Mystic Dominator

Chapter 650: Changes in the underground environment

The condition of the temporary base is better than expected.

But definitely not optimistic.

It was confirmed that Leiz, who was in charge of the equipment maintenance, had stopped beating.

After coming out.

The first thing you see is the open space between the fence and the base building.

Then their eyes fell on the wall, and Ronald and the others could clearly see that several connections on the wall were distorted. Even when they came out, a blue-skinned creature just came in from here!


Because this time they were the first to discover this animal.

Arien didn't directly choose to shoot in exasperation. Instead, he greeted him and asked Yanni to shoot the guy with a quieter crossbow.

Yanni's movements are proficient, and his head is also good.

Holding his breath for a few seconds, an arrow was fired, and the sharp arrow instantly pierced through the animal's head. Then looking at Ronald next to him, Yanni's expression was a little broken:

"Yang, if the teacher knows that I have killed an animal that has not been studied in biology at all, he will be mad!"

si minus bxW** si. Ronald had a wry smile on his face:

"Emergency hedging, this barely counts as emergency hedging."

"Besides, there's nothing we can do."

At the same time, take advantage of Yanni's timing.

The mercenary Mr. Ariane quickly returned to the camp, took Leiz's body out and dragged a box out.

Afterwards, this guy's operation was so realistic that he didn't speak emotionally at all.

He first removed the rollers of the box, and then barely blocked the gap in the wall. Then Arian picked up the corpse of the monster in the camp and threw it out of the wall. Finally, it was Leiz's body, which he dragged all the way.

The remains of this companion were not respected at all, and were placed directly by Arien in the northeast corner of the camp.

——That place is a dead end in the underground cave.

If a large number of monsters come here later, then smelling the smell of blood to find them from the corpse will inevitably delay time to a certain extent.

"I swear - you must bring a blast wall on your next mission."

"These so-called new technologies can't even stop beasts, and they're not reliable at all."

At this time, Arianne, who had arranged these things, stood up again, still scolding and complaining about the equipment in the camp.

As a doctor, Ivy was very dissatisfied with his behavior.

So he immediately said:

"If it weren't for the special circumstances now, I would never allow you to use your companion's body as bait!"

"You also know that the situation is special right now?" Hearing Ivy's words, Irene smiled nonchalantly, and then continued, "Okay, now tell me about my plan."

"First of all, when Lao Yang and the others came, they had already seen the situation in the direction of the entrance of the cave. It was blocked by a large number of such creatures, and it would definitely not be possible for us to return to the same path and escape here. So - let's continue to go deep underground now. , and rendezvous with Angel and Delat on the ruins."

"You should have no opinion, right?"

As soon as Ariane finished speaking, Grady, who also wanted to stay here to investigate, immediately raised his hand to express his approval when the conference room was arguing:

"Of course you have to trust professionals at times like this."

"We are now continuing to go deep into the underground ruins, and we can also be guaranteed with Arien's safety."


The others in the team looked at each other in dismay.

That being said, Kleiz's body hasn't disappeared for too long.

Sacrifice as sacrifice. However, probably due to the influence of the death of unknown creatures and companions, several people who had other ideas before did not speak in the end. In this case, Grady, who had an obvious source of intentions, cooperated with Arien to express his thoughts, and finally everyone agreed to the plan in a depressing atmosphere.

After all, the truth is there - there are a lot of dangerous creatures in the direction of the exit.


Seeing that the command of the team returned to his own hands.

Arian had a satisfied smile on his face, and then began to assign work:

"Very well, everyone's opinions have been unified."

"Now, let's first..."

clap clap-

Ariane had just said the beginning, and the few people wearing headphones on their heads heard the sound amplified by the pickup function again.

This time is different from before.

In the direction leading to the outside of the tunnel, although animals are still approaching.

But definitely a lot more in numbers!

The sound of so many wild beasts running into my ears, and at the same time they are still approaching, if I go back and do some preparatory work at this time...

——Definitely looking for death!

As a mercenary, Arian naturally understands this.

There was a clearly disgusted expression on his face. Although he was very upset, he waved his hand immediately:

"Come on, let's retreat immediately."

"Otherwise it's too late."

In the face of dangers threatening everyone's life, the five-person team showed a very high degree of tacit cooperation. Under the leadership of Arian, they dismantled a wall on the side of the base to reveal a gap, and then trotted through this to the deeper part of the tunnel.

Gradually, the surrounding environment changes as you progress.

What surprised Ronald was that the temperature here did not increase as the depth decreased, but it started to get colder!

Until a quarter of an hour later—

There was even frost on the ground ahead!

Ronald could see at a glance that this was a natural formation, and the water contained in the ground was left abruptly on the soil surface by the low temperature.

At this moment, Ronald remembered the previous mission report - this is the polar circle.

Maybe the environment ahead...

It was completely different from any underground expedition he had experienced Ronald's conjecture was confirmed not long after.

As the team continued to go deeper, the freezing marks on the ground became more and more obvious, and even the soil had corresponding changes. The low temperature turned it into permafrost, and gradually large chunks of ice covered the surrounding surface.

Lighting equipment in the team hits these ice cubes with light.

The reflected light is even a little dizzy!

Fortunately, the equipment in the team is quite professional, and Arian has also entered this area before, so they are prepared.

After putting on the goggles separately to avoid influence, the team continued to go deep underground.

In the process of moving forward, Yanni and Ronald, who came here together, basically leaned against each other to take care of each other. Arian and Grady, who had the same purpose, walked in the front and were responsible for opening the way.

Only Ivy, who is a doctor, has a somewhat ambiguous attitude.

In addition to bickering with Arianne, she would chat with Ronald from time to time, mostly asking some scientific questions to get closer.


Just like that, half an hour passed.

The underground environment has finally undergone tremendous changes.

In the field of vision here, no soil can be seen around. Beside him, over his head, or under his feet, looking in any direction, there are hard and ancient ice cubes everywhere.

The conditions here are even similar to what Ronald saw on his glacier expedition.

Only by groping for the natural cracks formed between the ice cubes, the team was able to continue to move forward in this environment.

Mi He Mi. As a doctor, Ivy looked thoughtful.

Not long after entering this terrain, she took the initiative to speak to Ronald and Yanni:

"Don't worry too much, we'll be there soon."

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