Mystic Dominator

Chapter 594: suppress

A conversation between Katerina and the wizard.

Ronald could only vaguely speculate on some unreliable possibilities.

What's more, now, he has a more important goal in front of him - to leave the [Infinite Negative Number Field].

She turned her head and gave Katarina a deep look.

Ronald turned his head and jumped into the Well of Judgment.

Due to the interference of Katarina's Complete Technique, even the faint light in the air was completely lost inside the pitch-black mountain. Except for the luminous gas cloud at the target location, the surroundings seemed to be a dark tunnel leading to hell.

At this time, Baproul also jumped down behind Ronald.

The cult warlock didn't have any worries at the moment, and there was even some happiness in his expression that he was about to go home.

"Ronald, it's really right to follow you."

"We can go back!"

Hearing Baproul's voice, Ronald turned his head to look at the other party.

The cult warlock's heartless expression was the same as always, and there was nothing that Ronald wanted to pay attention to.

- but higher up.

Through the circular tunnel of the Well of Judgment, Ronald caught a glimpse of the scene above.

In the dark but bright starry sky, Katarina suppressed the enemy with a furious and violent attack. Just a few seconds after Ronald jumped down, the swift and powerful attack completely dominated the battle.

There is no doubt that Katarina is on her way to victory.

But with the one-sidedness of the battle situation, beyond the starry sky—the original [Infinite Negative Field] sky seemed to be pressing down unconsciously.

It was as if the whole world was about to fall into complete darkness.

"This is……"

At this moment, countless thoughts flashed in Ronald's mind.

However, his descending speed was so fast that Ronald himself slammed into the glowing gas cloud before he spit out a single byte.


A distinct flush.

Although the gas cloud looks like a cloud of mist, it actually feels like jumping into a pool immediately after entering it. The robes Ronald was wearing also quickly attached to his body in this environment.

Soon, the distance fell far beyond the diameter of the gas cloud, but Ronald himself still did not feel out of the gas cloud at all.

At the same time, Ronald was still counting the time in his heart.

At the beginning, in the [Infinite Negative Number Field], the precise time provided by the Bradshaw Railroad Guide jumped ten times at a time, but with this decline, the flow of time finally began to slow down, and it was getting closer and closer to the normal passage of time.

At the same time as time recovers—it should be the moment when you get out of this state.

Ronald came to this conclusion in his mind.

In reality, the flow of time is almost synchronized to the normal elapsed speed of one second.


With a clear sense of detachment, Ronald's vision lit up.

At the moment when he realized that he had returned to normal time, the faithful power of "Rage" issued a warning.

Someone is watching him.

And with undisguised, thick killing intent!

"To shut up!"

Ronald instantly sorted out his current situation and realized what he had encountered.

The order of the [Angel of Dominion] was called out almost subconsciously.

This passage is the breakaway point opened up by the barrier mountain, and it is natural for the wizards with the barrier mountain to be on duty at both ends.

Ronald now barges right in.

Obviously, the guard at the end of the passage of the barrier mountain was alerted!

Things were just as Ronald had guessed.

The three official wizards of Fortress Mountain are guarding here with a few actual elite apprentices at this moment. The most elite wizards followed the artificial gods to the main battlefield, and they were responsible for monitoring the passages here.

For the people of Barrier Mountain, this is not a place that needs to be heavily guarded.

It's like a prisoner who has successfully escaped from a prison, and basically doesn't think about returning to the prison honestly.

People who stay here now.

At best, its role is to guide the follow-up Barrier Mountain wizards.

As for the result... as soon as Ronald spoke, he instantly interrupted the process of chanting an official sorcerer. Under the strong suppression of the holder of the original script, the magic backlash of the failed spellcasting even made the person unable to stand up straight, and the most important combat power was immediately lost by one-third.

At this moment, Ronald finally had time to observe the surrounding environment.

Surrounded by the sea on all sides, the ground below is shattered, and there is almost no normal foothold to bid farewell to civilization.

And for Ronald.

It is also an unfamiliar yet familiar place.

- Island in the typhoon event in Springs.

Ronald is very familiar with the place where he first fought and defeated the artificial gods.

Did not expect after these things.

Barrier Mountain still chose their place of arrival here.


After sorting out his thoughts in his mind, Ronald's movements were not slow at all.

Without hesitation, he drew the sword of Santa Caterina from behind, and he strode towards the other of the three official wizards.

And then... then Ronald nearly fell.

- This is an unfortunate reality.

Departing from the [Infinite Negative Field], the strengthening of a series of spells has also been reduced to varying degrees. So when Ronald stepped his legs with the feeling that he just got used to, he really didn't get used to this change for the first time.

"Leave this to me!"

At this time, Baproul also successfully returned through the gas cloud.

The cult warlock's eyes swept around briefly, aiming at one of the remaining two official wizards and pounced.

"Ah ah ah ah ah--"

The howling sounded instantly.

The experience of [Infinite Negative Number Field] seems to have inspired a hobby in Baproul.

He jumped up and used quite brutal means to end the enemy.

The tragic degree of the picture alone is not acceptable to ordinary people.

Even the wizard on the side of the barrier mountain was stunned and motionless after seeing it, and almost lost the ability to act immediately.


Ronald watched the scene in front of and finally adjusted his current physical condition. A few steps quickly came to the last official wizard, and the pitch-black blade did not need to cover the power of the sun, and in a blink of an eye, it slashed towards the enemy.


A mere official sorcerer of Fortress Mountain, how can he be compared with the enemy that Ronald normally fights against!

The enemy didn't have time to deal with it, and the passive defensive spells were torn to shreds. He was directly defeated by Ronald with a completely suppressed speed, and this neat sword slashed on his body.


In the next second, the spiritual suggestion of the Sword of Santa Caterina took effect.

Whether it is the panicked apprentice wizard, or the enemy trying to escape or attack, at this moment, there is no power left by the saint.

Ronald and Baproul return to the normal world.

In less than five seconds in total.

It was so easy to take down all the left-behind personnel in the barrier mountain!

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