Mystic Dominator

Chapter 655: mural

The atmosphere of the team is very low now.

It's not just the tragedy of the death of a companion.

After such an encounter, everyone has to face and consider a question - how do they get out?

All kinds of strange creatures chase and block it.

Just now, in order to get out of the ice crystal-like thing, Aered took the initiative to use explosives to directly blow up the entrance when they came in.

If there is no other entrance to enter or exit in this ice ring corridor...

At that time, I am afraid that they will only have to rely on their manpower to open up the road under the ice.

in normal human capacity.

The possibility of such a thing can be imagined.

It's just that in such an environment, Ronald was in a good mood.

On the one hand, he knew that this was just a trial constructed by the original scriptures; on the other hand, it was because the special scene in front of him was too unique and interesting!

The Ice Ring Corridor hidden under the solid ice, because it is in a fairly safe place, still retains the original appearance when the tunnel was opened.

Such as some obvious tool chisels and occasional construction marks left by workers, Ronald thinks this place is awesome!

If it weren't for the special situation right now.

Then he really has the idea of ​​doing a good research here!

"Erid, can we leave the underground if we continue to walk here?"

After groping forward for a few minutes, Yanni asked again:

"Look at the position where the lighting rod is inserted here. You have also inspected this place before. You should have some understanding of the terrain, right?"


Ariane did not answer Yanni's inquiry.

Instead, Grady, who was in front of him, took the initiative to explain:

"Don't worry, there is still hope to go out. At the end of this tunnel, there is a hall similar to a sacrificial ground, and there is a space for connecting the upper and lower layers of frozen corridors."

"Once there, we can circle the blast site through ice at other depths and then return to the surface successfully."

As a doctor, Ivy also interjected at the right time:

"But even if we can successfully return to the ground, those blue strange creatures still can't escape?"

As soon as the doctor's words came out, the atmosphere of the team went down again.

This is indeed a problem that they cannot avoid.

In the face of the number and danger of the blue creatures, it is indeed difficult for a team of only five to escape.

Seeing that the team's mood was so low, Ronald had to force his mouth to comfort:

"Everyone, don't take things so absolute."

"Animals that live in groups lose their prey and often do not stay in one place for too long. As long as we are careful when we go out, there is still a good chance of escaping."

Yanni probably guessed what Ronald was thinking, so he also helped:

"Yang is right."

"You really don't have to think things so desperately."

Ronald and Yanni are professionals sent by the company after all.

After the two had unified their calibers, the rest of the team had no doubts at all, and the depressed atmosphere was almost visibly improved.

Just keep going.

ten minutes later.

They came to the place that Grady had mentioned before, which was similar to the sacrificial field.

——After entering the eye, the first is quite spacious space.

People in ancient times used tools to carve out an open area the size of a football field under the ground around this icy lake. Among them, according to strict geometric laws, craftsmen use ice cubes everywhere to directly carve sculptures of different shapes, so that they are directly integrated with the ground.

Just see the scene in front of you.

The value of this as a research site is immediately apparent.

Not to mention the orientation of these sculptures, they also have very obvious characteristics. They all face the core of this space, and at the same time, their importance is fully expressed in this most intuitive position arrangement.

Look and follow the guidance of these items and continue forward.

A statue made entirely of ice blocks stands at the center of their orientation.

The statue is in the shape of an old man in a cloak, holding a smooth and straight round staff in his hand. From this image, Ronald could associate some well-known beliefs about ancient gods, but none of them fit perfectly.

"Yang, can you recognize its origin?"

Yanni on the side knew that Ronald had a better understanding of the mythology system, so he immediately asked.

Ronald shook his head slightly to indicate that he could not confirm.

Then he raised his finger and pointed to the surrounding walls.

"I haven't seen the figure in this sculpture, but I can still recognize some of the text on the surrounding walls."

Like most ancient ruins.

On the inner walls of this ice building, there are also frescoes and text descriptions of artificial sculptures. There's not even a need for cheating skills like general language knowledge. Just from the characters on the wall, Ronald knew that this was rune script - a common thing that modern humans have almost played with.

Look around the fresco to find the starting point.

Ronald immediately began to translate the above content.

The first picture of the mural is a humanoid creature slowly rising from the ice lake.

"Under the light of Tianwei, the ancient prophet of the ice age woke up and returned from the eastern ice lake."

The second picture shows the awakened prophet standing in front of many people, holding a bright ring gem in his hand.

"The Prophet promises. With the selfless help of the goddess, people will eventually gain eternal life, will not suffer from hunger and thirst, and will no longer suffer from illness. To obtain such blessings, people must make their own choices."

The third picture, here is no longer a prophet.

A large number of people gathered in front of a palace, and a man in fancy clothes held the gem just now in his hand.

"The great King Loken got this gem and gained immortality under this magical power, ruling over people to build a great empire!"

Ronald translated the mural little by little, and several others were listening quietly.

But in the process, some people had extra thoughts.

Grady continued to move forward alone, walking towards the statue in the hall - the statue of the prophet in the fresco.

"Grady, what are you doing?"

Yanni found out about Grady's and immediately stopped his movement.

But the girl's cry.

All that was exchanged was a subtle smile from Grady:

"That guy Angel said before that he wanted to protect the ruins and wouldn't let me move. Now that we've all reached this point, it's not the time to pay attention to this kind of thing, right?"



Before a word was finished, Grady was empty.

He only heard the sound of ice cubes shattering, and his whole person immediately disappeared in front of people's eyes.

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