Mystic Dominator

Chapter 617: maze trap

A cat talking?

Is this little guy negotiating with himself?

Ronald blinked his and Patricia's different gray beanie eyes, and was stunned for a few seconds before reacting.

- This situation is very reasonable.

In those imaginative picture book worlds, let alone a cat or a dog, even a stone or a river can show an anthropomorphic state, and then communicate with humans on a logical level.

Ronald turned his head to take a last look, and the inn man who was still repeating his line "I'm at work" turned around and squatted down in front of the black kitten who had just spoken:

"Little guy, I think we can reach a cooperation."

"It's rare to see a human as smart as you, come with me!"

At the end of the simple negotiation, the black kitten stretched out on the ground, and then squatted on Ronald's shoulder with a slight jump.

At this time, it scratched Ronald's hair with its furry claws to make it as comfortable as possible, and the other claws pointed out directly to the side:

"Detective, look this way."

"Follow this road to the east, and after a few turns, we will see the pancake shop."

"Okay." Ronald nodded slightly.

He waved to Patricia behind him, and the two of them walked along the street to the east.


Soon, the first obstacle appeared in front of two people and one cat.

A group of passers-by in cartoon style surrounded the middle of the road, directly blocking the road ahead.

"What are they doing?"

Ronald stepped forward to check with doubts.

In the center of these Springs citizens is a clearing, where a lion with pure white hair is in the den, still muttering:

"What a ghost!"

"At your human celebrations, why do you want me to be an animal to perform for the human queen? I want to perform for the lioness in the zoo! Strike! I want to strike! I want to rest! Even if you give me a few more pieces of meat Eat, I won't go to work, it's so unreasonable!"


Ronald watched this scene in silence, and then pushed the ordinary citizens who were watching the lion strike in front of him.

- Not moving at all.

Ronald was already working very hard, but the opponent didn't move even a centimeter, not even looking back at Ronald's movement.

This situation is like the announcement when the complete art is unfolded.

The city has now become a labyrinth, and these blocked roads are like dead ends in the labyrinth, and it is impossible to go directly through it except to choose other directions to find the road.

"Ronald, what's the situation?"

At this time, Patricia followed from behind.

Looking at the scene on the familiar street in front of her, the girl's eyes were obviously a little confused. In Patricia's life, neither the education she received as a nobleman nor the education she received as a swordsman gave her any guidance on how to deal with this situation.

Ronald explained immediately:

"Now we are probably in a labyrinth, like this kind of blocked place, we can only find a way to get around."

Hearing Ronald's explanation, Patricia pointed to the other wall with some uncertainty:

"Go mean there?"

Ronald looked in the direction Patricia pointed.

It was a ladder on the edge of the wall that led directly to the roof of the row of apartments here.

- In the labyrinth picture book.

- This is a very common correct path!

"That's it, let's go!"

Ronald's expression shook.

This is actually quite appropriate.

Just now, he was directed by the cat on his shoulders, and he focused on leading the way; while Patricia just followed, and naturally had time to observe the surrounding situation, and thus discovered this path in advance.

The two and one cat immediately followed the ladder to the roof.

The terrain here is also very distinctive.

The irregular buildings are connected by wooden boards like single-plank bridges. The end of the eaves or roof is the dead end of this maze. The whole area covers most of the residential area.

Ronald tries to jump straight from the roof here to the ground.

But even if this action is made, he will still be bounced back to his original position by an invisible wall of air.

The same way I looked at those paper mazes when I was a kid.

Here you can only act in the specified position.

- But there is a way to go.

In the past, advancing east was the core of breaking through the labyrinth. Ronald took Patricia's roof labyrinth to wander back and forth. It took more than seven or eight minutes to return to the ground from a tree staircase surrounding a chimney.


At this time, the black kitten on Ronald's shoulder jumped down by himself, and went into a shop without looking back.

Look in the direction the kitten left.

This is their destination - Parso Pancake Shop.

In the world of picture books, there is no need to consider the problem of queuing. Ronald went back and forth in a long queue and successfully entered the pancake shop.

Immediately, a scream came into his ears:

"Oh, help!"

"I don't want to be eaten by this cat!"

Ronald turned his head and saw that a pancake with a cartoon face was being held in the mouth by the black kitten just now, and dragged on the ground to the corner of the counter.

Although this pancake's cry for help is very loud.

However, whether it is the customers in the store, the clerk, or the black kitten who wants to enjoy it, it is obvious that they have no idea of ​​saving this guy from the sea of ​​misery.


When Ronald was silent, the staff at the store counter called to Ronald:

"Mr. Detective, are you here to eat our pancakes!"

Ronald replied with a sense of substitution:

"Actually, I'm investigating a case. The murderer should have bought pancakes from you today!"

"That's such a coincidence!" The owner of the pancake shop replied in a grandiose tone, "When the shop first opened this morning, a group of suspicious guys came to me and bought pancakes!"

"While this group of people was queuing, I saw them holding ferry tickets in the port area. If you go west of the city, you will definitely catch them!"


Ronald understood he bypassed an easy-to-understand standard trap.

If he does not follow the rules of this game, but rushes directly to the city gate of the border forest area, then even if he is blocked on the way out of the city, he will definitely be a complete failure.

The only way to catch up with the fugitives was to follow the prompts and continue across the entire Springs to the port area.

Ronald nodded his thanks to the owner of the pancake shop.

Looking back, the black kitten was still standing on the side of the counter of the pancake shop.

Then it was as if Ronald was looking at it with Beanie's eyes.

This cute little guy stopped enjoying the pancake, raised his paw and pointed out:

"If you're going west."

"You can find my relatives in the business district, they are very familiar there."

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