Mystic Dominator

Chapter 690: lounge


Getting these news from Orrank's mouth, Ronald's expression became contemplative.

He pondered for a few seconds under the gaze of the Benedictine leader.

Finally, he said in a serious tone:

"Mr. Orlank, this news is very important to me."

"If you can... can you provide a quiet place on your side? I'm going to verify something."


Ronald didn't make his words too absolute.

Orlank's face was a little dark after hearing this, and then he clapped his hands slowly.


After two high-fives, someone from outside the office soon walked in.

"Mr. Orrank?"

In such a blink of an eye, the expression on Orlank's face returned to normal, and he commanded in the gentle tone at the beginning:

"Yan, take these people to the quiet lounge."

"They are important guests of Benega, and they must be treated well."



As the leader of the faction in Benica, Orlanke tried to stay disciplined.


He thinks that the Ronald trio made a deal with himself at Camp Benegaard, which in itself is enough to see a clear result.

So, Ronald and the three of them left here and came to an independent house not far away under the leadership of the other magicians in Benica.

This is indeed the same as what Orranke said.

The independence from the surrounding building itself brings a quiet environment.

But at the same time, the situation here can also be seen from most of the center of the camp.

- This house arrest.

- Is it a more subtle way?

After the caster who brought them here left, Ronald couldn't help thinking about this question in his mind.

But look at it purely from a transactional standpoint.

This kind of choice to ensure that their own interests are not harmed is actually understandable.

Meanwhile, Costat's eyes swept around the room.

The maid who confirmed something immediately turned her head to Ronald and said:

"Sir, have you made up your mind?"


Costat's attitude is clearly not worried about their conversation being eavesdropped.

Ronald naturally trusted the maid's judgment.

So he opened his mouth and said:

"That's right, I have a lot of doubts about this camp. The words of Orlanke just now made me sure that they have a problem."

Such doubts are almost unavoidable.

The first is the attitude of the other party when describing the information - when narrating the information about the 'Mother of the Dryad', although it seems to be some valuable information on the surface, if you think about it carefully, you will find the problem of Orlanke's speech.

He used a lot of adjectives with the meaning of 'not sure', 'maybe', 'probably', 'almost', and the information itself was not the exact content of the information itself.

—Ronald is all too familiar with this.

When he first came to this world, he used selective words many times to deal with the investigator's [polygraph]. Now Orlanke is also using this precautionary attitude when trading, which is a dangerous signal in itself.

Then there is the powder floating in the forest.

Ponton, who had brought three people into the camp before, stated that this thing would not harm health, but the camp itself built a barrier to isolate the fog. Afterwards, Orlank even said that it was a trace left over from the original battle.

Ronald has personally analyzed the function of this thing.

The multiple contradictions in the description also made him unable to continue to trust the people in Benica.

Of course Ronald wouldn't hide anything from his own people. He explained his findings clearly and concisely to Hull and Kostadt, and they listened carefully in their own way.

When they discussed for a long time.

Even when it was decided to conduct a thorough investigation of the camp.

The 'lounge' where they were, was knocked on the door from outside.

bang bang bang --

"Mr. Ronald, how is your verification?"


Ronald looked as usual.

He walked to the door and opened the door, with a mild expression on his face.

In the face of these ordinary casters who joined Benica, Ronald did not intend to communicate with a very strict attitude.

"Information I have..."


Ronald said before he spoke, and a sudden tremor appeared under their feet.

Immediately after that, a strong magic wave erupted from the eastern position of the camp.

There was also a loud explosion.


It was already night time now.

Across the distance, Ronald could see the orange-red flames blasting violently at the edge of the camp, and then exploded with lightning speed.

- Something exploded.

——And caused a more violent chain reaction.

Ronald realized this momentarily in his mind, and then his heart tightened.

The fog that enveloped the forest - what an exaggerated scale!

Combined with the forest itself, where a lot of combustibles were originally present...

It is impossible to predict how dangerous an attack will be if an explosion occurs in such a place.

Ronald quickly analyzed the situation in his mind.

In reality, this explosion occurred in less than two seconds, and the magical barrier that the Benega camp used to protect was directly destroyed by flames and shocks.

Immediately, the second layer of backup defense prepared by the Bennyga caster lit up.

and was instantly destroyed.

The last defense of the emergency flashed immediately.

and was instantly destroyed.

With unstoppable speed and force, the roar of destruction begins to engulf everything.


At this time, the caster in front of Ronald made a dull voice.

He couldn't understand the picture in front of him, and he didn't know what to do.

According to the leader, all preparations have been made around the camp, and even if there is an accident, the defense spell will prevent the danger.

So when this explosion that can tear through defenses in an instant appeared.

As an ordinary caster, he was naturally at a loss.


For the vast majority of the casters at Camp Benica, this was a scene of destruction and despair.


Faced with such a change, Ronald pouted.

With his powerful perception ability, he can even see every attack of the explosion that shatters the protective spell. And through the power of the explosion when it swept the ground camp, he could also clearly judge the power of the explosion.

- unless someone is hiding in a basement or something.

——Otherwise, the moment the explosion strikes, it is the same time that death comes.

The explosion is still spreading.

Even the follow-up phenomenon of multiple detonations began to occur and in the third second of the explosion.

Even Ronald and the others are about to face the explosion that hits fast.

Costart's indifferent and steady voice sounded quickly behind Ronald:

"Sir, do I need protection?"


Ronald stared in front of the explosion without looking back.

Then he shook his head also calmly and said:

"No need, I'll just come."

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