Mystic Dominator

Chapter 585: just right

"The greatest increase in the productivity of labor, and the greater proficiency, skill, and judgment in the use of labor, seem to be the result of the division of labor..."


After confirming Ella's state, Ronald chanted the spell without hesitation.

The purpose of the [Invisible Hand] launch is simple and direct, that is, to cause the greatest damage to Ella, and then use the power of **** to completely subdue her.

But at the moment when the spell successfully took effect.

Ella jumped back suddenly!

In the foggy environment at the moment, Ronald could clearly perceive the opponent's state. Ella was confidently preparing to attack for a moment, but only at this moment, she changed her actions.

It was as if... she suddenly accepted the apocalypse.

Knowing that you must avoid the upcoming attack at this moment!


The crackling sound exploded in front of Ella at almost the same time.

In pursuit of maximum lethality, the "invisible hand" spell with a "very own idea" compresses the air in this position at this moment, and then makes it explode directly.

Although Ella has a strong physique now, her respiratory system is still a normal system for exchanging air. If the destructiveness of this momentary compression and then release of the air can explode on her.

So theoretically it can definitely cause a lot of damage.

It's a pity that Ella's ghostly action allowed her to successfully avoid this injury.


"Are you playing some tricks?"

Immediately, Ella, who was out of danger, snorted coldly.

The mouth is full of sarcasm.

It's a pity that Ronald didn't pay attention to this guy's thoughts. He was also not annoyed by the failure of the spell attack. When the distance between the two was widened again, the action of switching the original text and chanting and casting spells came immediately.

"From the relationship of the whole earth to the sky will begin to constitute our cognition..."

The spell activated this time is the [Solar Eclipse] in "The Great Compendium of Astronomy".

When the time to cast this spell is during the day, its effect is to suppress the enemy's ability to perceive the surroundings.

Through the weird dodging movement of Ella just now.

Ronald can also guess that the other party has some kind of unique reconnaissance ability, and this is the opportunity for [Solar Eclipse] to play a role.

Ella's movements froze again.

Because of the black mist surrounding her, she was unaware of the pitch-dark environment brought about by the [solar eclipse], but in her, the fact that her insight dropped instantly was happening—there is no doubt about it.

Immediately, on Ella's head twisted like a monster.

A distorted expression in which human aesthetics cannot distinguish attitudes.

"It's rare to have this ability, but it's a pity that it's too late to use it now!"


Faced with Ella's clamor, Ronald almost laughed out loud.

The reason is nothing else.

It's just because after discovering that he suppressed her perception, this Senator Wizard of Barrier Mountain actually developed an extremely strong greed for the original code held by Ronald!

Isn't that just a coincidence?

It perfectly meets the requirements of the "greed" spell!

Ronald was still thinking about how to strengthen his attack a second ago, and then broke the hard shell on Ella's body. As a result, this guy actually sent the opportunity into his hands.

He almost smiled and distanced himself from the enemy.

Ronald also impatiently read out the poems of "The Divine Comedy":

"We descended to the fourth gloomy pit,

Continue on the steep slopes of hell,

Here, the crimes of the entire universe are contained! "

The stone ball revealed by 'greed' still appears so abruptly, and thanks to the blessing of the [Infinite Negative Number Domain] for the spell, it even increased its size by more than twenty times!

ka ka ka-

A series of dense sounds appeared around, and the prison originally constructed by magic was instantly broken by the huge stone ball!

And Ella, who was trying to escape the attack, was knocked to the ground by the stone ball after running two meters in the nick of time, and then ran over fiercely.

At this moment, the light from the outside lit up in Ronald's eyes again.

Through the perception brought by the black mist spreading around him, he also confirmed the victory he just won.

The mighty Ella.

In this way, a person has become a puddle of meat.

In the battle, Ella did not form any resistance to this attack at all, and under the highly targeted crushing, she lost her fighting ability instantly.

However, the powerful vitality is still in play.

Even though it has been crushed into a puddle, the vitality in Ella's body is still undiminished.

Ronald could even feel the opponent's body reorganizing.

If nothing unexpected happens.

In about 30 seconds, this guy should be able to restore his normal body structure, and the resistance to crushing will probably also appear at that time.


"I will never let you go!"

At this moment, the anger and mourning that fit the situation came from Ella.

In order to vent his anger, the wizard of Fortress Mountain first restored his vocal organs, and in a hurry, he did not forget to shout at Ronald first.


what to say...

Ronald could understand Ella's confidence in her own spells.

But thirty seconds was the decisive factor in the battle, not to mention that Ronald broke through the opponent's defensive shell.


Ronald let out a long sigh of relief, then walked slowly towards Ella.

Although he was not seriously injured in the few fights just now, there is no doubt about the power of the wizard Ella.

If you can't find a one-hit kill opportunity.

I'm afraid it would be difficult for anyone to deal with such an enemy.

With some emotion and some disappointment, Ronald stood in front of Ella and said:

"Finally... is there anything you want to say?"

"Huh?" Ella was still repairing her body at the moment, and when she heard Ronald's tone as if asking about the prisoner's execution, she pushed back without hesitation, "What? If you have any means, take it out as soon as possible, and then But there is no chance!"


"Goodbye then—no, goodbye."

Seeing Ella's reaction, Ronald waved his hand calmly, and the dark fog of **** that had been prepared around him suddenly rushed over the wizard. UU Reading

The body collapsed, the magic power collapsed.

With Ella's only powerful vitality at the moment, it is completely unable to stop the erosion of **** fog.

Just for a moment.

The mighty wizard was completely lost under the power of hell.

It is no different from those who have been subdued by this trick.


Standing in front of Ella, who was no longer moving, Ronald turned his head and looked around at this moment.

Baprol's figure disappeared completely.

At a farther position, Katerina's powerful magic fluctuations raged on the ground, and the enemy over there was killed by Katerina on the spot, which was almost a predictable fact.

So, Ronald's eyes moved to Ella, who was a pool of rotten flesh.

"Now... is it time to extract the original text?"

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