Mystic Dominator

Chapter 607: friends at the library

It's just past midnight.

There are still about six hours until morning.

On the third floor of the apartment in the riverside area, Patricia and Ronald walked out of the room and went to the street at night together.

"Ronald, I'll go back and get some things first."

"Let's meet here in three hours, okay?"

"See you soon."

Make an appointment for a three- or two-sentence conversation.

Ronald and Patricia parted in the street with a flat look.

However, unlike the blandness on the surface, Patricia went home, preparing to bring the treasures hidden in the family, and strive to maximize her fighting ability.

As for Ronald...

Naturally, he wouldn't be idle in the streets.

Anyway, [Weiss University] is also located in the river bank area, and he plans to go there to check the situation at this moment. If you can convince the big man of the [Book Research Association], then at least the celebration at dawn will be a lot more convenient.

at times like this.

Find as little help as you can, it's all details that have a chance to affect the situation.


On the streets of the Riverside District at night, Ronald walked towards [Weiss University].

Probably because the celebration was down, students in groups of three or five could be seen lingering nearby from time to time near the newly replaced streetlights. Because of the special status established by the Queen, [Weiss University] is actually a more important parade location tomorrow.

These students who are immersed in the festive atmosphere will not be discussed.

As long as you pay attention, you can see the hidden Bureau of Investigation staff nearby.

Same as Ronald's impression.

Investigators in Springs have always done their jobs.

Ronald then saw an investigator emerge from the shadows. The other party just waved his hand and gave a signal to his companions, and then walked directly to Ronald.

"Mr. Ronald, may I ask you this...?"

Ask questions without giving details.

The investigator only revealed Ronald's identity in the words, and waited silently for Ronald to answer.

"I'm going to [Weiss University]."

"About today's celebration, there is some news to discuss with friends. It's not a shady act."


"Then good luck to you."

The investigator who came up to question looked confident.

Getting such a simple answer from Ronald's mouth, he returned to his original position.

Looking at the other party's appearance, Ronald couldn't help but guess.

Is this calmness due to the existence of the [lie detector], or is it due to the trust in the academy's prophetic spells?


In the silence, Ronald moved on.

It was not the first time he had come this way. He walked through the streets with ease, and [Weiss University] appeared in front of Ronald's eyes.

Ronald stood there for a rare few seconds.

If you want to find a suitable adjective in the vocabulary you have in memory.

Then - wait for it.

The students who are still in the school are really immersed in the atmosphere of the upcoming festival at this moment. But for someone like Ronald with astonishing insight, the current [Weiss University] is definitely a well-defended tactical fortress.

The spell base buried on the main road, the investigators lurking in the forest upstairs, and even some special people among the students...

As long as you walk in [Weiss University].

Basically, there is no escape from this perfect and solid security system.

"As expected of the Bureau of Investigation..."

Ronald sighed in a low voice, then walked towards the library.

Because investigators have asked him about his situation before, it has been smooth all the way since then.

Came to a work place that I haven't seen in a long time.

Ronald could see that the library was not heavily protected.

- Or rather, you don't need to.

As the headquarters of the [Book Research Association], the usual defense force here is strong enough, and there are many spellcasters with powerful techniques who have been doing research here for a long time.

Unless it was the kind of sudden incident that the original script was about to run wild.

Otherwise, this place can definitely be called a fortress that is easy to defend and difficult to attack.

Ronald stepped up the stairs of the main entrance, and soon found a sign standing up beside the main entrance——[The library is not open for the time being. During the festival, no visit is allowed. 】


Ronald turned his head to look in the direction he was looking at.

After confirming that no one was paying attention, he jumped sideways and easily jumped up to the third floor of the library. The ability of the [Archangel Archangel] opened the window inside the building, and Ronald easily invaded the library.

And then...then the defensive spells immediately detected the intrusion.

The third floor was the location of the office, and the door of the room on the side was directly opened.

"Ro... Mr. Ronald?"

The caster who appeared here was just an ordinary researcher from the [Book Research Association]. Recognizing Ronald's identity, he froze in place. As long as you have a basic understanding of the strength of both sides, you will understand what is going on now.

So, the caster put away the spell wisely.

Then he stammered and asked:

"You, you are, why are you here?"

"I'm looking for Mr. Oppenheim." Ronald showed a friendly smile. "It's about the celebration. The situation is more urgent."

Ronald's smile made the magician relieved, but the news the magician said later was not very good:

"Mr. Ronald, Mr. Oppenheim, he is also going to the parade. He went to Tianhai Palace a few hours ago. If you have anything to tell, maybe..."

Ronald is not here for 'phone messages'.

Hearing such a reply, he directly interrupted the other party's formulaic speech:

"What about the heads of the labs? Who are they now? Or where is the person with the highest status in the research society? The fact that I am here is very important, not..."

Suddenly, Ronald's voice stopped abruptly.

His keen hearing sensed that someone was coming up the stairs on the east side of the library, and the rhythmic footsteps even revealed a sense of familiarity.

Turning around, Ronald stared quietly in the direction of the stairs.

Then a team of three magicians, two women and one man, appeared from the Ronald knew two of them.

Walking in the middle is Grid's first princess, Claudia G. Barker.

Behind her were Miao Li and another young man from the [Book Research Association].

Miao Li didn't need to say more.

And this young man... Ronald vaguely remembered that at the seminar held by the Queen, this young man was sitting in the seat of the Royal Knights, and he would appear in the library today, and his duty was probably to protect Ke Laudia's.


Both sides look at each other.

They were both stunned for a few seconds because of the person in front of them.

Then, as the undisputed leader of the field, Claudia spoke first:

"Ronald...why are you here?"

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