Mystic Dominator

Chapter 574: definitely the strongest

, the fastest update to the latest chapter of the mysterious ruler!


Ronald was wrapped in tentacles and flew in the air for a few minutes.

Katerina, who was in the same situation on the other side, suddenly moved.

Strong magical fluctuations appeared on her body, and then the flight of the tentacles stopped suddenly, and invisible force grabbed them and dragged them to the ground.

When they came to the ground, the three of them each had their own landing method.

After standing firm, I came to a place, and Katerina took the initiative to explain without anyone else asking:

"I predicted it with magic, and this is the most suitable landing position."

"A little further, or a little closer, will make the trouble bigger."

Although it was the first official meeting, Baproul had no intention of meeting outsiders at all. He followed Katerina's explanation and continued to ask:

"It's okay for us to continue running for a while now, isn't there a place where it's completely trouble-free?"


"It's a good idea, but unfortunately this kind of place doesn't exist."

Katerina raised her eyebrows, then turned her head and gave Ronald a smile:

"As a great wizard who holds the original tome, it is quite a rare trait to always think about running away."

"Probably a professional habit..."

Ronald shrugged.

In the battle just now, Baproul's decisiveness in choosing to escape was indeed superhuman speed. While he was still thinking about how to fight, the cult warlock had already completed the actual escape action.

And in fact.

This is indeed the most reasonable choice just now.

Although Katerina can be defeated by many enemies, it is an indisputable fact that she is held back by many great wizards; Ronald will not be defeated immediately, but it is also inevitable to be suppressed by artificial gods; as for Baproul himself, The trouble of being huge makes it difficult for him to do certain behaviors.

And choose to leave?

Whether wizards or artificial gods, they must consider the civil war in Fortress Mountain, and no one would choose to pursue Ronald and the three at this time.

Probably thanks to the experience accumulated in the fugitive career as a cult warlock.

Baprol's choice was indeed correct.

"Hey hey, wait a moment."

Feeling the reactions of Ronald and Katarina, the cult warlock also smiled, and then a special magic wave surged in his hands.

In just a few seconds, three masks with materials infinitely similar to human skin appeared in Baproul's hands. He handed them to the other two and explained:

"Come on, just take it with you."

"Let's change your appearance first."

Ronald was not surprised by this, and the moment Katerina took it, her expression changed:

"You... it seems that you don't only have the ability to change your appearance?"

Paprol nodded, and said in a tone like sending a mobile phone to a phone bill:

"This thing can isolate the detection of prophecy spells after you bring it. It is very suitable for us to use now."


"I probably know what type of comrade you are."

After a few seconds of silence, Katarina gave Ronald a subtle smile.

Then she put on the mask simply, and the originally beautiful and aggressive face immediately turned into an ordinary passerby.

On the other hand, Ronald and Baproul are in a similar situation.

Putting on their masks, they all turned into completely different looks from before.

At this moment, Baprole looked at Katarina, focusing on the eye-catching long red hair of the other party.

He immediately took out a bottle of potion quite thoughtfully:

"Do you want to dye your hair, just pour it up?"


Katarina took the potion and shook her red hair as she shook her head.

Then she quickly waved her arm back, and her long hair was cut into shoulder-length short hair. Then the potion was poured, and the color of the hair changed from bright red to black without a trace of impurities.

Seeing Katerina changing her appearance so decisively, Baprole turned to look at Ronald:

"So...what shall we do next?"


In the face of such an emergency right now, it would only be a not-so-comprehensive plan for Ronald to come up with immediate countermeasures.

So he simply thought about it and said the information he had.

It is better for three people to analyze the situation together than to figure it out alone.

"First of all, the unification of the barrier mountain is definitely unstoppable now. I felt the state of the artificial **** when we fought just now, and it will continue to become stronger as time goes on, and the probability of winning with a frontal attack is very small... "

After Ronald finished talking about the information he had, Katerina also added what she knew about the reality:

"I made a prediction before that neutral people such as Astronomy and Prediction have successfully escaped. However, given the identities of the two of you, I think it's better not to have contact with these people."

"And even if the Bulwark Mountain was severely damaged after this battle, their move to integrate the forces was absolutely successful. If we want to attack again, what we have to consider is to face the false **** and the double-digit level again. Great wizard."

Katerina's analysis aroused Baproul's curiosity. So looking at the black-haired girl in front of him, the cult warlock asked without thinking:

"Ma'am, I still don't know what your strength is?"

"I saw your battle on the mountainside just now. I always feel that you still have a hand?"

Katerina smiled and answered Baproul's question in a declarative tone:

"I must be the strongest wizard in Barrier Mountain."

"One-on-one duel, there is absolutely no difficulty in dealing with the two of you, and it can be on a par with that pseudo-god. That's about it."


Fortunately, this is not because of this kind of dialogue, it can be divided into an outrageous team of life and death.

After Katerina came to such a strong conclusion, Ronald did not refute anything, while Baprole nodded happily:

"Okay, I like this kind of powerful companion the most!"

Then Baprol turned his head to look at Ronald:

"So what are we going to do?"

Ronald spread his hands, and his eyes for help returned to Katarina, who claimed to be the strongest in the arena:

"You're a local, any news that can help?"


The corners of Katarina's mouth twitched but she suppressed her expression, and then made a prediction again based on the news she just got:

"His name was Gail Donick, and he was just a country boy who had never been to Trantor before. Or should I say, he hadn't really been..."

The spell ended slowly, and Katarina opened her eyes again:

"Then until the day the seal is broken."

"If we don't go to Fortress Mountain, then we need to deal with two groups of chasing troops."

Ronald didn't care about the so-called pursuit, but asked Katerina about the content of the first sentence:

"What do you mean... the seal will definitely be broken?"

Katerina nodded and replied:

"I'm pretty sure."

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