Mystic Dominator

Chapter 688: Inside the camp

Ponton's actual identity.

A common spellcaster in Benegaard.

His daily work is to inspect around the Benigna base, discover new changes in the forest in time, and report to Benegaard to prepare for the response.

So at this moment, Ponton, who returned to the camp, was in a relaxed mood.

While taking Ronald and the three of them onwards, he did not forget to introduce the actual situation of Benica.

The construction here is exactly what Ronald had in mind.

A few months ago, this area was an unremarkable woodland in the Joiz Forest, but as things gradually developed, the spellcasters in the forest and these evolutionarily mutated creatures had a lot of problems.

In this case.

Several casters who hoped to live in harmony with nature stood up.

In the north of Yoiz Forest, they led a group of like-minded people to choose a location, and then opened up this brand-new camp, and they were willing to accept any like-minded people to join them.

So the organization began to grow.

A few months later, there will be the Benica of today's size.

Among them, the practitioners who came here in the early days basically adopted a more family-friendly and natural construction method. They directly adjusted the growth trend of plants on the trees, making them natural houses for themselves to live in.

It's just some people who came later...

Among them, there are many people who are not very optimistic about their spellcasting ability, so other tendencies of buildings began to appear in the camp—for example, the stone houses that Ronald and the others saw.

This can also be seen from the attitude of the people at Camp Benica towards Ronald. Most of the casters who live in the stone houses maintain a high degree of vigilance against outsiders; but the plant houses will take the initiative to show friendly smiles and slightly nod at them to show goodwill.

Introduction all the way.

Under the leadership of Ponton, the three of Ronald finally approached the more central area of ​​the camp.

Architecture here.

It is different from the buildings in the outer circle that are built according to their own preferences.

Plants that grow directly from the ground naturally constitute houses. Among them, there are also very reasonable planning methods for the functional division of residence and practice.

This feeling……

It's as if the plants grew out of the ground and were born to be a facility for human habitation.

Seeing that the attention of the three of Ronald was attracted by plants.

Ponton also immediately explained:

"Everyone, this is the original camp I was talking about."

"They represent the idea of ​​Benegaardo's starting point, inheriting the core idea of ​​living in peace with nature"

Ronald nodded in agreement:

"Great idea."

"I think one day, you will have the support of many people."

Complimenting each other like this.

But the vigilance in Ronald's heart was not lacking at all.

The biodiversity of Yoiz Forest has reached an extremely exaggerated level. Who can guarantee that these buildings that are forcibly grown by plants are really created by people using magic?

Not allowed in some special circumstances.

The early founders of the power of Benica have reached an agreement with some strange creatures in the Yoiz Forest. So, at the same time of smooth development, will this situation occur?

Continue deep into Camp Benica.

Another few minutes passed, and Ronald and the three finally arrived at their destination under the leadership of Ponton.

This is the true heart of Camp Benegaardo.

It is also the place where the leaders of the forces live.

However, unlike the traditional mysterious side buildings, the core area of ​​Benica is not an altar or a mission field, but an office building like an administrative hall!

And Ronald, the leader of Benegaard they want to meet...

The other party was sitting in a very modern office, and he was more like a company manager than a leader of a mysterious side force.

It was at this moment that Ponton stepped forward and took the initiative to introduce:

"Leader, this is Mr. Ronald, this is Ms. Kostat. They entered the Yoiz Forest together to investigate the changes that have taken place in recent days. They are a real strong man with justice in mind..."

Ponton introduces it here.

Taking advantage of this time, Ronald also carefully looked at the appearance of the leader of Benica.

This is a middle-aged man who looks to be in his thirties.

The magic power fluctuations on his body exude a heavy and gentle aura.

After Ronald and the others entered the office, the other party first showed a kind smile, and then listened to Ponton's introduction quietly, while leaning over the desk to deal with organizational issues.

On both sides of his desk, there are a large number of paper reports.

With Ronald's height and angle, it can be seen that most of the writing above is a description of the changes in the Yoiz Forest and the issues that need to be dealt with in the Benega camp in recent days.

And after Ponton had probably finished telling about his experience with Ronald, the leader put the report he had just dealt with neatly aside, then raised his head and said with a serious and kind expression:

"Mr. Ronald, you are very welcome to our camp."

"I'm Orlanke, the current interim decision maker in Benica."

Ronald nodded in response:

"Thank you for your welcome."

"But you also know how serious the problem is in the Joiz Forest now, so I won't waste my time on polite words..."

Hear Ronald's purposeful speech.

Orlanke showed no dissatisfaction.

He just put on a very serious look, waiting for Ronald to continue to speak his mind.

Faced with the attitude of the Beniga leader.

Ronald naturally talked about his previous encounter in the forest:

"It's like this - some time ago, we encountered a creature similar to a dryad in a location in the south of the forest. It spread this magic to change the creature, and said that a great mother was leading it. activity……"

Ronald methodically brought out the key clues of the matter.

Hearing his statement, Orlank frowned slightly, and tapped his right index finger on his desk rhythmically.

bang bang bang --

I saw that the man thought about it for a long and then opened his mouth to Pangton on the side:

"Ponton, you go out first, remember to close the door."

"I have something important to discuss with this gentleman."

Ponton was naturally omniscient about the words of his leader, and immediately took the initiative to leave here.

When the sound of footsteps leaving outside the door gradually disappeared.

Orrank finally said:

"Mr. Ronald, we in Benica have indeed collected something about this tree spirit and its mother."

"But since you want to get information, what are you going to pay for it?"

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