Mystic Dominator

Chapter 62: count me please

Four times—

Since the initial backtracking, Ronald has gone through Patricia's time backtracking four full times.

Within half an hour, the anxiety in his heart began to spread.

It's not that he can't control his emotions.

In normal times, this time can be spent casually even if you close your eyes and meditate.

But the companion is right in front of him, and his memory is constantly being reset in time rewind.

There is even more of the original runaway in my heart all the time.

The pressure this environment brings to people grows at an extremely terrifying rate.

Looking at Ronald outside the data room, Patricia also noticed that her companion's face was wrong. She was quick-witted and remembered everything before, and immediately realized what happened.

"Ronald, are you okay?"

"If you're worried about me, you don't have to..."

"It's fine."

Patricia, who was in the time loop, took the initiative to comfort herself. Ronald didn't want the other party to worry at all, so he immediately responded:

"I can still stand it."

"It's only less than half an hour. Compared to our previous process of detecting time distortion, this is far worse."


"All right."

After a few seconds of silence, the girl nodded.

She glanced at Ronald with a somewhat complicated look, and Patricia felt a little complicated.

For her, who is in a time loop, whatever she is currently experiencing is the first time.

But not Ronald.

Repeated time reincarnations have all failed, and the negative emotions brought about by this kind of thing can't be faked.

Neither side knew what to say.

The air fell silent—

Negative emotions spread silently in the empty office building.

Every second of breathing is more laborious than before.


Just when the situation was in a dead end, Ronald suppressed his impatience at the same time.

A bold idea suddenly appeared.

——Patricia was unable to break through the defense to end the riot.

——I can't enter the room myself, and the crime of 'rage' is not easy to break through.

——The positions of the two cannot be exchanged.

But all of this does not mean that the power of the original can't appear in the data room!

Now I have another way.

A dangerous approach.

His tone was hesitant, but he still spoke:


"Patricia, I probably have an idea."

"It's just that it takes an adventure, you and I are together."


"Tell me what to do." Patricia said simply without waiting for Ronald to introduce the dangers of the next action, "I still trust the two of us more than handing my fate to those guys from the Bureau of Investigation. people."

There was no gap in the firmness in the girl's eyes, it was as hard as a piece of forged steel.



Looking at each other's eyes, Ronald said:

"Next, you approach the original scriptures and try your best to increase your greed for the original scriptures."

"If it is successful, I will use this emotion to end the rampage of the original scriptures."

Without any hesitation, Patricia turned her head and walked towards the scripture behind her.

The white-gold back left only one sentence——

"Hurry up."


Looking at the quiet text in front of him, but in fact the power is running wild.

Patricia was full of thoughts.

The magic book that can stir up a thousand waves in the outside world is right in front of you. It is impossible to say that you are not interested.

If you can dedicate this treasure to Her Majesty the Queen.

Whether you or your relatives around you, you will get inexhaustible glory and wealth.

In the past, everything that could only be seen in the distance is no longer just a longing;

If you stay and sell it privately to a certain school.

The benefits born from it are enough to make people dazzled. Using this capital to buy technology to invest in colonial stocks is a good business that can make a steady profit without losing money and benefit for life;

If you stay and hide for research.

With his outstanding ability, he can at least decipher the power of the original scriptures.

And this scripture has the ability to interfere with time and space!

Members of the mysterious side, who wouldn't know what this means?

want to!

Undoubtedly want!

I want to own this magic book in front of me!


Standing closest to the original text, Patricia suddenly felt a little strange.

Changes that are completely impossible to notice without full attention.

It seems that part of the greed that he actively stirred up seems to have leaked into some void and ethereal place.

what is this?

Ronald let himself arouse greed for this?

at this time--

A long voice came from behind Patricia.

She can hear it.

This is the purest magic language!

"This contains the crimes of the entire universe.


Who is pushing these new toils in a lot of hard work?

And put it in front of my eyes?

Why do our sins destroy us?

Like the waves of the great waves in the vortex of Karidi,

collided with the rushing waves,


The soul of the dead dances at high speed here.


Ronald actually mastered a magic language?

And to this extent?

What kind of spell is the spell he chanted at this moment?

Patricia, who was facing the original text, couldn't see behind her.

But instinct told her that this was definitely a high level, at least the strongest spell she had ever seen in Burrenwich.

Just a few seconds after Patricia was confused, a scene that made her incomprehensible appeared in front of Originally, she was 'imprisoned' in the reference room, and she was the only one around.

But for no reason, a black mist suddenly appeared in front of his chest, similar to the black mist that constituted Ronald's 'gloves', but with some differences.

Because it was very close to the original text, the black mist appeared and jumped directly onto the cover of the magic book.

In an instant—

Everything in front of him is spinning, and there is no longer any picture that the brain can understand.

Immediately, everything fell into place.

A human voice suddenly appeared in Patricia's ear:

"You go quickly!"

"Do you want to buy something before getting in the car?"

"Dad, wait for me..."

She stood at the entrance to the platform and returned to the time between the time warps.

Pedestrians hurried past looked as usual, men and women distinguishing which platform they should go to to get on the train.

To Patricia, it seemed that everything before was just a big dream.

At this time, the girl saw a peddler pushing a cart and selling food on the platform of the station.

She didn't need to eat it to know that the bread tasted quite bad.

Standing on the spot, she was stunned, she walked over quickly and threw it to the opponent 2 Depp.


"Miss, what are you giving me the money for?"

In the peddler's puzzled voice, Patricia smiled at him, then walked to the bench on the train platform.

There was a man with wide cuffs sitting there, looking very tired.

"The bread just now, let me invite you."

Standing in front of the bench on the train platform.

The girl said:

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