

"I promise!"


After pondering for two or three breaths, the old investigator's eyes fixed, and he immediately commanded:

"Okay, the two of you go outside and keep it from being disturbed."

"I'll re-engrave it."


Immediately agreed to the other party, Nicole immediately took Ronald out of the investigation bureau.

Not caring about the dust on the doorstep, the investigator girl sat up on her buttocks, and at the same time greeted Ronald next to her and said:

"Come on, sit down."

"Relax your expression."


Ronald responded, and the two of them sat down on the steps at the entrance of the Bureau of Investigation.

In less than five minutes, something interesting happened.

At first, pedestrians on the side of the road would occasionally turn their attention to the direction of the Bureau of Investigation.

But over time.

This 'occasionally' is noticeably decreasing.

Until no one looked at him, the door of the investigation bureau behind him was also opened from the inside.

Almost at the same time, the old investigator's voice sounded:

"It's done, come in."

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