Mystic Dominator

Chapter 614: simple meaning

Ronald didn't know how familiar Patricia was with the Edgewood.

But after he used [This Round] [Equal Round] to take off the two of them, Patricia who came to the Border Forest immediately took over the command.

There is no need to look at this block, focus on reconnaissance here, is there any possibility of hiding spellcasters there...

Just take a look in the air.

Patricia could determine in the next second whether or not she needed to scout.

Just a few minutes later, when crossing the Wes River to the top of a residential area, Patricia spoke again:

"Most of the citizens living here are immigrants."

"Ronald, look at the situation around here for yourself."


Ronald responded, and the detection range of the power of 'Rage' immediately expanded.

The situation in the residential area below immediately came to mind.

As Patricia said, this urban area for resettling immigrants is not only remote, but there are indeed many people with bad intentions. Therefore, Springs, who also knew the situation, arranged a lot of investigators here.

Among the many areas passing by tonight.

The level of vigilance here is definitely ranked.

Aware of this, Ronald adjusted the spell range and refined the operation, and began to identify the residents based on the details.

- Surprisingly good!

Probably due to the hard work of the Bureau of Investigation.

Most people are at the level of thieves without guilt.

These immigrants from outside Springs, and even from outside Grid, are honestly 'enjoying' the happy holiday atmosphere in practice.

see here.

Ronald feels almost there.

After all, with the management of the Bureau of Investigation, there is no reason for the [Nine Rings Secret Society] to put...


Suddenly, Ronald, who was flying in the air, froze.

Patricia, who was still looking at the nearby city and analyzing where there might be hidden people, was also brought to a sudden stop in the air.

Immediately, the girl turned her head to look at Ronald beside him:

"Ronald, have you found the problem?"

Ronald's expression is complicated:

"It's more than just discovered... Now it should be said that it's too time for us to come."

Just north of the Border Woods, between this residential area and a railroad track under construction, there are rows of condominiums that are clearly low-end rental hotels.

And just a few of them.

A full six holders of the original scriptures were all guarding the living room on the second floor, and their hearts were full of destructive desires!

Continue to refine the perception of these people.

Ronald could even analyze what one of the leaders was telling the others. It was obvious that he suddenly received unexpected news, so he was ready to change the plan.

——Isn’t this perfectly in line with the current situation!

this moment.

There was a mixture of happiness and bitterness in Ronald's heart.

If your perception ability is poor.

Then he probably couldn't detect the identity of the original holders of these six people;

If the decision was not decisive enough before, and the action time was a little later, these guys who were just about to move might have moved their positions;

Even without Patricia's direction.

Ronald himself searched at a normal speed, and there may be only one person who went to the empty building.

But all these necessary conditions have been met.

At the critical moment before the people of the [Nine Rings Secret Society] received the news and were ready to transfer, Ronald took Patricia to find them!

At this moment, it is no longer necessary to alert the Bureau of Investigation.

Ronald looked at the girl beside him and told the other person with only a brief reminder:

"They're down there, let's go!"


The voices of the two fell to the ground, and the flight direction of "The Great Completion of Astronomy" instantly changed to downward.

After the previous caster died.

Ronald's mentality also changed.

Intelligence acquisition cannot be counted on, so simply guarantee the annihilation of the enemy.

So while the two of them fell like cannonballs, he simultaneously activated the spell of [Archangel Chief].

boom -

Powerful oppression came instantly.

Ronald's control of the spell was absolutely precise, and the houses adjacent to it were not damaged at all. Only the houses where the six original holders were located were sunken in this instant.

"Enemy attack!"

"It's not a spell of the Bureau of Investigation!"


Almost at the same time, White's defense spell rose.

Ronald slammed into it first, causing the spell to flicker for a while.

Compared with the previous practitioners in the factory, the level of the six people here is significantly higher.

When he sensed the attack, he threw out defensive spells without saying anything.

Even the identity of the enemy who launched the attack was immediately determined not to be a member of the Bureau of Investigation.


At this moment, a magical breeze blew past.

Ronald, who was stopped by the protective spell, turned his head to see that this was a direct signal from the investigators recently.

The meaning is also very simple - 'Stop casting spells and capture them! ’

In the next second, Patricia's movements were even simpler.

She drew the sword out of the sheath at a speed that ordinary casters could not see the details at all, and a sword energy condensed with magic power flew into the air.

Immediately, the investigator who wanted to come to enforce the law just now stopped.

Because they recognized the meaning of this thing.

The members of the Nicklaus family who hold positions in the military can only come up with this magical sword energy when they are extremely powerful.

What it means is also very simple - 'The enemy is very strong, ordinary casters stay away! ’

Investigators know how important it is not to cause trouble for allies.

Therefore, when they stopped moving forward, it was obvious that someone planned to speed up the spell, and rushed directly to the nearest Investigation Bureau Command Branch to report.

Right now, the timing is right.

The roof of the apartment, which was violently crushed to pieces by Ronald, scattered, and through the white protection spell, the holder of the original code below saw the appearance of the two people above.

"Nicklaus, Ro... Ronald?"

"How is this possible!"

Ronald didn't pay attention to the other party's thoughts at all.

All the spells to strengthen his physical fitness were turned on, and while he read the [Invisible Hand] spell, he stepped down with a ruthless kick.

click -

A harsh crack sounded.

Tiny gaps spread in the protection and were immediately repaired by the caster's enhanced magic power.

Below, the expressions of several spellcasters who knew the situation changed.

Although the defense was not broken in the end, but...

This defensive spell builds the shell.

Is it really that human beings can be directly shaken by simply using power?

"Lal continue to maintain the defense!"

"You prepare the strongest attack spells, don't keep your hands..."

The commander of the six gave orders without hesitation, and the others responded.

But at this moment.

Ronald of the spell prepared from the beginning.

Finished reciting the incantation over their heads:

"The greatest increase in the productivity of labor, and the greater proficiency, skill, and judgment in the use of labor, seem to be the result of the division of labor..."

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